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Man pulls into wrong driveway by mistake, is shot and killed by homeowner

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#21 Cozmo


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 02:18 PM

Interesting perspective, I thought the GPS story was more of a load of crap, a convenient story to tell even if you did intend to invade a home. people make uturns in driveways all the time and don't end up shot. You'd have to linger quite a while for it to be suspicious. It doesn't take much to explain yourself if your GPS really was the problem, no one other than the people involved know what actually happened, so this is all speculation on my part, to which I hope no one takes offense. I tend to side with property owners. Most homeowners have no interest in shooting people for the sake of it, it takes serious motivation to discharge a weapon into someone. Not something any sane person would take lightly.

i ddnt think of that.

#22 cannonshane


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 02:18 PM

Bloody clicker this bloke, Seriously shooting before they even got out of the car.

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#23 Fiery



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Posted 30 January 2013 - 02:57 PM

He must have used apple maps.

Edited by Ness, 30 January 2013 - 02:57 PM.

#24 routerbad



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Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:12 PM

Bloody clicker this bloke, Seriously shooting before they even got out of the car.

If the guy fired a warning shot and they were actually backing away I seriously doubt he would have shot again, otherwise why waste the bullet giving a warning if your intention is to shoot first.

#25 cannonshane


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:17 PM

^^^ Thats spoken like a sane person, But by the sounds of it i dont think the guy holding the gun was very sane.

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#26 CUD


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:59 PM

Interesting perspective, I thought the GPS story was more of a load of crap, a convenient story to tell even if you did intend to invade a home. people make uturns in driveways all the time and don't end up shot. You'd have to linger quite a while for it to be suspicious. It doesn't take much to explain yourself if your GPS really was the problem, no one other than the people involved know what actually happened, so this is all speculation on my part, to which I hope no one takes offense. I tend to side with property owners. Most homeowners have no interest in shooting people for the sake of it, it takes serious motivation to discharge a weapon into someone. Not something any sane person would take lightly.

You're assuming the property owner was sane, by the sounds of this story he doesn't sound to be. He seems like an old paranoid racist that saw a Hispanic looking man in his driveway and immediately assumed he was going to get robbed. Sure, that's just me speculating but that's the impression I got from this story.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#27 routerbad



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Posted 30 January 2013 - 04:25 PM

You're assuming the property owner was sane, by the sounds of this story he doesn't sound to be. He seems like an old paranoid racist that saw a Hispanic looking man in his driveway and immediately assumed he was going to get robbed. Sure, that's just me speculating but that's the impression I got from this story.

It isn't fair to assume a person is an insane racist regardless of the circumstances before any of the case is fleshed out. He may very well be, but the truth is that the vast majority of people are not, in fact, home invasions are more common than people who fire on others without provocation.

I tend to think that the fact that the media makes it a priority to point out the race of either party points toward their racism more than that of the subjects. Race doesn't come into the equation when you, your family, or your property is at stake.

I don't personally think he should have fired on them, but I hold judgement until more details and his personal testimony come out, there are always at least two sides to a story, and it's obvious the news media isn't privy to either one at this point. I would have waited for them to enter the home, but some people don't feel that way. All I'm saying is don't judge too soon. If it comes out that he was basing his decision on anything other than self defense and the defense of his family, then judge away. I understand the passion involved in these types of cases, but it serves no one to let passion rule over thought.

#28 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 04:40 PM



#29 CookieEpic



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Posted 30 January 2013 - 08:02 PM

I really doubt it's that simple. I don't think you can blame gunmen on the government, the president, or a specific group.

I'm sorry, i got off topic. I didn't mean the GOVERNMENT were causing the shooting.


#30 currysonic


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 04:19 AM

With America's gun culture gun related deaths happen on a daily basis, stories like these aren't so common in Australia for example.

No discrimination here.

America= Death by guns
Australia= Death by scorpions, and mad kangaroos

Lol jk

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