Member Since 13 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Feb 17 2014 06:30 AM
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Had to explain to my gf what the difference between Wii and Wii U is. It makes me think how much better this console would've been if it had a different name...

I think thats a sign that you need to dump her ignorant casual @$$ and get yourself a new girlfriend
Jan 17 2014 02:57 PM -
I'm sorry but she's a bit slow. My 4 yr old son knows the difference. And yea if the wii u was called something else it would be better. Something like Nintendo pad HD or something
Jan 17 2014 04:53 PM

pokemon plus and minus? i like the concept but its way too early for next gen

Lol I got Kamiya mad

I swear these forums are messing with my posts whenever I make a topic. Could someone lock the second post?

I've tried to post a topic 3 times now but every time I'm done and go to post it deletes everything I typed and signs me out. Anyone else having this issue? Anyway check this out

The reason you cannot post it is because the forums are out of stock.
Dec 29 2013 07:00 PM -

I wonder if Iwata's gonna step down? Didn't he say something about resigning if this fiscal years sales for wii u don't meet expectations?