Two-Tailed Link!
Member Since 19 Nov 2011Offline Last Active Jan 15 2012 09:00 PM
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Two-Tailed Link!
Did my Profile Pic change for you guys? Cause its the same for me!

Two-Tailed Link!
Hey didnt Nintendo say Smash bros 4 will be on 3DS and Wii U? Why not 4 on 3DS and Smash bros 5 on Wii U!

Auzzie Wingman
3DS will be the fourth. Releasing two titles of epic proportions next to each other will work against both of them, and having the Wii U version before the 3DS works against the 3DS version. I'd think the logic train would have been simple, but I guess it skipped a station.
Jan 11 2012 02:45 AM -
no no no, nintendo doesnt milk its franchises, one of the best things about them, you cant expect them to keep making so many installments of one series so close to each other. should be 4 years in between them
Jan 11 2012 12:29 PM

Two-Tailed Link!
Arent we supposed to get new Club Nintendo Download Rewards? Its January 10!

Its not the best FPS you'll ever play... Multiplayer with friends is really fun though :D
Jan 06 2012 12:48 PM

Two-Tailed Link!
We need the next Pokedex 3D UPDATE! I want my Kanto pokemons on the pokedex.

Two-Tailed Link!
I finished OoT 3D! It was the BEST GAME I EVER PLAYED! Its the Second Zelda game i finished! The first was Four Swords(Single+Multiplayer) I Played Zelda and Zelda II but they are too hard. I am also stuck in Minish Cap. Anyways, I finished it in 31 hourse and 3 minutes according to my 3DS.

Two-Tailed Link!
so u went to the bottom of the well? You have to go to a temple in the graveyard
Jan 02 2012 08:42 AM -
I finished it! It really should be the bbest game of all time!
Jan 02 2012 11:44 AM -