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Microsoft and Sony's fate

Video games Retail gets more attention

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#1 CookieEpic



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 11:57 AM

If you didn't read the tags- It means that since it seems that the next gen consoles (Besides Wii U and 3DS) are going for a cloud-storage kind of game advertisement and selling- This means the stores (Where most mothers go to buy games for their kids who are on Xbox Live and PS network) will be filled with the consoles that will keep retail games: Wii U, 3DS, possibly the Ouya as well.

However, the Xbox 720 has no disk drive, but the PS4/Orbis does. This means PS4/orbis will most likely get some retail. However, this would probably mean a big hit against microsoft's sales.

Your thoughts?

Edited by CookieEpic, 03 February 2013 - 12:03 PM.


#2 Alph


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 12:00 PM

They will still see the Xbox 720 and PS4 in store, just not the games.

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#3 CookieEpic



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 12:06 PM

They will still see the Xbox 720 and PS4 in store, just not the games.

I edited the post a bit. i had some misread info

But still, how can you advertise a console well without having games sitting right next to it?

And i heard that the Xbox 720 will be heavily social.


#4 SPG


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:08 PM

can i have a source for the 720 not having a disk drive? because thats really interesting


#5 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:20 PM

If you didn't read the tags- It means that since it seems that the next gen consoles (Besides Wii U and 3DS) are going for a cloud-storage kind of game advertisement and selling- This means the stores (Where most mothers go to buy games for their kids who are on Xbox Live and PS network) will be filled with the consoles that will keep retail games: Wii U, 3DS, possibly the Ouya as well.

However, the Xbox 720 has no disk drive, but the PS4/Orbis does. This means PS4/orbis will most likely get some retail. However, this would probably mean a big hit against microsoft's sales.

Your thoughts?

Not everyone has internet or at least blazing fast internet. So I can already tell the 720 is going almost definitly going to be beat by the competition.

I edited the post a bit. i had some misread info

But still, how can you advertise a console well without having games sitting right next to it?

And i heard that the Xbox 720 will be heavily social.

A social network will not save a console from having no retail games. Micro$oft just doesnt want disk drives because they are evil greedy and dont like used games.


#6 Mitch



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:22 PM

If this is true and they both dont offer retail games then being the excellent financial advisor/stock broker that I am I would advise everyone to start putting all of their money into GameStop stock.... Buy Buy Buy!

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#7 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:33 PM

If this is true and they both dont offer retail games then being the excellent financial advisor/stock broker that I am I would advise everyone to start putting all of their money into GameStop stock.... Buy Buy Buy!

Posted Image

I would advise boycotting them both for their greed. Nintendo FTW!

Im hearing more stuff about the plotted assassination of used games. Me and a few others already made AlphaOmegaSin aware of this. Hopefully he will make a video calling the industry out on this bullcrap.

Edited by FallenSaturn, 03 February 2013 - 01:25 PM.


#8 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:54 PM

I don't have good Internet, so if these rumors are true than I'm gonna take a giant carp on microsofts front door


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#9 Ghost



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:00 PM

I don't have good Internet, so if these rumors are true than I'm gonna take a giant carp on microsofts front door

It probably won't happen until 2020 as people are still in love physical over digital. Also with Nokia's cloud phone failing and being unreleased, I don't think this has a chance catching on.

#10 DragonChi


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:07 PM


I am going to be completely honest here. Which is purely MY opinion to which you are welcome to disagree if you feel so inclined. If M$ screws up enough that their Xbox market fails, for...any number of potential reasons. I will not shed ONE tear. I firmly believe they ONLY came into the market to earn a quick buck and really don't know what they are doing in terms of the gaming industry. We are talking about a company that made it's way producing Operating Systems. That's it. They really had no place in the gaming console market to begin with.

