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The Wii U has no chance -_-

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#41 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:54 AM

First of all, I do not like anyone that compares anything about Wii U to the so-called "next-gen" systems from Microsoft and Sony. They are still at least two years away, and we know literally nothing about them. For all we know, MS and/or Sony might decide to be smart and not overload their next systems with unnecessary power that will ultimately drive up the cost.

But yes, this has been confirmed by Iwata: http://www.neogaf.co...095&postcount=1
However, I do not see how a GPGPU is a bad thing. I've never even heard of it before today.

Salutations! I just wanted to inform the author of this thread that Satoru Iwata stated in the Japanese briefing of the simulcast that the RAM is 2GB (1GB for the OS, 1GB for the memory) and the wattage for the system is 75 watts. He also made mention of the GPGPU that's been used for years in PC's, so... I think you need to take and deep breath and just let time reveal how third parties will take advantage of this new system.

Oh and here's the source: http://wiiudaily.com...ory-75-w-power/

GPGPU is a function that's been used on GPUs and in many cases taken granted for over the past years. It offloads processing from the CPU to the GPU it's used in high processing centric areas like video rendering, Computer aided design and medical purposes.

Not saying the Wii U will do those things, but it's just saying that this GPU supports GPGPU (if anyone's used Cuda, OpenCl, Intel Quick sync or AMD APP) which is possible even on consumer level GPUs in laptops.

#42 Socalmuscle


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:11 AM

And then their is rouge squadron 3 which made the launch game look like a terd....

Particularly since it had the ENTIRE launch game playable in split screen, with improved graphics, and all the conspicuously missing effects from the original rouge squadron fixed.

Whelp, there goes another excuse.

Wow. totally forgot about 3. That game actually looks pretty good by today's standards, so long as you don't look too closely.

Launch games are tough to nail down because your dev kits are constantly evolving. And I don't know any other company that likes to mess with specs as much as Nintendo throughout the evolution from concept to final hardware. It's annoying. But it also explains some things.

Indeed, it's amazing that some are actively trying to camoflage hate for the Wii U and use flawed arguments to do so. I think some folks can do with a broken record repair kit. Every post, you already know what they'll say.

"I really like the wii U, but it is lame and dookey. but it will still sell well because people are sheep and will buy the Nintendo logo, not really a great system... blah blah, drool, slobber..."

Let's get real here. Nintendo is a great company that has a history of making great hardware and software accessible to the mass market in an appealing way. They had a rough run after less than expected sales of both the N64 and GCN, so they got clever with the Wii. It dominated. But it also had a shorter lifespan than its peers. Now, Nintendo doesn't have to take shortcuts and fake people out. They have the best of both worlds - innovation and power, casual and hardcore.

There is much to like from the system in a power perspective and an innovation perspective.
And it's all tied together in a nice, polished, effective package. Developers are noticing and it seems to be changing long held prejudicial perspectives at a rapid pace. Some folks have a hard time with change. It's hard to like something when you have hated on it for a while (perhaps legitimately), but then things change and those grievances are no longer viable. So it's time to change perspectives. That was Nintendo's goal in creating their new console that is both powerful and innovative, allowing them to recapture the "hardcore" market while also retaining their "family" and casual markets. And they have accomplished much of it already. There is still some to go, but there is plenty of time.

#43 Dragon



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:29 AM

There was no announcement on the actual specification of the wii u regarding gpu and cpu except that the gpu can assist the cpu. We are still none the wiser. The only thing there is to base the performance on is the graphics they showed of the games featured. To me the graphics looked current gen at best and more primitive in places but then you can't really judge fairly at this point but I must admit I'm not impressed with Nintendo's denying us a proper specification for the console and feel its highly likely they are doing so because the figures are poor.

Orrrrr.... Just or.... they don't ever release detailed specs of their devices? Last I checked, they didn't do it with the Wii or Gamecube. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Edited by DR4G0NB0RN, 14 September 2012 - 10:29 AM.

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#44 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:52 AM

This thread has become headache inducing
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Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky

#45 Socalmuscle


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:07 AM

Orrrrr.... Just or.... they don't ever release detailed specs of their devices? Last I checked, they didn't do it with the Wii or Gamecube. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

They are more protective now. They like to keep secrets for a variety of reasons. One is to not allow competitors to be privy to their R&D choices, therefore making it easier for competition to simply "one up." they also corporately feel that talking specs is counterproductive to talking games. I don't agree, but it has been that way ever since Iwata took over. He is a really cool guy though. Everyone likes him. and he knows his stuff. As a former developer himself, he appreciates horsepower as much as anyone. Nintendo basically HAD to do the Wii like it did. With the Wii U, they could do whatever they wanted. They chose a very powerful, very next gen, but not necessarily "nuclear" specification for the U. Probably pushing the envelope of what they feel is "wise." Rather than argue specs, Nintendo will argue games and let the actual products speak for themselves. Likely, the next systems from other companies will be hard pressed to distinguish themselves in the games arena.

