Hey everyone this here is a must read article about the Wii U's hardware problems and how they are actually not what they seem. According to this, the "bricked consoles" are merely continuing the download when restarted after being turned off incorrectly and that the OS doesn't show up because the system is on autopilot to continue the update before doing anything else. Also it says you can download the update in the background. Do you think these guys are right?
- Wii U Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Crackkat
Member Since 03 Sep 2011Offline Last Active Feb 13 2013 11:33 PM
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- Member Title Pokey
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 25, 1994
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zelda mainly, most nintendo stuff too
Topics I've Started
Are the bricked Wii Us actually just on autopilot?
20 November 2012 - 10:41 AM
Update: Nuketown 2025 will not be a pre-order bonus for Wii U (for now)
10 November 2012 - 12:21 PM
Unfortunately, I contacted Activision about Nuketown 2025 and they said it's not currently available as a pre-order bonus for Wii U (despite them previously saying it was), but it could happen in the future; this is the most up to date information on it.
should i buy windows 8?
26 October 2012 - 04:23 AM
hey all, this topic is very short notice cos i kind of need the answer asap so obviously its totally my fault if i dont get one in time 
anyway im getting a new laptop, i was going to get one a week ago but i found out windows 8 laptops are launching today in the UK so i held out. i'm going to try it myself in store today but i've seen a tonne of critisism. so far none of it seems serious, just wining about change and some people thinking you can't do certain things cos they didn't research enough. but i did hear one genuine worry, apparently sometimes performance is weak for the first batch of new hardware for a new OS cos the hardware and software aren't developed together specifically for each other so the software isn't optimised. is this true? will i see limited performance on my new laptop because its the first for windows 8? and will this problem be fixed by simply wiping the OS and getting windows 7 installed on the same laptop?

anyway im getting a new laptop, i was going to get one a week ago but i found out windows 8 laptops are launching today in the UK so i held out. i'm going to try it myself in store today but i've seen a tonne of critisism. so far none of it seems serious, just wining about change and some people thinking you can't do certain things cos they didn't research enough. but i did hear one genuine worry, apparently sometimes performance is weak for the first batch of new hardware for a new OS cos the hardware and software aren't developed together specifically for each other so the software isn't optimised. is this true? will i see limited performance on my new laptop because its the first for windows 8? and will this problem be fixed by simply wiping the OS and getting windows 7 installed on the same laptop?

Assassin's Creed 3 Wii U update
23 October 2012 - 07:52 AM
YUS what a relief
so glad they caught it up. incase u didnt know, they previously said it was only 99% on par with ps360 but now they've caught up the wii u version and quicker than they previously expected.

Stay Tuned to X Factor on 17th for the first Wii U advert!
11 October 2012 - 08:11 AM
Its all in the article and title
btw i just want to say in advanced, if the advert is very casual based then please chill, the first advert will not reflect the entire campain, if 5 days go by and not a single core gamer advert then u can be pissed
Its all in the article and title

btw i just want to say in advanced, if the advert is very casual based then please chill, the first advert will not reflect the entire campain, if 5 days go by and not a single core gamer advert then u can be pissed

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