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Member Since 03 Sep 2011Offline Last Active Feb 13 2013 11:33 PM
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- Active Posts 1,266
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- Member Title Pokey
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 25, 1994
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
zelda mainly, most nintendo stuff too
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Ubisoft Poised to Purchase THQ Assets
21 December 2012 - 12:44 PM
Ubisoft is my favourite third party so this makes me very happy, but also I can't help but worry a little when I see a company I really like pay loads of money, so hopefully it pays off for them
In Topic: Aliens Colonial Marines Thread
21 December 2012 - 12:41 PM
Have we actually seen any actual WIIU footage of this game yet? seen loads of trailers clips etc, but wants to see actual wiiu gameplay footage, its meant to be the best version after all, or something like that?
We've seen snippets, nothing long enough for a comparison though, and no gameplay that shows the gamepad integration, so we'll have to wait a little longer for that. plus graphics are often improved at the final stages of development so it wouldn't make a difference if we had seen it already
In Topic: This is the silliest response from a developer/producer yet
20 December 2012 - 05:49 AM
gamepad is preety much a wider PS360 controler with a screen. i was disapointed i cant play assasions creed on the pads screen.
you can, pause the game and go into settings/options and there will be an option to play entirely on the gamepad screen

In Topic: Miiverse: Posting only in games?
20 December 2012 - 05:48 AM
i think if there were a universal community it would be too busy since the number of posters would be the size of the console's install base and that would be too large

In Topic: This is the silliest response from a developer/producer yet
19 December 2012 - 11:59 AM
this makes sense. the install base is currently less than 1 million, so basically developers will only port games they know will sell well to make sure they get some profit. they believe that early adopters will buy the games that make use of the system's new capabilities the most e.g. zombi u. They don't think the wii u version of metal gear will stand out against pikmin, wonderful 101, bayonetta, lego city and rayman which have been built for the wii u. therefore they don't believe that this game should be ported now cos the currently small install base will not buy it when they can buy other games that make use of the new system better.
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