In the GCN era, Nintendo worked with an unknown company called ArtX that was developing amazing graphics tech. The eventual GPU that resulted had less transistors than the Xbox GPU, but the GPUs both performed very similarly in the end result, sometimes the GCN graphics were even clearly superior. but all people could talk about was transistor count. People didn't understand specs. they only understood big number vs. little number. that's why Intel, IBM etc. don't market by ghx ratings anymore. People by and large didn't "get" why a Core CPU was "slower" than a P4. What they didn't realize was that the Core was doing so much more than the P4 per cycle that it blew it out of the water, but once you start having to explain things, you lose marketing momentum. That's what Nintendo knows and that's why they shy from it. ArtX ended up impressing everyone with their GCN work. So much so that ATI (now AMD) flat out bought them. and the 1TSRAM bit was genius. It allowed the GCN to compete with and sometimes beat the XBOX while costing FAR less and using less transistors to do so.

Take a V12 engine and it will be fast. Take a V8 engine, twin turbo charge it, and it will be faster while also being cheaper and getting better gas mileage.

The Wii U hardware is impressive. The P7 architecture, the EDRAM, the highly programmable GPU, the RAM in tandem with the amount of data on a Blu-Ray tech drive, etc... It is a machine built to simply handle business.

Sony and MS HAVE to have more cores with their X86 CPUs to keep up. They will also need more RAM to work with a less efficient architecture. If they don't, they will have to seriously custom fab their tech so much that the cost will skyrocket. And this is just to keep up. Both companies know they will have to outpower the Wii U to be relevent since Nintendo is signing developers left and right and then have their own world class games to compete with.

Their hype will be things like number of cores, ghz ratings, ram amount, things like that. Nintendo by the numbers will look like less than (just like the Gamecube did), but the actual games - not so much. That is why they don't play that game. they can simply point at their games and say "where is the difference?" or "are you really going to pay $200 more for such a small discrepancy?"

If you are a Nintendo fan, it is a good time to be one. Things don't always work out like this for a games console maker.

#46 Nintendustin


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:25 AM

Spelling and grammar seems to be nonexistent in this thread.

#47 Death Inspired

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:34 AM

They are more protective now. They like to keep secrets for a variety of reasons. One is to not allow competitors to be privy to their R&D choices, therefore making it easier for competition to simply "one up." they also corporately feel that talking specs is counterproductive to talking games. I don't agree, but it has been that way ever since Iwata took over. He is a really cool guy though. Everyone likes him. and he knows his stuff. As a former developer himself, he appreciates horsepower as much as anyone. Nintendo basically HAD to do the Wii like it did. With the Wii U, they could do whatever they wanted. They chose a very powerful, very next gen, but not necessarily "nuclear" specification for the U. Probably pushing the envelope of what they feel is "wise." Rather than argue specs, Nintendo will argue games and let the actual products speak for themselves. Likely, the next systems from other companies will be hard pressed to distinguish themselves in the games arena.

In the GCN era, Nintendo worked with an unknown company called ArtX that was developing amazing graphics tech. The eventual GPU that resulted had less transistors than the Xbox GPU, but the GPUs both performed very similarly in the end result, sometimes the GCN graphics were even clearly superior. but all people could talk about was transistor count. People didn't understand specs. they only understood big number vs. little number. that's why Intel, IBM etc. don't market by ghx ratings anymore. People by and large didn't "get" why a Core CPU was "slower" than a P4. What they didn't realize was that the Core was doing so much more than the P4 per cycle that it blew it out of the water, but once you start having to explain things, you lose marketing momentum. That's what Nintendo knows and that's why they shy from it. ArtX ended up impressing everyone with their GCN work. So much so that ATI (now AMD) flat out bought them. and the 1TSRAM bit was genius. It allowed the GCN to compete with and sometimes beat the XBOX while costing FAR less and using less transistors to do so.

Take a V12 engine and it will be fast. Take a V8 engine, twin turbo charge it, and it will be faster while also being cheaper and getting better gas mileage.

The Wii U hardware is impressive. The P7 architecture, the EDRAM, the highly programmable GPU, the RAM in tandem with the amount of data on a Blu-Ray tech drive, etc... It is a machine built to simply handle business.

Sony and MS HAVE to have more cores with their X86 CPUs to keep up. They will also need more RAM to work with a less efficient architecture. If they don't, they will have to seriously custom fab their tech so much that the cost will skyrocket. And this is just to keep up. Both companies know they will have to outpower the Wii U to be relevent since Nintendo is signing developers left and right and then have their own world class games to compete with.

