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#295084 MK8 Weird Mercedes-Benz DLC - Why does this exist?
Posted by lucario23
on 05 August 2014 - 06:40 PM
#294135 Hyrule Warriors
Posted by lucario23
on 24 July 2014 - 08:43 PM
Not my type of game. It still sucks to me.
Looks like a rebranded dynasty warrior.
I think there was even a metal gear solid like this.
Idk why game makers take there series so far away from what it use to be.
You do get the whole point of this game is to be a crossover of sorts to where you have a dynasty warriors style game set in the Zelda universe right? Like you're criticizing a game for doing exactly what the game is telling you it's going to do. I'm sorry it's not exactly what you want, but don't bash it or consider it crap because of that. Grade it impartially for quality, but grade as biased as you like as far as enjoyment.
- Kardibask, Expansion Pak, NintendoReport and 2 others like this
#283899 Mario Kart 8 Main Menu
Posted by lucario23
on 05 May 2014 - 09:22 AM
They can't get over the fact that the new CoD has sh!t graphics and the fact that they're copying titanfall?
X was revealed with Mechs in the trailer in the January Direct of 2013. Titanfall was revealed at E3 2013... Yep the game revealed first is copying the game that was still unannounced. Nevermind the fact that X has completely different gameplay and combat in an open world experience instead of the shooter with competitive online play experience of Titanfall.
- Raiden likes this
#275980 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."
Posted by lucario23
on 05 March 2014 - 08:20 PM
To an extent, it is kind of a waste. No game has used it in any substantially useful way besides Nintendo Land (where's it's part of the game), Game & Wario (same reason as Nintendo Land), the Scribblenauts games (typing), Lego City Undercover, and Pikmin 3's map. Everything else has just been off TV or a stats screen, which is a nice feature, but it's just not being used to it's full potential.
how many games really used the wii mote to it's full potential at this time in the console cycle? I mean we had Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Metroid?, that's about it for actual games of this nature. sure, it had it's mainstream success, but those games were wii sports and stuff, never really changed the core gamer's persective on how they should play their games
- NintendoReport likes this
#272283 Nintendo Direct Discussion Thread
Posted by lucario23
on 13 February 2014 - 08:03 PM
I find it ironic that this direct essentially had just about everything people were asking for, aside from the most outlandish hype hopes, and yet people are still disappointed. Too much hype.
We got a new Smash character, X gameplay (not just footage), Bayonetta trailer. Mario Kart release date (way to fail Nintendo), indie games, and virtual console news. All in all I'd say it was alright. Not spectacular but there have been way worse and it could have been a lot worse.
I think most people are really concerned about how the content was really marketed and emphasized instead of upset over what was actually shown.
On paper this Direct was one of the best ever. 4 blockbuster Wii U games were shown, multiple 3DS games that will sell pretty well. Indie and virtual console games left and right, and even some smaller games free to play starting today.
What people are frustrated with it how they chose to market this content. We got glimpses at the things we wanted to see and tons of gibberish about games we wanted to see in passing (admit it, we want to see the Yoshi, Kirby, etc so be able to say we have those games coming).
Nintendo did a good job of finding the right subjects to talk about, just not the right content on said subjects. We wanted in depth mechanics of X explained, Online features of Mariokart 8 discussed as something to look forward to. Anything other than just a character reveal for Smash, new modes, online functionality etc. Bayonetta was the closest thing to this we got as we got some story and gameplay. this is what we needed from the others and didn't get!!
- magiciandude likes this
#272220 Nintendo Direct Discussion Thread
Posted by lucario23
on 13 February 2014 - 03:39 PM
So what's everyone's problem again?
We got more footage of Mariokart 8. It looks Amazing!! Neat tracks, and plenty of retro tracks confirmed as well.
We got a new character announcement in Little Mac for Smash.
Bayonetta 2 story (Which was the first trailer to honestly turn my head for that game as it started to explain the story)
Donkey Kong even looks really good.
We got tons of indie support and such thrown in as well.
If you all payed attention to the pacing of these directs you would know that Nintendo saves all of the big Wii U stuff for the end.
We got a lot of the games that appeal to the younger audience for the 3DS that will keep that market growing over the next half a year.
Monster Hunter even got announced for the west.
A FREE TO PLAY TACTICAL FPS in the eshop available today.
spoiled brats. I'm going to enjoy all of the great content Nintendo did just post and look forward to all of the stuff coming in future months. X Bayonetta 2 Mariokart and Smash. along with Donkey Kong next week!! Peace out haters!
