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Member Since 25 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2013 04:30 AM

#199717 No Nintendo presentation at E3

Posted by routerbad on 25 April 2013 - 06:40 AM

I can’t understand this. E3 is about shouting from the rooftops not whispering behind closed doors. Why even bother going if you’re gonna do that? i mean the PS4 and 720 are gonna be the focus this year no matter what, but especially with the Wii U struggling, people may see this as Nintendo giving up. I'm not sure what Nintendo is thinking these days.


I think Iwata has lost the plot and can’t help but think they are shooting themselves in the foot here.

Having said that they may have been forced to do this after showing off many games in their January Nintendo Direct for Wii U and last weeks ND for 3DS – they simply might not have enough new content to show off that warrants a big E3 presentation, 

Think about what the hour long presentation is usually focused on.  Most of the time much of that hour is spent with market statistics, very little of it is spent on games.  They are taking the investor relations stuff, putting that in a different meeting with investors, they are taking the distribution related stuff, and talking about it with distributors.  Then they are taking the software announcements, and splitting them up to make separate pitches, one to fans, and one to non fans (or several to each, i dunno).  This means that all of the information they present to us will be about games, not statistics, and not stuff we care little about (but will learn about anyway through news aggregates and leaks) but glorious games.

#198774 NYC proposes raising age for cigarette purchases to 21.

Posted by routerbad on 23 April 2013 - 09:15 AM

You're right!  And people still commit theft, murder, and every other crime, so obviously we shouldn't have any laws at all!  It makes perfect sense!

Strawman, those crimes are crimes against another person, smoking is not a crime in and of itself because it falls within self determination.  Also, there is no age restriction on crimes against another, because by their very nature those acts take away or restrict the rights of others, which is why it is illegal.


I can understand why you think the way you do, people who don't understand the implications of the abuse of the legislature can't grasp the idea of restricting laws to those necessary to protect people's rights, without venturing into the government attempting to protect people from themselves, which is unconstitutional and unethical.

What's the difference? Marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes.

Also, it should be 18+ for everything. You're an adult, you can go and fight and die for your country yet you can't purchase alcohol and other vices?

Not true at all, Marijuana burns hotter, and has far more carcinogenic chemicals, and also causes mental and physical impairment in the short term, which limits the ability to operate machinery (drive) and perform complex tasks requiring full control of motor functions.

#198768 NYC proposes raising age for cigarette purchases to 21.

Posted by routerbad on 23 April 2013 - 09:07 AM

You have also missed the point.  Anyone could make your exact argument against ANY law because people continue to do ALL THE THINGS that are illegal.  So it's a bad argument for not having any particular law.  I'm presenting what in logic is called a reductio ad absurdum, look it up.  

You have missed the point.  There is little benefit to enacting additional laws when the government has problems enforcing the laws currently enacted.  It does absolutely nothing to curb the actual issue, which could be helped with more education, rather than stricter laws.  

#195541 Chat

Posted by routerbad on 16 April 2013 - 02:09 PM

Aww, I was hoping we'd be together on chat for E3. :( What if we had a certain time the chat room could be open? 

I, too, was hoping to be able to be on chat for NDs as well as e3.  I don't see a clear reason chat would have been removed, other than some moderators just don't have time to moderate it, but Mourn was in there regularly.  Seems that at times people that were actually causing problems in chat were never banned from it, while people who made a mistake weren't.  Sad to see it go, even if I haven't been in there in a few weeks (since my vacation).

Is this feedback?


That reminds me, I still want a theremin.

#193608 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 12:05 PM

Capcom should though the 3ds version blows in comparison!

Capcom does not care what one or a select group of people want or think would be better for their company. They just want money. All companies want is to make sales. Unless they themselves find it necessary, would they allow a price drop for their games... but I find that very unlikely.

#193606 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Byakuya Togami on 12 April 2013 - 12:04 PM

Capcom should though the 3ds version blows in comparison!

There really wasn't anything wrong with the 3DS version, minus static backgrounds.

#193601 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 11:59 AM

Because Capcom is so going to read this thread and make that decision.

#193374 What do you want to see in Street Fighter 5

Posted by Gaymer on 11 April 2013 - 04:35 PM

As long as my second husband (Kazuya will always be first <3) Abel is in it, I'll be satisfied. Oh, and my girl Cammy. I love them both.

#191164 Luigi's Mansion 3?

Posted by Gaymer on 07 April 2013 - 10:39 AM

2GB cart. 25GB disc.

Larger, HD mansions.

2GB isn't even the largest cartridge. And unless the game has MGS cutscenes, it's not going to fill up a 25 GB disc.

#191161 Luigi's Mansion 3?

Posted by Gaymer on 07 April 2013 - 10:27 AM

I am just saying.

Compared to a WiiU game it may not be as big.

Because with the Wii U, there corp orating it to the whole system as well and the Gamepad.

Besides, the WiiU is a new console, ofcourse every game made for it is gonna be HUGE.

You're not making any sense. What can the Wii U do for Luigi's Mansion that the 3DS can't do? Aside from slightly better graphics and playing on a bigger screen. You're indirectly calling the 3DS one inferior because it's not a console game. Read what you're saying.

#189567 In love with someone

Posted by Byakuya Togami on 03 April 2013 - 07:44 AM

Simple. Wait until you're old enough and mature enough to handle a real relationship with a real woman.

No one ever has a serious relationship at your age.

#189064 Monster Hunter 3 First Impressions

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 01 April 2013 - 09:22 PM

It can't be blamed. The game is supposed to be a asset equal port of the 3DS version, allowing the connectivity between both versions.


Bluntly put, the 3DS version of the game held the Wii U version back. And probably for no good reason, it more or less shows how lazy Capcom is.


Back to the topic, I understand how important graphics are. You really don't want to get anything too sub par for anything anymore. What I don't understand is how you wish to make it out that the graphics are the only thing leading to your disappointment. Surely there are other things making you twitch away from it? Are you really going to land yourself in the firing line of online users because of a singular reason? You've been here long enough, you know what this community is like. It's not the first topic regarding disappointment towards MH3U's graphics.

#188615 Double Standard

Posted by Byakuya Togami on 31 March 2013 - 12:11 PM

No one is allowed to talk about their preferences anymore. Stop acting like you have special rights because you're gay.

#105353 Dont doubt the Wii U's performance potential

Posted by Soul on 08 September 2012 - 06:39 PM

It will be POWERFUL trust me. nintendo knows whats going on. but offical specs arent needed anyway. it will be just as powerful as the next xbox GOING BY MULTIPLE RUMOURS.

Oh, the irony. Atleast he admits he is going by rumours though.

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