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How powerful is the 3DS?

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#1 Keviin



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:45 AM

We have one for PSV so I figured, why not?

I really don't know much about the speccs but I heard it's more powerful than the Wii. Then why the hell do most games look meh? I expected at least better than GC looking games, but so far only Capcom amazed me (and RE4 still in some aspects looks better than their 3DS games). Are devs lazy or is it underpowered?

PS I know 3D consumes power and no, I did not buy it for graphics, but there's only a few games that look more than "just good".
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#2 Dragon



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:56 AM

The only thing I know about it, is that it has 256MB of RAM. The Wii has 88MB.

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#3 Keviin



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:23 AM

The only thing I know about it, is that it has 256MB of RAM. The Wii has 88MB.

Seriously? 88MB? My budget smartphone worth 100-150 euros has 279MB. Oh well, I think it's decent. Xbox 360 doesn't have more than 500MB either.

I reaaaally have no idea as of how powerful the GPU is, but I know that compared to the Vita the CPU is pretty slow. Not that it's that big of an issue to me, it still loads things fairly 'fast' to me. I don't know how much the CPU affects the games themselves tho.

One thing I do know is that the 3DS has pretty capable shaders.
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#4 Dragon



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:39 AM

Seriously? 88MB? My budget smartphone worth 100-150 euros has 279MB. Oh well, I think it's decent. Xbox 360 doesn't have more than 500MB either.

I reaaaally have no idea as of how powerful the GPU is, but I know that compared to the Vita the CPU is pretty slow. Not that it's that big of an issue to me, it still loads things fairly 'fast' to me. I don't know how much the CPU affects the games themselves tho.

One thing I do know is that the 3DS has pretty capable shaders.

Just found this (I was off a little bit on the 3DS RAM):

It uses 128 MB FCRAM, 6 MB VRAM

GPU: Digital Media Professionals PICA200GPU
CPU: Dual-core ARM11 MPCore

Edited by Dragon, 11 January 2013 - 01:40 AM.

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#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:55 AM

It's powerful enough to give you headaches when 3D is turned on ;)

#6 Keviin



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:14 AM

It's powerful enough to give you headaches when 3D is turned on ;)

Lol nah, you're just weak :P I never experienced any issues with 3D.

As for the RAM, it's lacking, but nothing really big. I just wanted more of it to deal with more NPCs on one screen. For example, Mercdenaries 3D features less enemies as on its console counterparts (not in total, but at a time), making it less hectic and thus easier than intended.
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#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:27 AM

Lol nah, you're just weak :P I never experienced any issues with 3D.

As for the RAM, it's lacking, but nothing really big. I just wanted more of it to deal with more NPCs on one screen. For example, Mercdenaries 3D features less enemies as on its console counterparts (not in total, but at a time), making it less hectic and thus easier than intended.

I'm looking forward to getting my 3DS XL just not the 3D bit even though I heard it's more tollerable with the XL though, I had one of the original 3DS's but I had to sell it for finantial reasons, it has some really awesome games for it, especially Pokemon X and Y it's just I have 20 - 14 vision my right eye is weaker than my left so 3D gives me headaches, we all no 3D is a gimmick though, at least the industry is waking up now though, 3D was put on the back burner at CES this year, finally.

#8 CUD


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:34 AM

Gamecube 0.75 I think is one way to put it.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#9 mjjferreira


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:38 AM

I have recently bought one. 3DS White Ice. I am loving it... i have payed 75€ por it. (used, but in mint condition)

Currently, i am only playing Super Mario 3D Land ... its a fu""#$"$ awesome game!

Relating the 3D, i have never had headaches issues... i guess it depends from person to person, but i also read that the 3DS XL is more accurate in the 3D.
You can always turn the 3D offf .;)

Regarding the power, its not a PS Vita, but the are very, very pleasant...

Best regards

Edited by mjjferreira, 11 January 2013 - 02:40 AM.

#10 Nollog


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:40 AM

It's probably about as powerful as a psp, but using more mainstream chips and newer shader etc. techniques.

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#11 lucario23


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:08 AM

Powerful enough to give me a full 3D Pokemon game with over 700 Pokemon in it. We're there any other units of measure you were concerned about?

#12 Zinix



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:14 AM

Gamecube 0.75 I think is one way to put it.

I disagree, there's games the Gamecube wouldn't be able to run.

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#13 3Dude



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 05:35 AM

Strange this pops up here. Power... is an interesting term. If solid graphical output is what you are talking about, its got power.... But it doesnt do the effects the same way powerful systems do. Its more about being very clever.

Heres the raw skinny.

for 'cpu' Its got a dual core arm 11 mpcore with 2 vector floating point co-processors. @268MHz. If these are un modified arm 11 vfp units they arent very useful except under very specific conditions. Broadway is considerably more powerful, particularly with branchy stuff.

