Goodtwin, on 08 Apr 2013 - 07:10, said:Yea, the bandwidth to the edram on the Wii U would be higher. The 360's edram wasnt really edram on the first versions of the 360, it was on a seperate chip that was placed onto the 360. You sure about the 360 bandwidth, I read that it was cut in half for reads and writes. Like I pointe out, a HD5450 can run Need For Speed Most Wanted and has only 12.8GB/s of bandwidth. The bandwidth savings from edram is huge, so the Wii U would be in far better shape even with only 12.8GB/s to the main memory pool. The edram is the performer here. Its fast, and has enough capacity to hold the bandwidth hogs allowing the main memory to be used exclusively for reads. Keep in mind that the 360 always has to send the framebuffer to the main memory before it can be sent out of display. It also has to use tiling to do a 720p frame with AA, eating up even more bandwidth to the main memory.
Well, yes that gpu is running it, but it doesnt look near as good in many aspects, i wont comment on frame rate cause of youtube, but the pop in is atrocious.
here is the 360 memory diagram.
Now, im not actually concerned with writes, i know we got it beat to a pulp with the edram. And imaware it frees up bandwidth.
Im concerned with reads from main, streaming in assets. It appears most places i look, the 360 gets the full 22.4 GB/s for reads. if it doesnt, well, then the wii u doesnt have half the bandwidth.
And of course, again, ive still got this big ol fat bus just staring at me.
Why is the bus from the ddr3 so big?
Edited by 3Dude, 08 April 2013 - 01:20 PM.