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Why are people doubting Wii U now because of PS4?

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#21 Soul



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 03:58 PM

Wii need more games! I don't even use my Wii U for games!

#22 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:00 PM

People are still jolted on ps4 hype just wait a few days and it will die down and reality will hit.

#23 Dark Link

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:01 PM

Not me, as a matter of fact I am buying a Wii U because the PS4 announce was disappointing. Sony has a lot to prove for me to buy one before a slim comes out. If this thing will offer solid jRPGs like Ni no Kuni then I am sold, but I believe the Wii U will be the jRPG console this generation.

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#24 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:07 PM

they are both good. i not buying this system just for ips. i would like third parties as well.

If you have a halfway capable PC you will be able to play the 3rd party multiplats no problem. My combo is looking more and more like WiiU then PC then either PS4 or 720, haven't decided on that one, but it will be a tertiary system, making all of the SOCIALSOCIALSOCIAL features useless for me. I think it was funny they spent so much time talking about immediacy and getting out of the way of developers and gamers alike so there's nothing between you and the game, then as if from the other side of their mouths SOCIALSOCIALSOCIAL.

#25 Cozmo


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:18 PM

If you have a halfway capable PC you will be able to play the 3rd party multiplats no problem. My combo is looking more and more like WiiU then PC then either PS4 or 720, haven't decided on that one, but it will be a tertiary system, making all of the SOCIALSOCIALSOCIAL features useless for me. I think it was funny they spent so much time talking about immediacy and getting out of the way of developers and gamers alike so there's nothing between you and the game, then as if from the other side of their mouths SOCIALSOCIALSOCIAL.

i dont know how i feel about pc gaming. i like to sit on my couch in front of a tv and play games.

#26 umegames


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:21 PM

The only people doubting the Wii U are graphic hounds that thinks graphics make a good game and think that Nintendo is garbage because the graphiucs arent as good even though we are the ones with the killer IPs.
Im not concerned at all. We have the power of the killer IPs.

thank you

Edited by umegames, 21 February 2013 - 04:21 PM.

#27 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:25 PM

Meh, they didn't even show the console...



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#28 zealduke



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:49 PM

its called the ps4 cause it will only have 4 games for it

#29 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:50 PM

Does this surprise you?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#30 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:51 PM

i dont know how i feel about pc gaming. i like to sit on my couch in front of a tv and play games.

That's understandable. I have a TV mounted above my computer monitors that I use for console gaming so I can do everything in my office.

#31 Katastrophic



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:58 PM

​Let's be realistic:
When aren't there people doubting Nintendo?

#32 BlueBlur


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 05:39 PM

So are the current X360 & PS3 owners going to buy a WiiU to play Mario & Zelda etc or will they decide to not invest in a WiiU & carry on playing the third party IP exclusives that won't get released on the WiiU.
I have had all the Nintendo consoles, however Nintendo cannot rely on updating Mario, Zelda, Metroid & Pikmin for every console, the WiiU is going to be getting the Nintendo IPs in glorious high definition, when the WiiU was announced Nintendo wear hyping up the HD Mario & Zelda etc so Nintendo are themselves interested in better graphics in exactly the same was as Sony/PS4 & Microsoft/X720 are but Nintendo cannot keep doing this time after time, it is simply not enough, people are seeing this & people are not going to spend hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros/yen to buy a console for just a handful of first party games, a games console needs content & as much content as it can get, it needs to be a broad & divers range of content & games, the WiiU needs to it has to attract PS3/4 & X360/720 gamers, everyone keeps saying that the Wii was the biggest selling console of the last generation, yes it was but its life in real terms (the games released & people who were playing them in numbers) lasted half as long as has done for the PS3 & X360.
the X360 was released a full year before the Wii & PS3 which were released at near enough the same time, the X360 is still getting very good games released for it, in fact its best games are being released this year, the same for the PS3, but where is the Wii & the games for it, nowhere the Wii died a few years ago, it's gaming lifespan simply was not as long as the PS3 & X360, the same will happen to the WiiU unless Nintendo really sort themselves out, they desperately need lots of third party games weather you like it or not, otherwise the WiiU will end up like the SEGA Dreamcast !


