"Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalent Graphics"
Posted 25 September 2012 - 10:32 PM
Posted 26 September 2012 - 04:28 AM
Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:27 AM
The wii u is clearly superior than current gen for games with low cpu requirements like a kart racing game. It should be capable of easily outperforming ps3/360. 2D games again should be easily superior with the wii u's fast 32MB of embedded memory making 1080p support much, much easier. Games that have high cpu requirements like something like Skyrim or Fallout 3 may end up being inferior at first and possibly inferior than 360/PS3 throughout the wii u's lifespan we just don't know. Many games including fps games don't require huge cpu resources. The sort of virtual world games like GTA, Skyrim, Fallout 3 etc do push consoles to the max with regard the cpu. As it stands I feel the wii u is more likely to be weak in this area going by the leaked information.
Wii u has a much better CPU. Those games, while pushing the limits of ps3/360, are not going to challenge the wii u when the code is properly written for the new hardware.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:54 AM
I'll wait for Nintendo or a credible youtube video of someone literally opening a Wii U and breaking down the specs.
This is what rumors do to you poor ladies and gents.
Edited by dagwood dang, 26 September 2012 - 07:56 AM.
- Tre and Wonder Blue like this
Posted 26 September 2012 - 09:17 AM
The wii u is clearly superior than current gen for games with low cpu requirements like a kart racing game. It should be capable of easily outperforming ps3/360. 2D games again should be easily superior with the wii u's fast 32MB of embedded memory making 1080p support much, much easier. Games that have high cpu requirements like something like Skyrim or Fallout 3 may end up being inferior at first and possibly inferior than 360/PS3 throughout the wii u's lifespan we just don't know. Many games including fps games don't require huge cpu resources. The sort of virtual world games like GTA, Skyrim, Fallout 3 etc do push consoles to the max with regard the cpu. As it stands I feel the wii u is more likely to be weak in this area going by the leaked information.
Its funny, because cell/xenon being a narrow, deep pipelined, in order execution processor with garbage branch prediction means it sucks horribly at all the tasks you are talking about.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 10:04 AM
I'm looking for an exact quote or something to back that up.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 10:23 AM
I don't believe the CPU is a Power7, IBM stated that the CPU uses some of the technology from Power7 i.e. edram.
I'm looking for an exact quote or something to back that up.
I don't believe the CPU is a Power7, IBM stated that the CPU uses some of the technology from Power7 i.e. edram.
I'm looking for an exact quote or something to back that up.
IBM didnt say power 7 as in the power 7 watson super computer package, a monstrous 562mm squared processor.
They said the p7 processor core. The arrangement of the actual processor itself can be anything.
And its important to notecthe difference between normal edram and the special edram technology ibm is talking about.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 10:42 AM
IBM didnt say power 7 as in the power 7 watson super computer package, a monstrous 562mm squared processor.
They said the p7 processor core. The arrangement of the actual processor itself can be anything.
And its important to notecthe difference between normal edram and the special edram technology ibm is talking about.
Okay thanks for the clarification on that.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 08:46 PM
- Auzzie Wingman and Arkhandar like this

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 09:19 AM
The wii u is clearly superior than current gen
Posted 28 September 2012 - 02:29 AM
Overall superior though we don't know exactly the cpu performance and its still possibly below current gen slightly. If its clocked at lets say 1.6ghz and has one new core using new architecture (power 7) and 2 support cores using architecture similar to wii to allow one to be used for wii mode then it could be slightly below.
There has been reports that wii u games have been effected by lower cpu performance like the lack of a physics engine in madden, no particle effects in assasin creed, some missing features in fifa, lower number of characters on screen for another japanese game I've forgotten the name of plus numerous leaks the wii u may be a bit weak in cpu performance. That said the ps2, gamecube and xbox co-existed sharing multiformat titles and the ps2 mips cpu core was poor. Castle wolfenstein took 2 weeks to get working on xbox and something like 6 or 9 months to get working on ps2 but they did get it working at a good speed. Even if the wii u has a slightly underperforming cpu, optimisations can be made to solve such issues. The wii u gpu may take away some cpu tasks to compensate which early games won't make use of. I think the biggest problem the wii u will have is getting good multiformat conversions due to apathy from Publishers. EA releasing the Mass Effect Trilogy just as wii u gets just Mass Effect 3 is case in point. Clearly this is hugely damaging to wii u and the resulting low sales of the wii u version may be used as justification not to publish on wii u. Why couldn't the wii u have had the Mass Effect Trilogy? It would have easily all fitted on one wii u disc and would have been a great launch title for wii u.
