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The Wii U Is A Mistake Nintendo Can’t Recover From, Says Mr. Pachter

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:16 PM

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Famed industry analyst Michael Pachter believes that the Wii U is a mistake that Nintendo can’t recover from. Pachter says that the gameplay on Wii U just isn’t unique enough from other current generation consoles, and its predecessor, the Wii. He went on to say that he thinks Nintendo has made an extremely costly mistake with Wii U. He also said that the handheld division just can’t cope against the growing rise of smartphones and tablet devices in the home.

“I think they misfired on the Wii U. It’s just not that different from the other two [existing] consoles, and the gameplay isn’t as unique as the Wii. They made a mistake, it’s something they probably can’t recover from.”
“I think they have made a costly mistake. And their handheld business can’t save them in the face of cannibalization from smartphones and tablets.”


Edited by The Wakasyamo Fan, 18 February 2013 - 03:18 PM.

#2 SPG


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:20 PM

mah, i dont care about his "professorial" opinion anymore, 90% of the time he is wrong, so why care what he says


#3 Gaymer


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:22 PM

Ah, more doom and gloom. The smartphones already killed the 3DS, according to all of the articles posted over a year ago. The cycle continues. After this part, Nintendo starts releasing its games, maybe give the Wii U a price drop, and it's printing money again.

Edited by Gaymer, 18 February 2013 - 03:23 PM.

#4 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:26 PM

Old news but whatever. The Wii U is not a mistake, even though yes it was a little rushed. But the gameplay works and is still unique that tradition controls, having the little touchscreen edition is pretty fun to use. The Wii's controls failed full motion control until near its end. The gamepad with its accelometer and gyroscope plus everything else, works like a wiimote. Well besides swinging it. NOT A GOOD IDEA TO SWING THE GAMEPAD.

We play our Wii U more than we did our wii when we first got it, play it more than any of our systems.

Stupid Snowmads!

#5 alan123


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:44 PM

I have just read the full article, i hate Patcher with a passion but maybe this time he is on the right path :/

#6 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:51 PM


First, I must apologize for calling two thirds of you assholes. It's probably more like 5%, so I was overly sensitive in my generalization.

Second, and to the point, there is actually some reasoning behind my comments that the Wii U is a mistake from which Nintendo may not recover, and I threw the 3DS' cannibalization from smart phones and tablets in there to make a point.

Nintendo has historically made money, and a lot of money, on each hardware unit sold. The DS at $99 US is more profitable for them than the 3DS at $169 (see many quotes from Nintendo in Kyoto about losing money, or being barely profitable). The DS sold 23.5 million units in FY:07 (ended March 31), 30.3 million in FY:08, 31.1 million in FY:09, and 27.1 million in FY:10. Nintendo made money, and a lot of money, in each of those years.

I think it is instructive to use operating income in Yen as a guide, since Iwata said he would consider resigning if Nintendo did not earn ¥100 billion in FY:14. Nintendo made ¥90 billion in FY:06, ¥226 billion in FY:07, ¥487 billion in FY:08, ¥555 billion in FY:09, and ¥356 billion in FY:10. In FY:11, DS sales dropped to 17.5 million units, and operating income fell to ¥171 billion; in FY:12, combined DS and 3DS sales were 18.6 million units, but operating income disappeared, and Nintendo generated a LOSS of ¥37 billion. Obviously, the loss was impacted by lower Wii sales and lower software sales, but the point here is that the 3DS doesn't generate much of a profit per unit, if any, and the DS did.

Over the same period, Wii hardware sales were 0, 5.8 million, 18.6 million, 25.9 million, 20.5 million, 15.0 million, and 9.8 million. We have been repeatedly assured by Nintendo that the company makes a profit on every Wii sold, but as sales leveled off at 10 million, the company printed its first loss ever.

In FY:13 (the current year, ending next month), Nintendo is projected to sell 17.3 million DS and 3DS units combined, and to sell 8 million Wii and Wii U units combined, and is projected to generate an operating loss of ¥20 billion. That means that current levels of sales keep the company at roughly breakeven.

My comment about the Wii U being a "mistake" from which the company "may not recover" was intended to say that if Wii U sales don't materially improve, Nintendo is unlikely to be profitable. They have around ¥1 trillion (around $11 billion) in cash, so they aren't in danger of going out of business for decades. However, if they aren't profitable, they aren't doing a good job for shareholders.

To elaborate, if the Wii U is not generating profits, and if the 3DS is not generating profits, the only thing that will generate profits is software. Nintendo is ensured high sales of its proprietary software, but it makes the most money on its royalty business, collecting fees from third parties for the privilege of letting them put out games on Nintendo platforms. Publishing (software) revenues peaked at ¥675 billion in FY:09, and are on track to come in around ¥235 billion this year; my call is that if hardware sales don't materially improve above current combined levels, software sales are unlikely to materially grow. If software sales don't materially improve, losses or break even will become the norm. Nintendo will not "recover" to its formal highly profitable glory.

The poor sales of the Wii U in January are likely to impact third party publisher plans to support the console. Notice that GTAV is not on the Wii U; that wasn't a typo, they don't see enough promise in sales to cause them to spend extra development dollars on a Wii U version. I have spoken to several publishers who are skeptical, and I think that the Wii U will see a lower level of third party support than the Wii did, unless sales materially improve. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but without third party titles, Nintendo will not generate its customary levels of royalties, and losses or break even could become the norm.