Their hype will be things like number of cores, ghz ratings, ram amount, things like that. Nintendo by the numbers will look like less than (just like the Gamecube did), but the actual games - not so much. That is why they don't play that game. they can simply point at their games and say "where is the difference?" or "are you really going to pay $200 more for such a small discrepancy?"

If you are a Nintendo fan, it is a good time to be one. Things don't always work out like this for a games console maker.

I'm frankly speaking a total noob at specs, but I really think what you said there sunk into my little head AND actually processed through. The rest of the thread was as Tricky said, "...headache inducing"

#48 giggity3000


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 02:48 PM

*Reads* Dont care
dont care
dont care

dont care

not reading all that
dont care

dont care

All I want to know.
GpGpu vs Ps360 how much more powerful is it?


#49 Noonabites


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:15 PM

Spelling and grammar seems to be nonexistent in this thread.

As an English teacher, this must be difficult to handle.

#50 Nintendustin


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:18 PM

As an English teacher, this must be difficult to handle.

I can handle it. I just hate the lack of punctuation, you know?

#51 3Dude



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:19 PM

*Reads* Dont care
dont care
dont care

dont care

not reading all that
dont care

dont care

All I want to know.
GpGpu vs Ps360 how much more powerful is it?

Doesn't work like that.

However, if you want to compare the gpus of the 360ps3 to the wii u gpgpu from what little leaked info we have.

Wii u gpgpu has around 500-600 Gflops (realworld performance) While the xenos got 240 Gflops on paper (single precision floating point assumimg nothing ever goes wrong like a branch prediction was missed and everything comes to a screeching halt for a horrendus 500 cycle penalty) but couldnt hope to ever get remotely close to it in real world performance.



#52 Coreykun667



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Posted 16 September 2012 - 01:34 AM

Wish people would just stop bashing the Wii U. Nintendo's got this. Now as for the haters, you get this:

Posted Image

The Joestars always have a strategy. And that is to...
RUN AWAY joestar-run.gif

#53 RGKID144



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Posted 16 September 2012 - 05:24 AM

Wish people would just stop bashing the Wii U. Nintendo's got this. Now as for the haters, you get this:

Posted Image

This lol.

I got chills when I saw the first hd Mario trailer ever. On top of that, I can finally revert back to Nintendo, and not have to use a freakin numbchuck and get out of my seat and move around. I can sit right in my comfy chair, use my pro controller, and play all the classic nintendos like Mario Zelda etc in hd, and love every second of it.

#54 Noonabites


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:29 PM

Wish people would just stop bashing the Wii U. Nintendo's got this. Now as for the haters, you get this:

Posted Image

lol, This made me laugh..

Healthy debating is great. Nonsensical fanboy arguing... bad.

#55 nfzeta007


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:55 PM

Take a V12 engine and it will be fast. Take a V8 engine, twin turbo charge it, and it will be faster while also being cheaper and getting better gas mileage.

Basically agree with everything you said, just when i saw this I immediately thought of the GTR, which is basically the sort of thing Nintendo seems to be going for with the Wii U, cheap but efficient hardware and we can see from the GTR how that can work out.

Edited by nfzeta007, 16 September 2012 - 12:55 PM.

#56 SuperHallenChao



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 02:21 AM

I know this will get locked because i bumped an old thread but i can't keep this to myself. I thought i let everyone know that the Topic Creator is not actually a Nintendo Fan....




so i just learned the Wii-u Forum isn't the only Nintendo related board he hangs around in




Also he supports mariotehplumber possibly because of him sharing his hate towards Modern Sonic Titles.... But no reason i could think of why he be hanging around Nintendo Forums.

#57 Plutonas



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 03:32 AM

hahahaha...  I just started to post also in sega forums... as ploutonas... Because people enter and they false acuse wii U...for everything... paid employees?

Edited by Plutonas, 12 April 2013 - 03:32 AM.

#58 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 12:40 PM

The Original Poster has no chance of getting a life ;)

#59 Chrop



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 12:48 PM

Ohh its less powerful then the next gen? Don't care, i bought the Wii U first/second party games. 3rd party games are just a extra bonus.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#60 Julio93


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 01:06 PM

You know Nintendo has been in the game industry for a very long time because of their exclusives right? The Wii is very underpowered  compared to PS3 & 360 but Mario Galaxy won alot of awards and sold millions because of it, it even beat the top games like Mass Effect & Bioshock in that time.


When the next Mario, Zelda and 'X' come out, do you think it still has a chance? Yes it does.

Edited by Julio93, 12 April 2013 - 01:09 PM.



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