As an owner of multiple consoles I don't care too much, as long as I get Nintendo developed games like mario kart, mario and zelda etc I will be happy and it will justify the purchase of my wii u. Gaming is still incredibly cheap for the amount of entertainment it provides.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 03:27 AM
Overall superior though we don't know exactly the cpu performance and its still possibly below current gen slightly. If its clocked at lets say 1.6ghz and has one new core using new architecture (power 7) and 2 support cores using architecture similar to wii to allow one to be used for wii mode then it could be slightly below.
There has been reports that wii u games have been effected by lower cpu performance like the lack of a physics engine in madden, no particle effects in assasin creed, some missing features in fifa, lower number of characters on screen for another japanese game I've forgotten the name of plus numerous leaks the wii u may be a bit weak in cpu performance. That said the ps2, gamecube and xbox co-existed sharing multiformat titles and the ps2 mips cpu core was poor. Castle wolfenstein took 2 weeks to get working on xbox and something like 6 or 9 months to get working on ps2 but they did get it working at a good speed. Even if the wii u has a slightly underperforming cpu, optimisations can be made to solve such issues. The wii u gpu may take away some cpu tasks to compensate which early games won't make use of. I think the biggest problem the wii u will have is getting good multiformat conversions due to apathy from Publishers. EA releasing the Mass Effect Trilogy just as wii u gets just Mass Effect 3 is case in point. Clearly this is hugely damaging to wii u and the resulting low sales of the wii u version may be used as justification not to publish on wii u. Why couldn't the wii u have had the Mass Effect Trilogy? It would have easily all fitted on one wii u disc and would have been a great launch title for wii u.
As an owner of multiple consoles I don't care too much, as long as I get Nintendo developed games like mario kart, mario and zelda etc I will be happy and it will justify the purchase of my wii u. Gaming is still incredibly cheap for the amount of entertainment it provides.
There are also confirmations of wii u games having cpu demanding tasks that the 360/ps3 games didnt have.
Like how ninja gaidens limb removal physics were removed from ng3 on ps3/360 but are in on the wii version.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 04:15 AM
There are also confirmations of wii u games having cpu demanding tasks that the 360/ps3 games didnt have.
Like how ninja gaidens limb removal physics were removed from ng3 on ps3/360 but are in on the wii u version.
Removed from those versions?! It's not often you hear a story like that.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 08:06 AM
And where did you hear this from good sur?There are also confirmations of wii u games having cpu demanding tasks that the 360/ps3 games didnt have.
Like how ninja gaidens limb removal physics were removed from ng3 on ps3/360 but are in on the wii version.

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 10:46 AM
Overall superior though we don't know exactly the cpu performance and its still possibly below current gen slightly. If its clocked at lets say 1.6ghz and has one new core using new architecture (power 7) and 2 support cores using architecture similar to wii to allow one to be used for wii mode then it could be slightly below.
There has been reports that wii u games have been effected by lower cpu performance like the lack of a physics engine in madden, no particle effects in assasin creed, some missing features in fifa, lower number of characters on screen for another japanese game I've forgotten the name of plus numerous leaks the wii u may be a bit weak in cpu performance. That said the ps2, gamecube and xbox co-existed sharing multiformat titles and the ps2 mips cpu core was poor. Castle wolfenstein took 2 weeks to get working on xbox and something like 6 or 9 months to get working on ps2 but they did get it working at a good speed. Even if the wii u has a slightly underperforming cpu, optimisations can be made to solve such issues. The wii u gpu may take away some cpu tasks to compensate which early games won't make use of. I think the biggest problem the wii u will have is getting good multiformat conversions due to apathy from Publishers. EA releasing the Mass Effect Trilogy just as wii u gets just Mass Effect 3 is case in point. Clearly this is hugely damaging to wii u and the resulting low sales of the wii u version may be used as justification not to publish on wii u. Why couldn't the wii u have had the Mass Effect Trilogy? It would have easily all fitted on one wii u disc and would have been a great launch title for wii u.
As an owner of multiple consoles I don't care too much, as long as I get Nintendo developed games like mario kart, mario and zelda etc I will be happy and it will justify the purchase of my wii u. Gaming is still incredibly cheap for the amount of entertainment it provides.
You do realize that all of the examples you gave of a supposedly "weak" CPU were actually addressed by the developers of those games as not having enough time with the new console archtiecture. Period. Not that the Power7 derived CPU cannot handle it. that is a laugh out loud kind of joke.
There is nothing "hugely damaging" to the Wii U, which isn't even out.
People forget the Xbox 360 launch, with the xbox quality games, the Madden game that was missing features as well for that new system. And your comment about the Xbox running a PC game in two weeks is a bit revealing considering the xbox 1 was a low end PC in a box. Celeron CPU and all. OF COURSE it will take a while to get i a PC game running on the PS2 processor (as opposed to the XBOX PC-in-a-box with an x on it to make it "not a pc"), which actually WAS also weaker than the Xbox and GCN CPUs, not to mention the GPU disparity. but that would be too logical.
