Yeah well, that's true.
I demand from developers that, within a year of release, they show graphics similar/on the same level of the Zelda techdemo. That demo was made in a hurry, so developers can surely take their time and make graphics like that, especially Nintendo themselves (not saying I want a new Zelda next year, because that ain't gonna happen)
That is going to happen even earlier! People are forgetting one thing. Wii U is now running mainly Xbox 360 code, same textures, same lvl of effects etc. Why? Almost all multiplatform games start their life on Xbox 360 dev kits. Its easy than to port game to PC, they found a way to easy port it to PS3 (loosing some effects, graphics is usually worse than Xbox 360 version of the game because of architectural differences ), and now they port same thing to Wii U which have different architecture with no loss, or even with some gain when you compare Xbox360 versions of games.
Everybody who play games on PC knows what is not optimized game code, and what it can do to performance. Many games, that are ports of xbox 360 games, don't run well on high end PCs, that can demolish Xbox360 and everything that is going to be "next gen". When time comes for games that are developed on Wii U for Wii U (not old dev kits), and when 3-4 years past, we are going to see some pretty good graphics on Wii U. Something that now is impossible.
And for the end, Im going to leave you with a comparation of 2 xbox 360 games. One is 5 years old, the other is coming this year. Im again talking about Halo. With this comparison you can see how much Wii U can grow over the years:

Edited by dragomix, 16 October 2012 - 05:37 AM.