Lady Rarity Pony
Member Since 12 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Jun 23 2013 06:34 AM
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Lady Rarity Pony
Wow, so many guests online. Stop lurking and start joining! :P

Lady Rarity Pony
*uses defibrillator on forums* DONT DIE BABY, COME ON, YOU CAN MAKE IT.

Auzzie Wingman
I think I'm the only person here who immediately thought of Battlefield reading this.
May 13 2012 04:06 PM -
Your like my friend then, cause that would be the FIRST thing on his mind lol
May 13 2012 04:08 PM -

Lady Rarity Pony
So I was wondering why there were no complete upload of the Halo Wars cutscenes, so I upload them myself only to get my channel penalized by a copyright claim :D

Lady Rarity Pony
Hmm. What qualifies as a 'cutscene'? Would the parts in Halo in which you are riding in a Pelican and can only look around count as part of a 'cutscene'?

Auzzie Wingman
I think Cutscenes include the automatic movements of characters whilst still in the game interface. They just add black to the top and bottom and change the camera angle to make it more dramatic (?)
Apr 25 2012 03:22 PM -
Lady Rarity Pony
So...if you were uploading the cutscenes would you include that portion in the video? :P
Apr 26 2012 11:49 AM