But speculation about the CPU being weak, etc. is more than a bit reaching, despite any professed "love" of the Wii U. Amazing how much traction Eurogamer gets... Also amazing is how certian folks latch onto the stupidest "spec leaks" imaginable (always being the "weak" specs too...) and then dismiss the only one to have gotten the majority of its details right, (the Ubi leak) simply because the specs were actually great. LOL. it just never ends.
btw, having a gpgpu is a plus and something to be excited about - not an indicator of a weak cpu. it only makes the system better, not a crutch to help some handicapped part. LOL. But it does make things that would tax even a high end PC very "consumelectronicsish" (my own edgar allen poe style word creation. Not as great as "phantasmagoric," but I digress...) in terms of reliably and repeatedly doing things like TVii moments that would start to hog memory and processing cycles on a typical PC setup which would cause slowdown, stuttering, and crashes. Not so with Wii U.
Edited by Socalmuscle, 28 September 2012 - 02:12 PM.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 02:59 PM
And where did you hear this from good sur?
Team ninja and every single preview of ng3 wii u.
'Razor's Edge will bring back the popular
limb dismemberment feature from Ninja Gaiden II, which was sorely missed
from the threequal when it hit 360 and PS3 earlier in the year.'
'The Wii U version will also include six brand new weapon types and three new
blends of Ninpo, which you can use to mother dogslap new enemy types in new
battle areas. It's got new stuff, we think is the gist of the press release. There's
also a brand-spanking new character/weapon progression system.'
Clearly, the only reason for this is because the 360/ps3 simply couldnt handle all these features.because.of their weak aged hardware.
'Faster, More Intense Battles – Improved enemy AI, the return of
dismemberment, as well as new enemy types and battle areas have been added
for greater variety in battles and increased replay value.'
Yup, 360/ps3 couldnt have the improved ai because they arent powerful enough, their cpu's are too weak and in order.
Edited by 3Dude, 28 September 2012 - 03:02 PM.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 05:47 PM
No. They took them out because they didn't want to have them in the game. After the massive backlash the original version got, they decided to add these features to the Wii U version to make it better.Team ninja and every single preview of ng3 wii u.
'Razor's Edge will bring back the popular
limb dismemberment feature from Ninja Gaiden II, which was sorely missed
from the threequal when it hit 360 and PS3 earlier in the year.'
'The Wii U version will also include six brand new weapon types and three new
blends of Ninpo, which you can use to mother dogslap new enemy types in new
battle areas. It's got new stuff, we think is the gist of the press release. There's
also a brand-spanking new character/weapon progression system.'
Clearly, the only reason for this is because the 360/ps3 simply couldnt handle all these features.because.of their weak aged hardware.
'Faster, More Intense Battles – Improved enemy AI, the return of
dismemberment, as well as new enemy types and battle areas have been added
for greater variety in battles and increased replay value.'
Yup, 360/ps3 couldnt have the improved ai because they arent powerful enough, their cpu's are too weak and in order.
Edited by NegaScott128, 28 September 2012 - 05:49 PM.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 06:49 PM
No. They took them out because they didn't want to have them in the game. After the massive backlash the original version got, they decided to add these features to the Wii U version to make it better.
Actually it would make less sense to put those features into the wii u game if there was a backlash on other systems. So that logic is flawed.
Current systems will be getting a game that taxes them. There simply isn't enough overhead available in the lower tech systems. Meanwhile, the wii u has an abundance of power in its high tech architecture which allows them to add many extra features into a game that is basically a port from code optimized for 360/ps3.
They wouldn't artificially limit the systems the game is made for. Normally it would be the port that suffers. In this case though, the original hardware targets couldn't handle the scope of what they wanted to do. So the only did it on the system that can easily handle it.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 07:19 PM
Posted 28 September 2012 - 11:40 PM
Why would it make less sense? It makes perfect sense. If you have almost a year to release a new version of a game on new hardware, WHY WOULDN'T you make it better?
Because you wouldn't artificially limit the others, thereby turning off potential customers who acre beholden to this platforms.
Team ninja knows the ps3 and 360 exceedingly well. They know what to do to extract the best performance in the case of the ps3, theyve found it cant diisplay the same amount of polygons as the 360. a great disparity actually. Now theyve hit the wall with both. The new game enhancement plus the addition of aforementioned features is too much for current hardware to reliably and smoothly run the game.
Meanwhile the wii u can.
Reason: power.
Edited by Socalmuscle, 28 September 2012 - 11:43 PM.
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