The gpu, the pica200, also @268Mhz, destroys the wii's hollywood hands down. With roughly equivilant polygon power to wiis best lookers at launch, it decimates wii's launch games. Then there are its shader capabilities, which destroy wii's 1990 matrox embm era swag. The pica is also fixed function, however, it is unlike any fixed function gpu ever made. dmp takes custom orders with their maestro instructions, you tell them what you want, and then they actually turn the function (normal mapping, tesselation, procedural texturing, etc) into silicon circuits for the fixed function. This means the pica 200 can have the very best modern shader effects available, cheaply, with, compared to a programmable shader environment, minimal overhead... However, true to its namesake, those functions are fixed. They can not improve over time like programmable shaders, only be mixed and matched to try to best mimmick advancements.

The system has 6Mb Vram (Compared to wiis 1)

And 128 Mb Fcram (fast cycle ram), Just as fast and latency free as wiis 24Mb of 1tsram, But WAY faster than wiis 64Mb Ddr3, BUT it gets ddr3's 'double pump'.

And a dsp for audio @ 134Mhz.

A surprisingly potent little system from nintendo for a handheld. Though its no vita.

The reason many games dont look graphically smashing is because that requires a smashing budget, something not many companies want to spend on a handheld game.

Capcom stated reveleations cost them nearly as much as a ps360 title. They also said they were just scratching the surface. You want games to look like reveleations, you gotta put the time and money in... A hard call for any publisher on a handheld... But if it keeps taking over the world...



#14 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 01:22 PM

At worst it is about PS2 graphics, most of the time they are at good looking Wii graphics, and at best they are at 360 graphics, as evidenced by Resident Evil Revelations, Dead or Alive Dimensions, and Super Street Fighter 4 3D.
That's all I know. I'm not to sure about actual specs

Edited by TheUltimateWaddleDee, 13 January 2013 - 01:23 PM.

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#15 Zinix



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 01:56 PM

At worst it is about PS2 graphics, most of the time they are at good looking Wii graphics, and at best they are at 360 graphics, as evidenced by Resident Evil Revelations, Dead or Alive Dimensions, and Super Street Fighter 4 3D.
That's all I know. I'm not to sure about actual specs

The problem with some developers games is that they don't have a large budget. If you don't have large budget your games will look awful.

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#16 SolxBurst


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 02:31 PM

The problem with some developers games is that they don't have a large budget. If you don't have large budget your games will look awful.

Well, not always money... For example, Nano Assault is made by 4 people with small funding and looks great.
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But what you said is true most of the time...


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#17 Keviin



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Posted 14 January 2013 - 04:28 AM

Strange this pops up here. Power... is an interesting term. If solid graphical output is what you are talking about, its got power.... But it doesnt do the effects the same way powerful systems do. Its more about being very clever.

Heres the raw skinny.

for 'cpu' Its got a dual core arm 11 mpcore with 2 vector floating point co-processors. @268MHz. If these are un modified arm 11 vfp units they arent very useful except under very specific conditions. Broadway is considerably more powerful, particularly with branchy stuff.

The gpu, the pica200, also @268Mhz, destroys the wii's hollywood hands down. With roughly equivilant polygon power to wiis best lookers at launch, it decimates wii's launch games. Then there are its shader capabilities, which destroy wii's 1990 matrox embm era swag. The pica is also fixed function, however, it is unlike any fixed function gpu ever made. dmp takes custom orders with their maestro instructions, you tell them what you want, and then they actually turn the function (normal mapping, tesselation, procedural texturing, etc) into silicon circuits for the fixed function. This means the pica 200 can have the very best modern shader effects available, cheaply, with, compared to a programmable shader environment, minimal overhead... However, true to its namesake, those functions are fixed. They can not improve over time like programmable shaders, only be mixed and matched to try to best mimmick advancements.

The system has 6Mb Vram (Compared to wiis 1)

And 128 Mb Fcram (fast cycle ram), Just as fast and latency free as wiis 24Mb of 1tsram, But WAY faster than wiis 64Mb Ddr3, BUT it gets ddr3's 'double pump'.

And a dsp for audio @ 134Mhz.

A surprisingly potent little system from nintendo for a handheld. Though its no vita.

The reason many games dont look graphically smashing is because that requires a smashing budget, something not many companies want to spend on a handheld game.

Capcom stated reveleations cost them nearly as much as a ps360 title. They also said they were just scratching the surface. You want games to look like reveleations, you gotta put the time and money in... A hard call for any publisher on a handheld... But if it keeps taking over the world...

Well thus post is useful. Thanks!
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