dagwood dang
Member Since 05 Sep 2011Offline Last Active Nov 08 2013 09:43 PM
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dagwood dang
Wii U's wireless video streaming on the Gamepad will most likely process the images faster than your flat screen TV.

dagwood dang
it'll have less latency than the video processing components in most flat screen TVs. Far out!
Oct 17 2012 12:36 PM -
That isn't saying much. Latency sucks on almost all HD TVs. Still it is cool.
Oct 17 2012 12:56 PM -
yh i've seen a video that breaks it down frame by frame and u can actually see it process faster than the TVs used at the exhibition
Oct 17 2012 01:08 PM

dagwood dang
I want assassins creed 3, and I'd rather have it on Wii U, so I'll probably be getting that. trying to decide on 2 more, besides Nintendo land, cause I'm getting a 32GB.
Sep 26 2012 07:39 AM -

dagwood dang
Nintendo's gonna have an unprecedented head start over the competition.

Tricky Sonic
Not going to happen jono. Microsoft won't launch til Q1 of 2014 due to issues with the chips they intended to use. As for the PS4? If we see one..and I don't know that we will...won't be shown off until E3 w 2014.
Sep 19 2012 11:01 AM -

dagwood dang
Nintendo seems to take cues from Apple, not Sony or Microsoft. They're always borrowing from Nintendo.

@Ufan: By PDP, not Nintendo. So it could still launch in November (18).
Aug 28 2012 12:36 PM -