Are things really this dire?
Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:55 AM
- Robotic Sunshine Commander, aboss and Death Stare Obama like this
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:12 PM
- Death Stare Obama likes this
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:33 PM
You should only be worried if the media starts saying good things about nintendo. Thats how you know whatever they are doing is going to actually fail horribly.
Im not worry at the slightly, im just wondering why so many people take the Wii U's poor sales as a sign that Nintendo is dying, but good point though.
- Death Stare Obama likes this
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:35 PM
Lets see how PS720 fairs in today's climate....
Posted 10 February 2013 - 12:36 PM
Im not worry at the slightly, im just wondering why so many people take the Wii U's poor sales as a sign that Nintendo is dying, but good point though.
Because they want it to fail. Its as simple as that.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 01:15 PM
i got three games when i got my Wii U on launch, those were Zombi U, Mario Land & NintendoLand, the only other game i got after was Black Ops 2, there is nothing else i want, don't say Mass Effect or Batman because i have them already on my PS3 &/or X360, the Wii U launch games were not very good, people said it was a strong line-up yes it was but half the games were year old ports with a couple of bells & whistles on them for the Wii U version.
why would someone with a PS3/X360 think about getting a Wii U when it doesn't even have the DLC for Black Ops 2.
money is tight at the moment for everyone so it goes without saying that the people with a Wii U have spare money to spend, but they have no games to buy for it, the Wii U has the same problems as the 3DS & Nintendo have not learned anything from that chaotic launch.
people keep going on about things will be great at E3 but all the media will be focused on the PS4 & X720 & the games being developed for those consoles, if the Wii U fails it will be the last Nintendo console i will buy, i have had all of them so far but with every generation Nintendo lose ground, people go on about how much money Nintendo have got & yes they have a lot of it, but they are now just burning through it, what happens when it runs out ?
Edited by alan666, 10 February 2013 - 01:16 PM.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:00 PM
difficult to say really, Nintendo do have problems with the Wii U, there is a dire lack of games & that is a big problem, people will look at what games there are before buying a console, most people thinking about buying a Wii U will already have either a X360 or PS3, so the Wii U needs to offer something now for them to want to buy a Wii U because otherwise they will keep their cash for a PS3 or X720.
i got three games when i got my Wii U on launch, those were Zombi U, Mario Land & NintendoLand, the only other game i got after was Black Ops 2, there is nothing else i want, don't say Mass Effect or Batman because i have them already on my PS3 &/or X360, the Wii U launch games were not very good, people said it was a strong line-up yes it was but half the games were year old ports with a couple of bells & whistles on them for the Wii U version.
why would someone with a PS3/X360 think about getting a Wii U when it doesn't even have the DLC for Black Ops 2.
money is tight at the moment for everyone so it goes without saying that the people with a Wii U have spare money to spend, but they have no games to buy for it, the Wii U has the same problems as the 3DS & Nintendo have not learned anything from that chaotic launch.
people keep going on about things will be great at E3 but all the media will be focused on the PS4 & X720 & the games being developed for those consoles, if the Wii U fails it will be the last Nintendo console i will buy, i have had all of them so far but with every generation Nintendo lose ground, people go on about how much money Nintendo have got & yes they have a lot of it, but they are now just burning through it, what happens when it runs out ?
they have around 50 billion dollars, with a console launch they list 300 million in operating losses last year, so lets say with more wii us sold nd more games therefore they lose about 200 million a year from now on and...250 years from now the will burn out.
- Death Stare Obama likes this
I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:12 PM
they have around 50 billion dollars, with a console launch they list 300 million in operating losses last year, so lets say with more wii us sold nd more games therefore they lose about 200 million a year from now on and...250 years from now the will burn out.
they lose money on each Wii U sold.
50 billion is 50 thousand million, so if Nintendo lose 200 million a year they will run out of money in 25 years.
don't forget how much they have to pay out, how much has Bayonetta 2 cost Nintendo & how much will they have to pay out to get other games on the system or pay for DLC for games like Black Ops 2 ?
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:17 PM
do it on a calculator, 50000000000/200000000=250... And doing these things is t hurting them it will help them in the long run. And ninty said that if you buy 1 game for the system it becomes profitable, and the deluxe set is profitable just off the shelf. Who buys a console w/o the game anyway?they lose money on each Wii U sold.
50 billion is 50 thousand million, so if Nintendo lose 200 million a year they will run out of money in 25 years.
don't forget how much they have to pay out, how much has Bayonetta 2 cost Nintendo & how much will they have to pay out to get other games on the system or pay for DLC for games like Black Ops 2 ?
I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:22 PM
no company can lose two hundred million a year.
if Nintendo have all this money washing about they should invest it in buying up some developers & publishers, how about paying for GTA V to be ported over to the Wii U for example ?
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:58 PM
Edited by cannonshane, 10 February 2013 - 02:59 PM.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:04 PM
Of course new technologies and code-bases will come along and improve all three. Nintendo were just unlucky to get hit by it first cause they released first but I say give it time and the system will take it's place as a next generation machine.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:30 PM
Once again the media have turned to slating a new console just because it's different and there are no engines, frameworks or kits out for it to utilise the full potential of the machine. Sony and Microsoft will get the same treatment once their new systems hit and people realise they're not very different in the beginning compared to the current gen.