- Happy Monk, dark_rabbid, Mewbot and 3 others like this
#270141 What do you want in Zelda U?
Posted by lucario23
on 02 February 2014 - 07:55 PM
wii motion plus better be an OPTION for the sword play. That stuff worked really well in skyward sword and it can only be better on newer hardware. As far as the world is concerned I'm thinking something like Link Between Worlds meets Skyrim. I want it to be a dense world and a big open world, but not quite Skyrim big. Zelda isn't a pure sandbox game and it shouldn't try to be. I would like a huge world to explore, but think like maybe 2x the size of Twilight Princess with the density of stuff like Skyward Sword ought to be good.
I'd like to see multiple Hylian villages instead of just Kakariko and Castle Town. It would be nice to get a feel of what living in Hyrule is actually like so it means something to save it. In that sense I would like them to learn from Skyrim, but don't make insanely huge open world just because (though I don't think they will). I'd like to see other things like spontaneous events happening in the open world. Quests that involve side dungeons and caves and things like the little corners of Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds.
- Hunter likes this
#269644 Agree or disagree? elaborate
Posted by lucario23
on 30 January 2014 - 09:46 PM
the giants like EA and Activision i know will be around, i just feel personally that they dont dish out enough AAA games aside from their bread and butter, being the giants that they are. Ubisoft has stepped up above and beyond to me, I'm just concerned for this next Gen.
I agree that Ubisoft seems to be the only AAA publisher that seems to know what it means to go next gen. Activision and EA are both pretty much crap. EA has a few interesting things with Plants vs. Zombies garden warfare, Titanfall, and Battlefront but that's about it from them.
Nintendo really does need to court the indie devs and the more independent studios like the people working on No Man's Sky and some of the neat projects showing up on Kickstarter. I would really like to see continued support from Ubisoft after watch dogs with the Crew and possibly even the division. I doubt it will happen, but that would be all the big third party support you would need along with the indie and kickstarter stuff to really have a powerful library!!
The only other games the Wii U really needs from third party would be Batman, Battlefront, and possibly an exclulsive FPS? Idk, but they really do need minimal third party support for a lot of the big blockbuster Microtransaction games. They do need the publicity for what it is they are doing though. The AAA scene is slowly fizzling out and I think Nintendo could play their cards right to get a lot of sales and great games during the second half of the life cycle if indies keep supporting it.
Kickstarter and Indies are becoming more ambitious as the competition between them is heating up. The Mighty No. 9, Space Pioneer, No Man's Sky, Armillo and many others are starting to look really good. I'd really like Unsung Story to come to Wii U also (Kickstarter). There are tons of fresh innovative ideas out there that will drive the innovation forward. If most of them can make their way on to the Wii U and they can be marketed correctly, then Wii U could become really competitive. especially if they added a few more features like voice chat to make the multiplayer experience more usable for co-op and competitive games.
It would be awesome if Nintendo found some way to get a multiplayer fps like Titanfall that they could get exclusively from a third party developer though. It's the one exclusive they don't really have. I'd be ok with a spin off Metroid series. Like Mario and Mariokart, have the first person adventure game Metroids and a competitive multiplayer Metroid game.
There's just so mmany good games coming to Wii U and it's a shame that many people won't ever know because they aren't being marketed correctly, though on that note I did see a Bravely Default commercial during the later hours Adult Swim on was it Cartoon Network? It was a cable channel in passing...
- umegames likes this
#266826 Neogaf Rumor - New Nintendo Platform Work Began 2013
Posted by lucario23
on 15 January 2014 - 05:01 PM
You people are such ninten fangirls. No wonder Gaymer left.
Again with the no factual point thing...
lmfao. The GBA was selling like hotcakes too. Did it have a long life cycle?
As I've mentioned before on other threads. The 3DS has only had 2 waves of games(launch to Kid Icarus-ish and New Super Mario Bros 2 to the present). There are plenty of franchises to be explored. There has only been ONE Pokemon release. The GBA had 3. The DS had 5. We've got 3 to 4 solid years left before this system gets replaced. It's selling like hotcakes. We may see the successor in 3 years but it probably won't be relevant for 4-5. I'm sorry it doesn't have HD graphics, but the hardware works and the games are fun. If you can't see that these are the reasons that Nintendo makes their decisions (and why people play their games) based on things like this you have no business entering a discussion with any Nintendo fan.
