Member Since 20 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Oct 25 2021 01:37 PM
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nice, it will be interesting to see, no pun intended. Is GDC in March? i forget.
Feb 25 2015 06:37 AM -
March 2th to the 4th I think. Yeah I might post a thread with the news since this might actually change the game industry completely.
Feb 25 2015 06:40 AM -

Gosh it's been a while since I was here last. Does anyone even remember me? :P

This current scenario reminds me of when everyone talked about PS vita at 3dsforums. Correct me if wrong but I think that ironically the biggest thread of 3dsforums was the ps vita thread.

If Sony would release a complete new console which someway uses a 4 base computer system instead of binary and was like 1000 times stronger than Wii U, would you still call Wii U next gen? :P

Yes... because it's the successor to the Wii. It's a different generation... power doesn't define what gen it is.
Feb 20 2013 08:22 AM -
If the PS4 was weaker than the PS3 it would still belong to the next gen
Feb 20 2013 09:30 AM -
I'd call ps4 and wii u current gen.
Feb 20 2013 09:42 AM