Many of you point out that the 3DS is selling better than the DS at a similar point. That's true, but the DS was always profitable, and the 3DS is not. Also, the DS saw sales go from 8.8 million units in its first four quarters to 18.0 million its next four, to 20.2 million in its third full year; I'm pretty confident that the 3DS will not get to 20 million units, but even if it did, it would generate little profit from hardware. Keep in mind that the DS redesign to a lite version boosted sales, and there was little competition for 12 year-old and older from smart phones and tablets. Now, parents who can afford it are opting for Kindles, iPads, and smart phones for their teenagers, and the more casual of those are perfectly happy playing Angry Birds and putting their DS or 3DS into a drawer.

The important point is that if 3DS sales level off at 15 million and Wii U sales level off at 8 - 10 million, software sales will be much lower than they were in the past. If Nintendo doesn't make a profit on hardware, they can't afford to cut prices further. If they do cut price, it will likely occur as their manufacturing costs come down, but I don't expect big hardware profits in the foreseeable future. They are stuck with software profits, and at current sales levels, they are unlikely to make an overall profit from software.

That's it, not trolling, but that is my reasoning.

To the 5% of you who ARE assholes, bring it on ;-)

Edited by Cerberuz, 18 February 2013 - 03:55 PM.


#7 PedanticGamer


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:00 PM

Pachter is more often wrong then right, in fact saying that implies a descent level of accuracy with his predictions. I is funny that Pachter mentions 5% as that is probably better then his accuracy.

#8 Blake



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:11 PM

Quick, what level does Nintendo learn Recover?!

Does anyone have the TM or know where it is?!

#9 Zinix



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:14 PM

Isn't Pachter always wrong?

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#10 Blake



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:20 PM

Isn't Pachter always wrong?

Of course, only an idiot would think the Wii U is a Nintendo console!

#11 Big Boss

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:31 PM

I believe him because he said the opposite a week ago.

#12 umegames


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:57 PM

Pachter IS a mistake that can never be recovered...

though he is right about one thing, the casual market is backing off, they had their time, they've migrated to tablets and cell phones.
What does that mean to me? its kinda like when you have a family get together with all those cousins who you hardly ever see so you have nothing in common, but because they're there you have to entertain them somehow, but they suck at games, so you end up playing some stupid game that you just happen to have because they dont wanna play fighters, shooters, or anything challenging. Soooo you put in a simple enough game only to watch them struggle at it...and you say to yourself " i can't wait till they leave so i can get back to some REAL GAMING"

Let the causal market subside, and lets get back to the good old days where games were a challenge, and every dev/publisher wasn't trying to find a gimmick to attract "simple casual players".

If you're a casual gamer, i mean no offence, but for me, the DS, Wii, and even portions of the ps2, ps3 and box library is plauged with silly games, that influenced other companies to be gimmicky or stop making classics.

Edited by umegames, 18 February 2013 - 05:06 PM.

#13 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 05:10 PM

Im so sick of that fool. The only reason he is so popular is due to the fact his opinions are so shockinlgy bad and biased. You would have to be stupid to take what Pachter says seriously.

I have just read the full article, i hate Patcher with a passion but maybe this time he is on the right path :/

Not by a fat chance. He is never right when it comes to Nintendo . Pachter is the biggest troll in the gaming communtity and deserves to be fired.

Ah, more doom and gloom. The smartphones already killed the 3DS, according to all of the articles posted over a year ago. The cycle continues. After this part, Nintendo starts releasing its games, maybe give the Wii U a price drop, and it's printing money again.

I agree. Pachter is too much of an idiot to realize this though due to his small mental capacity.

mah, i dont care about his "professorial" opinion anymore, 90% of the time he is wrong, so why care what he says

I never did care. He is a cancerous cyst to the gaming community.

Isn't Pachter always wrong?

I never seen him say anything that wasnt complete bullcrap so yeah.


#14 Foot


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 06:02 PM

This dude is entertaining! Make up ur damn mind Pachter! Yes Nintendo's screwed up! Are you gonna keep saying it? They can fix a Wii U, but you Mr. Pachter cannot fix that mouth!
I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.

We foot will rebel one day.

#15 itogi



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 07:00 PM

wow really. This is just sad.


#16 routerbad



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:34 PM

Considering the 3DS is outpacing DS sales regardless of the dearth of garbage games on smartphones and tablets now speak volumes about how wrong he is with his analysis. Apple and Android were supposed to have absolutely murdered both mobile gaming and the casual gaming market in general, yet here we are. The 3DS is outpacing the best selling system of all time. I can't wait to see this fool eat crow.

#17 CUD


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:42 PM

Wii U is doomed. Nintendo to go software only confirmed.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#18 Cozmo


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 09:32 PM

he's got a point. nintendo need to advertise and get their consoles selling.

#19 Chaotix


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 10:22 PM

Oh Pachter you never change huh.


#20 DragonChi


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 10:27 PM

OOOhhh..how I hate that man. He makes my blood boil. I don't even where to start. So I wont. I will just say that he is DEAD wrong. When he is proven wrong, he will look like the biggest softshell lizard. How did this man even get his job? seriously? let alone his own show. GAAHH.

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