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Two-Tailed Link!

Member Since 19 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2012 09:00 PM

Topics I've Started

Bye Bye Miis?

06 January 2012 - 07:38 AM

Alot of people have been saying(on Youtube) that Miis should just stay away from the WiiU because of the "hardcore" stuff and Nintendo must make a super realistic avatar. I Like Miis and i think they are cute. They could have a little bit more details(and arms and legs, and thumbs, and toes, and.. nvm).
I hope Nintendo doesnt listen to them and keep the miis!

Sonic the hedgehog Ultimate Collection

05 January 2012 - 10:56 PM

Classic Games(and Sonic 4) Remade in 1080p with extra features.
Games Included:
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic and Knuckles
Sonic 4 Episode I
Sonic 4 Episode II
and Maybe Sonic CD( as WE Nintendo fans havent gotten the remake!)

The Legend of the Links

02 January 2012 - 04:51 AM

Hey guys! I noticed alot of people(including myself) changed their names to Link-related names. So i decided to do a roleplay! You can choose any character(not necessarily your forum name) and just talk and stuff. You can use any type of talking and bla bla bla. I'll use this one:
Me: Hey
Toad: Thank you! But our princess is in another castle.
Me:*runs* Ok.

The plot is a group of Links meet and have an adventure and meet non link or zelda characters and other stuff.
You don't have to be a "Link". You can be Zeldas, Ganons, Pokemons, Mario, Ponies, and any other character!(You can make one your own, or mix 2 characters together,like me.)
I will be "Linked", a Two-Tailed Link.
Of course you can meet with other users in your roleplay. For example:
Me: Hey its you USER-1!
USER-1: Yes its me, and this is my friend "USER-2"
Me: Nice to meet you.

No, you can't kill someone if he doesnt want to, like:
Me: USER-2, prepare to die!
*Linked killed USER-2*

Ok so you guys can start. I will start but not now.


27 December 2011 - 02:56 AM

Posted Image :D

Well you said you liked Dragons. And your name rhymes( i think) With Spyro the dragon.. And you like yellow yoshis... and its christmas... The Adopt Me part was random. I don't know anything about animes soo.... this is the best i could do.

Should Nintendo buy Ape Escape?

11 December 2011 - 10:46 AM

Should they? I mean, Sony is killing the franchise. I would love to see them in SMB4.
I would have written and explained more but i wrote a HUGE wall of text before, and my computer turned off.. so i dont feel like explaining... Ill add more details later.
Attached File  0211.ape_escape_3_422x317.jpg-610x0.jpg   35.83K   419 downloads

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