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Multiple devs question Wii U's future, if Nintendo should go third party

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:01 PM

A portion of a Games Industry interview with Jason Avent, Georg Backer, Dan Marshall, Ella Romanos and Andrew Oliver...

Q: GI: Let's open by talking about the Wii U launch, certainly the biggest recent event on the calendar. Is it enough to rejuvenate the console scene, acting as it does as a bit of a bridge between this generation and the next? Is Nintendo's policy of marketing it first to long-term, core fans sensible? Is it an attractive enough prospect to Wii owners?

Andrew Oliver: It's really interesting - I'm a massive Nintendo fan, and they've got a big, hardcore fanbase, but I do wonder if it's enough to sell a fairly expensive machine to people. You just see every TV advert, it's tablets and phones, tablets and phones. The general population is just going, 'I can play games on these sexy devices. It's coming round to Christmas where I can get a device and once I've got it, I can get all these games for free or nearly free'. I think that's skewed things so massively. It's a tough market for anyone, so it's going to be difficult for them.

They've gone with the idea that people like tablets, so they've made a tablet controller. Yeah, they do love tablets, but the problem is that they're probably going to buy one.

Ella Romanos: There will be a niche group of gamers who will buy it because it's a Nintendo device, but I wonder if that's going to be enough to justify the cost of doing it. I think things have changed so much since the Wii. If the Wii was coming out today we'd be having the same conversation, because the people who bought the Wii are today spending all of their time on tablets and phones and at the time they weren't.

It all comes down to the fact that all those people who already have a tablet, or a mobile phone - which you can get on contract, which makes them look cheap - whether there's going to be enough people left to make it worth it. I also think the fact that it's a tablet type thing - people who aren't in the games industry or don't know it well are going to be quite confused by that.

I think they'll be thinking 'why don't they use a tablet which already exists on the market? Why that specific one? Why can't I just connect mine to the TV? Why buy one which I then can't use for anything else?' People use tablets for multiple things.

Dan Marshall: I'm not sure about the Wii U because I haven't touched one, but I bought a Wii on launch day and got my £179 worth of joy out of it by playing tennis with my mother. That was enough for me. I think Nintendo's problem is actually one of software rather than hardware. I played Mario Galaxy, and enjoyed it, but played Mario Galaxy 2 for about an hour before I realised I was playing exactly the same game and was bored rainbowless of it. After a while, the Wii's core buckled under its own success.

It didn't have the hardware for many games like Call of Duty to justify making a port, so it was basically lumbered with Nintendo's software for a large part of its lifespan.

Jason Avent: People who buy Nintendo buy Nintendo products - what you're saying about it is true, though. My wife thinks that the Wii is for Wii Sports, she doesn't think it does anything else.




The article is pretty lengthy. It discusses Nintendo's approach to reclaim the casual market, whether or not if developers feel they should go third party, and if tech inside the Wii U will be obsolete again.

Some of the developers' comments are pretty ridiculous while other developers are spot on. Play nice you guys, don't turn this into something it shouldn't be. Let's be civil and polite.

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#2 Keviin



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:13 PM

Well, the succesful launch proved that it's at least better than a 'normal' or traditional console.
No sig.

#3 Nollog


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:23 PM

Italics hurts my eyes.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#4 Desert Punk

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:49 PM

I don't believe traditional consoles are dead and I don't believe tablets or phones are satisfactory gaming systems. Ios and Android games are severely weak in comparison to the current gen and the previous gen of consoles and the new Sony and Microsoft consoles will create an even wider gulf between proper consoles and phones and tablets. Not forgetting the rubbish input methods on phones and tablets.

While the gamepad might have some tablet features its really an extension of the DS range touch screen and the gamepad still has traditional console controls too. I love the gamepad for lots of different reasons and can see a huge amount of potential in the device.