Of course new technologies and code-bases will come along and improve all three. Nintendo were just unlucky to get hit by it first cause they released first but I say give it time and the system will take it's place as a next generation machine.
Sony (not sure about Microsoft) seems to have been smart about the ps4 and seem to have launch games that will likely show of the extra power available. What do you think Nuaghty Dog's Uncharted Dev team has been doing for two years, or what about Sucker Punch and Guerilla Games for over two years (nearly three)? Nintendo's released a 2d mario no doubt as it was the easiest to have out on time, but they needed something like Bayonetta 2 and a 3d mario game (or Zelda at launch) and they really needed Pikmin out now or very soon if they wanted to avoid this drought.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:41 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with you. The games on offer aren't the best to showcase the Wii U and it seems Sony have Killzone 4 prepping as a launch title on PS4 for example. Microsoft probably have a Halo in the pipeline at 343 Studios so they'll be out to get the best from their machine too.Sony (not sure about Microsoft) seems to have been smart about the ps4 and seem to have launch games that will likely show of the extra power available. What do you think Nuaghty Dog's Uncharted Dev team has been doing for two years, or what about Sucker Punch and Guerilla Games for over two years (nearly three)? Nintendo's released a 2d mario no doubt as it was the easiest to have out on time, but they needed something like Bayonetta 2 and a 3d mario game (or Zelda at launch) and they really needed Pikmin out now or very soon if they wanted to avoid this drought.
I was speaking more about the fact that third parties haven't really pushed the console yet... most of what's out on Wii U are ports from XBOX 360 games thus they've not taken the time to get the power out of the console. I'm hoping that with new technologies and engines coming that the Wii U will see some big changes in it's future.
Nintendo's offering has been good but not the best. A new 2D Super Mario Bros always sells consoles but it wasn't the best choice for showing off much of the technology there-in. I'm sure Nintendo will start showing us some awesome stuff soon and Bayonetta 2 from Platinum looks like it's shaping up nicely.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:52 PM
difficult to say really, Nintendo do have problems with the Wii U, there is a dire lack of games & that is a big problem, people will look at what games there are before buying a console, most people thinking about buying a Wii U will already have either a X360 or PS3, so the Wii U needs to offer something now for them to want to buy a Wii U because otherwise they will keep their cash for a PS3 or X720.
i got three games when i got my Wii U on launch, those were Zombi U, Mario Land & NintendoLand, the only other game i got after was Black Ops 2, there is nothing else i want, don't say Mass Effect or Batman because i have them already on my PS3 &/or X360, the Wii U launch games were not very good, people said it was a strong line-up yes it was but half the games were year old ports with a couple of bells & whistles on them for the Wii U version.
why would someone with a PS3/X360 think about getting a Wii U when it doesn't even have the DLC for Black Ops 2.
money is tight at the moment for everyone so it goes without saying that the people with a Wii U have spare money to spend, but they have no games to buy for it, the Wii U has the same problems as the 3DS & Nintendo have not learned anything from that chaotic launch.
people keep going on about things will be great at E3 but all the media will be focused on the PS4 & X720 & the games being developed for those consoles, if the Wii U fails it will be the last Nintendo console i will buy, i have had all of them so far but with every generation Nintendo lose ground, people go on about how much money Nintendo have got & yes they have a lot of it, but they are now just burning through it, what happens when it runs out ?
... somewhat true. game was ment to be advertised mainly by word of mouth and the PS4/720 fanboys have alot bigger mouths than the wiiU owners. many gimp the consul to well below what it is, and the people who want to consider it see the doom and gloom posts but dont look/know enough to beleave them. overall nintendo financialy, they pretty much just burnt the first doller on a big pile. but do to nintendos extreme custimation, giving the consul the ability to use alot of power but harder to use it, was being developed up to the last second, for atleast 3 years, even nintendo couldnt develop top line games using its power early, Y they are all comming late =/. also Y PS4 has good lineup, easy to code for system on uncustomized PC parts. but nintendo will probly end up doing a push for more 3rdparty, some going exclusive.
Once again the media have turned to slating a new console just because it's different and there are no engines, frameworks or kits out for it to utilise the full potential of the machine. Sony and Microsoft will get the same treatment once their new systems hit and people realise they're not very different in the beginning compared to the current gen.
Of course new technologies and code-bases will come along and improve all three. Nintendo were just unlucky to get hit by it first cause they released first but I say give it time and the system will take it's place as a next generation machine.
some people are saying this. funny that one of the rumored wiiU GPU bases is pretty much the 720 GPU. all will take a hit. wiiU likly took the worst as it had the group wanting it to fail, traded for a early launch. the group wanting wiiU to fail will also deny any PS4/720 faults. but to me it looks like a GC/xbox gen hardware wise.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:46 PM
Posted 10 February 2013 - 05:24 PM
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:23 PM
Its funny that people think a company like nintendo would fail, im sure they have a back up plan for their back up like seriously....
Nintendo isn't as bulletproof as you think. Had the DS failed Nintendo would no longer exist, at least not as a console maker.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:45 PM
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:51 PM
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