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Member Since 12 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2012 01:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Understanding graphics (101)

16 July 2012 - 09:02 AM


In Topic: Gamer Economic Pros Needed for trade-in advice.

29 June 2012 - 07:07 PM

Eb games Canada is not like the US stores. They have awesome deals with trade ins. They add extra credit if you trade towards a new console. By trading in my 360, two controllers and 5 games I only had to pay $72 for my vita (regular $277 with taxes included).

I can't help you if you are in the states.

In Topic: What game should I get?

29 June 2012 - 04:29 PM

Xenoblade too me 65 hours to beat. Try FF III and FF XIII-2. Try Darksiders (very Zelda like). skyward sword and twilight princess are long too.

In Topic: Monolith Soft Wii U project

21 June 2012 - 03:42 AM

Well with HD development being expensive and making JRPGs more linear (ffiii and iii-2) I would be happy if this project was just as big as xenoblade but in HD! :)

In Topic: [For Fun] If you could only pick 1 of the following which would you pick?

20 June 2012 - 03:23 PM

Super Mario 128. This is too easy. You gotta poll without Nintendo's big 5 franchises lol

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