I think the issue with the wii u is mainly down to pricing being too high and the specification being too weak. It's come onto the market with many wii u games underperforming technically compared to existing consoles and priced far higher even with a weak spec. Clearly this is going to damage sales. However from a consumer perspective this may do some good with Nintendo forced to drop the price of the console early. They have played a dangerous game of being uncompetitive in the pursuit of a huge margin on the wii u just like they had with the wii but it may not have succeeded this time.

#5 nintendo3DS


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 04:49 PM

There's only two words to describe them all. They're asses.

#6 GAMER1984



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 05:15 PM

Got the console and love it. But nintendo has more of an uphill battle than fans would like to admit. They have a lot to prove. 2013 will be a make or break year for nintendo in eyes of their hardcore fanbase or lack thereof. If E3 2013 doesn't go well the meltdowns will be EPIC! I just want to have fun playing games and so far Wii U has done that for me.




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Posted 03 January 2013 - 05:19 PM

If Nintendo came close to the point of either bowing out of the video game business or going third party, don't you think Nintendo would do everything in their power to prevent that from happening?

I would think we'd see a change in Nintendo's marketing strategy if things were getting close to that point.

Edited by SDDMN, 03 January 2013 - 05:20 PM.


#8 RJMacReady


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 08:41 PM

This again? Tablets and phones are no substitute for sitting in front of your TV with a controller. Not to mention console gamers are bigger and better.

Who wants to play Mario or Zelda exlcusively on a tablet?

#9 wiiufoo



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:03 PM

I wouldnt underestimate Nintendo, they have big plans for software production.

The thread is months old, but exciting information.


#10 3Dude



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:21 PM

I love how all these tablet silly ponys are entirely too stupid too see that even console games from 15 years ago like chrono trigger or super metroid stomp their free play garbage into the ground.

Just because its a game doesnt mean its the same experience.

Games like nintendo lands donky kong crash course shows these free play or 99 cent app companies dont have a shot in hell at this against nintendo.

Nintendo went into their own territory, with a game that is not only perfectly playable with mobiles, is a POPULAR genre with mobiles, the physics based puzzle/platformer... And nintendo proceeded to pimp slap the ever loving crap out of these garbage free play devs at their own kind of game game.

Its not about devices, its not about cost, cost doesnt determine the value of a product. Its about the software. Its always been about the software, and it will always be about the software, and thats where these tablet tards dont stand a chance in hell. They cant touch nintendos software.

Oh, and by the way these are all MOBILE game developers.

SURPRISE!!! Mobile devs spreading propaganda about the fall of console gaming. If you havent noticed by now.... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE TABLET TAKEOVER ARTICLES ALWAYS HAS MOBILE DEVS AS THE 'DEVELOPER' BEING INTERVIEWED.

The complete silly pony who said mario galaxy 2 was boring the crap out of him is dan marshal, who works for fifth size games, who thinks hes hot grit because one of his companies iphone games won a bafta, not because it was a good game, but because it had a 'funny' soundtrack. Clearly galaxies inability to repetively crack fart jokes every 15 seconds made it boring to him.

How the HELL are you going to name an article 'The state of the games industry' and only have one tiny portion of it represented, taking constant potshots at nintendo, AND NEVER ONCE TALKING ABOUT THE STATE OF THE INDUSTRY?

Complete garbage. Getting Waynewright fired isnt enough. Its not enough. We need a damn near complete cleansing. The media now is just infested with incompetence. A complete joke. Its nothing but advertising now.

Edited by 3Dude, 03 January 2013 - 10:18 PM.



#11 GAMER1984



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:00 PM

I wouldnt underestimate Nintendo, they have big plans for software production.
The thread is months old, but exciting information.

Sounds good but proof is in the actual gameplay shown off and announcements made.

#12 wiiufoo



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:09 PM

Sounds good but proof is in the actual gameplay shown off and announcements made.

True. Here's hoping for a great e3 showing from Nintendo. Im optimistic.