This only comes out more given the shoddy hardware that doesn't work (Kinect), very VERY few exclusives, making you pay up the ass whenever and wherever possible, in a system that really..all it is, is a watered down PC. That gives out about half the power for the same cost as a decent budget computer. In addition to all that, they release their consoles KNOWING there are serious problems with them, BUT ships them off anyway cause..well..they have $'s in their eyes. Plain an Simple. Once they have your money, they really don't care.

Now, True, Sony DOES have a bad habit of copying its competition. However, They have provided AMAZING titles (including exclusives) and services. Ever since PS1. All things considered. They are a great company that does try there best and cares about its fans. I sincerely hope their new system is successful. I really do. I never want to lose Sony. I realize that competition is a good thing. Keeps all businesses on their toes and motivates everyone to do better than the other. M$, time and time again, show that they really only care about money, not their customers. With all the other new console entries coming this year, like the Steambox, or OUYA (which is a valid competitor, whether you think so or not) There is plenty of healthy and promising competition to go around to not need M$ anymore. That is how I feel about it anyway.

If Xbox 720 succeeds and they turn a leaf and makes their fans happy, then all the power to them. I just very much doubt that it is their mindset or goal. I am welcome to be proven wrong though. That is entirely up to them. From what I hear though, If they don't want to include a disk drive, that seems like a very backward move that I would expect them to make.

One thing is for sure though, Nintendo in this generation, especially this year, is turning into the bright and shiny, heroic White Knight riding in to save the day. With flying colors no less. They have a very bright future, as always. This year will be very very interesting indeed. Who will fumble and who will flourish? Only time will tell.

Edited by DragonChi, 03 February 2013 - 02:21 PM.

#11 Chaos


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:28 PM

Xbox is going to be interesting...

#12 GameRectangle



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:46 PM

well it's their move to make however i doubt ,if consumers look at it seriously, there will be much to offer from microsofts end

#13 CookieEpic



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:49 PM

I am going to be completely honest here. Which is purely MY opinion to which you are welcome to disagree if you feel so inclined. If M$ screws up enough that their Xbox market fails, for...any number of potential reasons. I will not shed ONE tear. I firmly believe they ONLY came into the market to earn a quick buck and really don't know what they are doing in terms of the gaming industry. We are talking about a company that made it's way producing Operating Systems. That's it. They really had no place in the gaming console market to begin with.

This only comes out more given the shoddy hardware that doesn't work (Kinect), very VERY few exclusives, making you pay up the ass whenever and wherever possible, in a system that really..all it is, is a watered down PC. That gives out about half the power for the same cost as a decent budget computer. In addition to all that, they release their consoles KNOWING there are serious problems with them, BUT ships them off anyway cause..well..they have $'s in their eyes. Plain an Simple. Once they have your money, they really don't care.

Now, True, Sony DOES have a bad habit of copying its competition. However, They have provided AMAZING titles (including exclusives) and services. Ever since PS1. All things considered. They are a great company that does try there best and cares about its fans. I sincerely hope their new system is successful. I really do. I never want to lose Sony. I realize that competition is a good thing. Keeps all businesses on their toes and motivates everyone to do better than the other. M$, time and time again, show that they really only care about money, not their customers. With all the other new console entries coming this year, like the Steambox, or OUYA (which is a valid competitor, whether you think so or not) There is plenty of healthy and promising competition to go around to not need M$ anymore. That is how I feel about it anyway.

If Xbox 720 succeeds and they turn a leaf and makes their fans happy, then all the power to them. I just very much doubt that it is their mindset or goal. I am welcome to be proven wrong though. That is entirely up to them. From what I hear though, If they don't want to include a disk drive, that seems like a very backward move that I would expect them to make.

One thing is for sure though, Nintendo in this generation, especially this year, is turning into the bright and shiny, heroic White Knight riding in to save the day. With flying colors no less. They have a very bright future, as always. This year will be very very interesting indeed. Who will fumble and who will flourish? Only time will tell.

I think i love you.

