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Member Since 31 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2015 03:11 PM

Topics I've Started

What features would you like to see announced for the Wii U at E3?

08 June 2014 - 04:03 PM

The title says it. We've not heard a word about any possible new features that could be announced at E3 (the focus has rightly been on the potential games announced). I've got tons of things I'd like to see, thought I doubt most of them will actually happen.


1) Cross Game chat.


I know this isn't really Nintendo's thing, but a cross game chat system where you could even have video if it's 4 people or less and all of you are friends would be awesome. There are tons of ways to implement this in a kid friendly manner. Also, make this feature a part of the friends list app thing. It's the most logical place to put it and put the messaging system there too! This needs to happen because there are just so many moments in Nintendo gaming I want to share with my friends. My friends and I could all be talking to each other while taking our first steps into the new Zelda game and ooh-ing and ah-ing together, or talking smack on Smash Bros and Mariokart, or hopefully co-oping in X together. etc etc.


2) Updated Miiverse (potentially likely)


Miiverse has always seemed clunky to me. Basically a UI update making it more like a traditional forum/facebook would be really neat to see. I think an update of some kind is actually pretty likely as it's been the same since basically launch.


3) Greater awareness of online happenings.


I want a system of easily knowing what friends of mine are online and what they are up to and be able to join their games when possible (think the join game feature for 3DS). They have an excellent online community with Miiverse and I want to be able to track my friends in this community etc. This DOES NOT mean I want it to turn into and Xbox as far feature heavy, but I would like to see a few subtle changes to make seeing friends coming online etc more accessible and not tucked away in a menue. More or less an improvement of features already in place than adding all sorts of crazy stuff.


4) (a demonstration of improvement of the platform  in some form)


This one is basically a blanket statement that gives them the benefit of the doubt for something new or a feature I didn't know I want or am forgetting off the top of my head.



Let me know what you guys would like to see! I'm mostly about the games with Nintendo, but I would ilke to see the console get a little more diverse with the features. E3 is usually when a few new features get announced if they are big enough news.


*disclaimer* Not sure if this should be in the E3 section or not, but I figured this was probably the better place for it as it wasn't anything related to confirmed E3 news.



Anyone know where I can watch Nintendo Treehouse Live not-live?

04 June 2014 - 04:16 PM

As the title says, I have work all day those three days and I really want to be able to go back and watch all of the livestream content at a later date. Is there a way to watch all 3 days of livestreaming after the streams are over? any help you guys could give tracking down a source to watch it from would be great!

What are your guy's thoughts on Harry Potter for a turn based RPG?

01 April 2014 - 01:03 PM

Seriously guys, What do you think? Harry Potter 1-3 got turn based RPGs on the gameboy color/advance and I honestly thought they were the best Harry Potter games I've ever played. The gameplay was probably the most solid I've seen in a licensed game like that ever. A game that actually got the budget and talent behind it could be an awesome way to experience Harry Potter's world.


Let me know what you think! Especially if you have played any of the games wishing you could have a good Harry Potter game!

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