#13 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:24 PM

To actually think Nintendo is in a severe risk and should go 3rd party is a complete pipe dream. I doubt Nintendo is being faced with a demise anytime soon. If anyone does go out I can almost bet for certain it will be Sony. The reason for that beleif is due to bad sell figures,The Vita's lack of software,the speculations of ingame ads in the future,having less money than Nintendo,and many other reasons are whhy Sony will go out if anything.I also believe that the stupid not good fool Micheal Pachter is making people believe this crap about Nintendo. Im going to call this syndrome "Pachter Fever"

There's only two words to describe them all. They're asses.

You said it bro.

I don't believe traditional consoles are dead and I don't believe tablets or phones are satisfactory gaming systems. Ios and Android games are severely weak in comparison to the current gen and the previous gen of consoles and the new Sony and Microsoft consoles will create an even wider gulf between proper consoles and phones and tablets. Not forgetting the rubbish input methods on phones and tablets.

While the gamepad might have some tablet features its really an extension of the DS range touch screen and the gamepad still has traditional console controls too. I love the gamepad for lots of different reasons and can see a huge amount of potential in the device.

I think the issue with the wii u is mainly down to pricing being too high and the specification being too weak. It's come onto the market with many wii u games underperforming technically compared to existing consoles and priced far higher even with a weak spec. Clearly this is going to damage sales. However from a consumer perspective this may do some good with Nintendo forced to drop the price of the console early. They have played a dangerous game of being uncompetitive in the pursuit of a huge margin on the wii u just like they had with the wii but it may not have succeeded this time.

How are you to say the Wii U will probably fail? We havent even seen the big hitters like SSB and Zelda yet for Christ sakes. Give it a chane if anything.

Edited by Mr.Saturn, 03 January 2013 - 10:20 PM.


#14 Portal



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:41 AM

The WiiU is going to survive. E3 is in 6 months, and now is the time for some major announcements. First-party and third-party.

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#15 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:36 PM

I just don't think Mario would work on other consoles nowadays, personally, Ninty going 3rd party is a bad Idea in my opinion.

#16 Desert Punk

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:35 PM

Even if the wii u fails (which it won't) Nintendo have their portable business. I really think Sony will be the first casualty though. Their shares are considered junk status and they are likely to do some horrendous downsizing in the near future. Sony's next console may be absolutely critical to Sony and if it fails it could be the beginning of the end. Faced with a choice of Nintendo and Microsoft it is clearly in the interests of consumers to ensure Nintendo survives if nothing else to keep competition alive.

Again even if the wii u sales decline, Nintendo can easily cut the price.

#17 alan123


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 04:54 PM

Nintendo, Wii U & 3DS need MORE games, it is games that sell consoles.

#18 3Dude



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:40 PM

Nintendo, Wii U & 3DS need MORE games, it is games that sell consoles.

Cant argue with that. All systems need more games, its an absolute truth.

And while i have a few coming up (viewtif-er, wonderful 101, pikmin 3, castlevania mof, mh3u, luigis mansion 2, fire emblem awakening and a few im forgetting, ive KNOWN about these games for a long time now.

I am DYING for any kind of media on NEW games.



#19 GAMER1984



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 08:36 PM

Yeah this will be nintendo most important generation. They have to bring something new to the table in the form of games. We have seen zelda, mario kart, dk, metroid, etc years and years now. We had pikmin IMO the last real new ip. I don't count wii music, wii fit and wii sports as new ips. The world wants to know can nintendo make a compelling, visual, modern style game. Or are they gonna be left behind by other development studios. Yes nintendo has a lot to prove this gen and it all starts this year 2013 E3 they have to blow us away the way we thought they were E3 2012.

#20 Folkloner



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Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:00 AM

This again? Tablets and phones are no substitute for sitting in front of your TV with a controller. Not to mention console gamers are bigger and better.

Who wants to play Mario or Zelda exlcusively on a tablet?

On your first point, typically I prefer a controller but tablets are a better input method for games like Sim City/Game Dev Story. On your second point, I wouldn't mind playing a Mario/Zelda game exclusively on the Wii U Gamepad, with the option to switch back to the TV if I so choose. My couch is far enough away from my TV that for some game experiences, I find it easier to use Off-TV Play.

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