#33 DanJiblets


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:49 PM

All I know is that I'll be hanging onto my WiiU forever. The only decision I have to make is whether I want a PS4 or new Xbox to go with it. Winning.

#34 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:55 PM

So are the current X360 & PS3 owners going to buy a WiiU to play Mario & Zelda etc or will they decide to not invest in a WiiU & carry on playing the third party IP exclusives that won't get released on the WiiU.

I have had all the Nintendo consoles, however Nintendo cannot rely on updating Mario, Zelda, Metroid & Pikmin for every console, the WiiU is going to be getting the Nintendo IPs in glorious high definition, when the WiiU was announced Nintendo wear hyping up the HD Mario & Zelda etc so Nintendo are themselves interested in better graphics in exactly the same was as Sony/PS4 & Microsoft/X720 are but Nintendo cannot keep doing this time after time, it is simply not enough, people are seeing this & people are not going to spend hundreds of pounds/dollars/euros/yen to buy a console for just a handful of first party games, a games console needs content & as much content as it can get, it needs to be a broad & divers range of content & games, the WiiU needs to it has to attract PS3/4 & X360/720 gamers, everyone keeps saying that the Wii was the biggest selling console of the last generation, yes it was but its life in real terms (the games released & people who were playing them in numbers) lasted half as long as has done for the PS3 & X360.

the X360 was released a full year before the Wii & PS3 which were released at near enough the same time, the X360 is still getting very good games released for it, in fact its best games are being released this year, the same for the PS3, but where is the Wii & the games for it, nowhere the Wii died a few years ago, it's gaming lifespan simply was not as long as the PS3 & X360, the same will happen to the WiiU unless Nintendo really sort themselves out, they desperately need lots of third party games weather you like it or not, otherwise the WiiU will end up like the SEGA Dreamcast !

Nintendo can't live off their IP's? Then Microsoft should give up Halo. Sony needs to give up God of War. Activision should totally stop making Call of Duty. EA? Stop making Madden. I could keep going on. The only developer that does take risks and makes new IP's on a regular basis is Ubisoft, but even them live off certain IP's. Not to say Nintendo doesn't take risks, or Sony or Microsoft. But everyone lives off their IP's. Plain and simple.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#35 Plutonas



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:58 PM

because that was all about... They fear nintendo and because wii U is not a wii, its a problem for them.

#36 Structures


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:04 PM

IF i do end up getting another console it will probably be the ps4 since i already have a wiiu and pc and i really dont think anything about microsofts ips is interesting

Youtube Twitch.tv I stream Wii U Gameplay and PC Games

#37 scotty79



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:03 PM

Firstly the only reason I will be buying a ps4 is because of the amount of 3rd party games coming.Also the wiiu has one fps which isnt even getting the dlc other platforms have with no explanation offered.That aside I am not buying one because of being a moron or a graphics whore, its because I feel the wiiu has been badly supported sortware wise.Loved the tech, also things may change down the line for wiiu but as a consumer I dont expect,need or want to have to wait for more software support of te genre I like.So wish the wiiu well just had no idea the software range was going to be as it is.
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#38 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:33 PM

Firstly the only reason I will be buying a ps4 is because of the amount of 3rd party games coming.Also the wiiu has one fps which isnt even getting the dlc other platforms have with no explanation offered.That aside I am not buying one because of being a moron or a graphics whore, its because I feel the wiiu has been badly supported sortware wise.Loved the tech, also things may change down the line for wiiu but as a consumer I dont expect,need or want to have to wait for more software support of te genre I like.So wish the wiiu well just had no idea the software range was going to be as it is.

It's still only four months post launch, with several games coming through next month, all third party AFAIK. They are making the launch window. It isn't as dire as you seem to think. There isn't anything wrong with wanting another console for whatever reason you choose. I may get PS4 as well, if the exclusives are worth the purchase.

#39 Penguin101


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:29 AM

I'm not doubting Wii U It's just a moment of tension until Summer when Nintendo give us the best damn E3 ever!

#40 storabajskorven



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 03:58 AM

​Let's be realistic:
When aren't there people doubting Nintendo?

Oh, but there are, I promise.
Edit: The reason this post doesn't make sense is that I misread the original post. Sorry, skip this.

Edited by storabajskorven, 22 February 2013 - 07:12 AM.

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