- Raiden likes this
#266818 Neogaf Rumor - New Nintendo Platform Work Began 2013
Posted by lucario23
on 15 January 2014 - 04:29 PM
But this soon? Now that it's selling like hotcakes?
Like other's have said. R&D takes time. Nintendo likes to do things as low budget as possible. The easiest way to do R&D with that kind of mindset is slowly over time. The fact that it's selling like hotcakes means it's almost too late. You want things like this to be done right. It suggests very smart, forward thinking from Nintendo. We probably won't see anything on this console until 2017 at the earliest.
- Raiden likes this
#266241 When Do You Think Nintendo Will Announce Their Next Handheld Console?
Posted by lucario23
on 12 January 2014 - 11:23 PM
The 3DS will not last like the DS did. The only reason why the DS last as longer as it did was because smartphones and apple didn't exist/ weren't mainstreamed as they are now. In reality, the 3DS has a 240p screen, graphics are that aging very fast, etc. Nintendo can't keep having these long generations with their tech is clearly inferior to whats on the marketplace.
You know it's funny. Every time the smartphone argument gets brought up Nintendo just proves them wrong. I think the 3DS will last at least as long as the DS because the DS created a genuine market for games where the Wii was more of a gimmick. The 3DS is selling like hot cakes because this market wants the next gen of the DS stuff. I'd say 2018 will be around the time we get a new console. We got the 3DS in 2011 so that's a 7 year lifespan. The Library is all you need to look at to know the 3DS has a lot of life in it. The second wave of games were just released this past year. We've got at least 2 more big waves of games before the 3DS shows age and 3 before we get to its successor.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums and Raiden like this
#260938 Pokemon Red-Blue,Gold-Silver and Ruby-Sapphire coming to eshop?
Posted by lucario23
on 13 December 2013 - 10:43 AM
If this were true, wouldn't it make more sense to release FireRed and LeafGreen since the original games have those odd glitches? Not to mention that the first gen is really outdated. Of course, they would have to release HeartGold and SoulSilver too which was for the DS.
Thy should really release both. The original games have nostalgia factor for many of the people who bought a 3ds for x and y, the remakes have the functionality of newer games while going through the playthrough.
- magiciandude likes this
#260730 this made me laugh (Bayonetta 2)
Posted by lucario23
on 12 December 2013 - 11:06 AM
Envy, on 12 Dec 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:
Um... No, it's not like that at all.
The original Bayonetta was exclusive to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. This is a slap in the face to the original Bayonetta fans. They have reason to be unhappy about this.
Now tell me who's the "fanboy" here? The Bayonetta fan that owned the original and loved it on the consoles it was originally released on (that is the PS3/Xbox 360) that is upset that it ended up exclusively on a random console that is completely unrelated to the ones before, or the Nintendo fan that just wants an exclusive to flaunt in the face of others, but still complains about third party games being on the Xbox One and or PS4 and not the Wii U?
You make no sense...
You basically just argued that exclusives and third party games hold the same sort of weight. The original Bayonetta was a MULTIPLATFORM game on both PS4 and 360. Nintendo stepped in and basically funded this project because it wasn't profitable enough to continue on it's own, so it's now Nintendo's (The IP isn't, but they have control of how the money behind the project). It's their project, they deserve the sales they get from it. The fanboy is the one who is pissed that they feel like they got screwed over because a game actually will see the light of day, but not on their console of choice. IP's can be on different consoles, it's all about where the money for the project comes from. In this case, it's Nintendo's money.
Every Nintendo fan has a right to be upset about third party games not coming to their system. They are third party games, not exclusives. Granted, nintendo fans should at least understand the business decisions about why they aren't getting third party, but it is a legitimate frustration. I suppose there is understandable frustration in a game moving to a different platform, but hey, I miss Rare, but I got over it.
#260729 Mario Kart 8
Posted by lucario23
on 12 December 2013 - 10:58 AM
It looks really cool from what I've seen- there was that Youtube video that was floating around with the race driver and commentator.... Would hope we get this by April or May, but it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't see it until Aug./Sept.
I mean the game was in playable form at e3 this past summer. I was under the impression they were basically finishing it then and putting it on the polish. I'm pretty sure I even remember Hideki Konno saying they were aiming for 1080p 60fps with two player splitscreen onlinem which is why I'm assuming it's not out before Christmas.
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