It probably won't happen until 2020 as people are still in love physical over digital. Also with Nokia's cloud phone failing and being unreleased, I don't think this has a chance catching on.

720 will be releasing this year. It's going to die fast.

Not everyone has internet or at least blazing fast internet. So I can already tell the 720 is going almost definitly going to be beat by the competition.

A social network will not save a console from having no retail games. Micro$oft just doesnt want disk drives because they are evil greedy and dont like used games.


can i have a source for the 720 not having a disk drive? because thats really interesting

Shouldn't be too hard, just google it.

I honestly think the 720 will not last very long. They think that full on kinect social chatrooms will win them the gold- Ah, they don't even realise why people buy consoles. They buy them to play games.

Edited by CookieEpic, 03 February 2013 - 02:48 PM.


#14 Ghost



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:57 PM

720 will be releasing this year. It's going to die fast.

No love for me :(? Also maybe but if there is solid tittles and two versions like before then they have a chance.

#15 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 02:57 PM


Microsoft and Sony's fates... are undetermined.
As they will be.

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#16 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 03:09 PM

both sony and microsoft are not going anywere

nintendo shud b worried in my eyes

these companies shud b hitting the streets and asking us to help build these consoles

#17 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 03:37 PM

both sony and microsoft are not going anywere

nintendo shud b worried in my eyes

these companies shud b hitting the streets and asking us to help build these consoles

$ony and Micro$oft are a threat to themselves if anything. So I disagree.


#18 Jacob


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 03:38 PM

both sony and microsoft are not going anywere

nintendo shud b worried in my eyes

these companies shud b hitting the streets and asking us to help build these consoles

Shud b? I don't understand that.



#19 Zinix



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 03:40 PM

Microsoft isn't in the red like Sony, so if anyone will leave this gen it would be Sony. Currently doing horribly financially. I doubt either will die though.

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#20 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 03 February 2013 - 03:41 PM

I am going to be completely honest here. Which is purely MY opinion to which you are welcome to disagree if you feel so inclined. If M$ screws up enough that their Xbox market fails, for...any number of potential reasons. I will not shed ONE tear. I firmly believe they ONLY came into the market to earn a quick buck and really don't know what they are doing in terms of the gaming industry. We are talking about a company that made it's way producing Operating Systems. That's it. They really had no place in the gaming console market to begin with.
This only comes out more given the shoddy hardware that doesn't work (Kinect), very VERY few exclusives, making you pay up the ass whenever and wherever possible, in a system that really..all it is, is a watered down PC. That gives out about half the power for the same cost as a decent budget computer. In addition to all that, they release their consoles KNOWING there are serious problems with them, BUT ships them off anyway cause..well..they have $'s in their eyes. Plain an Simple. Once they have your money, they really don't care.
Now, True, Sony DOES have a bad habit of copying its competition. However, They have provided AMAZING titles (including exclusives) and services. Ever since PS1. All things considered. They are a great company that does try there best and cares about its fans. I sincerely hope their new system is successful. I really do. I never want to lose Sony. I realize that competition is a good thing. Keeps all businesses on their toes and motivates everyone to do better than the other. M$, time and time again, show that they really only care about money, not their customers. With all the other new console entries coming this year, like the Steambox, or OUYA (which is a valid competitor, whether you think so or not) There is plenty of healthy and promising competition to go around to not need M$ anymore. That is how I feel about it anyway.
If Xbox 720 succeeds and they turn a leaf and makes their fans happy, then all the power to them. I just very much doubt that it is their mindset or goal. I am welcome to be proven wrong though. That is entirely up to them. From what I hear though, If they don't want to include a disk drive, that seems like a very backward move that I would expect them to make.
One thing is for sure though, Nintendo in this generation, especially this year, is turning into the bright and shiny, heroic White Knight riding in to save the day. With flying colors no less. They have a very bright future, as always. This year will be very very interesting indeed. Who will fumble and who will flourish? Only time will tell.

completely agree


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

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