Member Since 03 Sep 2011Offline Last Active Feb 13 2013 11:33 PM
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Dear Satoru Shibata: Thank you for the Christmas message on but please take my advice, Wii U is not being advertised properly in the UK, please increase the budget

(he says he reads all our messages on different websites so hopefully he'll see this)
Dec 21 2012 01:02 PM

it was posted on ign that it is supposed to make the os more stable.
Dec 05 2012 11:14 AM

just had my first wii u freeze, at least it froze on one of the best soundtracks of AC3, now it's on repeat :P

maybe 8GB is a little too small, had to buy a hard drive immediately, gotta wait about 4 days to recieve it though

whenever I get 1 for my deluxe im going to get 1 that has its own powersource like nintendo recomends. i should not need a hardrive for awhile though.
Dec 01 2012 01:59 PM -
thanks :) oh I completely forgot that nintendo said that, perhaps i should change my order for another one
Dec 01 2012 02:42 PM

finally finished the update, congrats to all EU wii u owners and anyone can add my NNID CrackKat if you want

Will the midnight launch get any TV coverage do you think? I'm pretty sure the Wii one did (UK)

awesome!! :D but do you think there will be a clip of the queue or the countdown on TV anywhere? maybe a quick interview with one of the queuers? or is that what you were talking about when you said "extended summaries"
Nov 28 2012 01:28 PM -
I remember stuff like that being on before, but that might have changed. If people think its the Christmas hit people run something, just so people know it is out :) saying that, I only watch BBC really and they aren't allowed to advertise so I don't know how in depth the report would be.
Nov 28 2012 01:34 PM -
awesome, great response, thanks, well the lack of/existence of film crews on the night will answer the question for me. i know official nintendo magazine will be there and they video stuff like this for sure so fingers crossed i get an interview with them :)
Nov 28 2012 01:45 PM

I've just got the greenlight to go to the official London midnight launch for Wii U :D uber hype!! anyone else coming? Oxford Street HMV this thurday, free games if you're early