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Member Since 12 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2012 01:28 PM

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What Games Have You Sunk The Most Hours Into?

20 June 2012 - 05:59 AM

Title says it all. What games have you spent so much time on that you neglected your social life? It can be from any console/handheld or PC. Hell it can be a mobile game for all I care.

1. Pokemon Blue (GameBoy)

I played this game so much when I was in elementary school it got ridiculous. I played it more than all my game boy games combined. At least 200 hours was put into this game by me.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

My first N64 game and first Zelda game ever. This game turned me into a forever fan of the series. I beat the N64 version around 5 or 6 times and if you include the Master Quest and GameCube version and the 3DS version I spent around 200 hours in this game. I spent about 100 on the original version alone.

3. Legend of Dragoon (Playstation)

I only beat this game once, but played it up until disc 4 a few times. Each play thorough was around 50 hours. I sunk about 120 hours into this game and is still in my top 5 RPGs of all time.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask (Nintendo 64)

I played this game so many times just to explore its huge world and talk to all the characters and do all the side quests. Getting the fierce deity mask and using it against Majora was a high point in my gaming career. I sunk a good 80 hours into this game.

5. Metroid Prime (GameCube)

My favorite in the trilogy, my favorite GameCube game (even better than wind Waker for me) and beat it 5 times plus the wii version for a gameplay time at around 120 hours. Wonderful game.

Nintendo should release the Wii U next year

05 June 2012 - 06:11 PM

Yes, this sounds crazy, and yes, it may be an overreaction due to today's (un)events. But hear out my craziness.

April 2011, Project Cafe is rumored and leaked onto the internet as the Wii HD. Nintendo finally confirms it in May that they are working on the Wii's successor and it will be debuted at E3 2011.

Fast forward to E3 2011 and we get a Wii U protoype that seemed rushed (perhaps due to the leak of Project Cafe forcing Nintendo's hand) full of tech demo's and a weird tablet controller with circle pads. Some people (stupid ones mostly) thought it was just a new controller for the Wii while others thought it was a new gimmick. While some games were announced, nothing was shown (Super Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario).

After E3 2011 was over, all Nintendo revealed about the Wii U was that it would release sometime after April 2012, it was HD, it had a 6.2 touchscreen on a standard controller, it would play 25GB discs, and it would feature online and third party support (EA seemed to be excited).

After much hype over the summer until the holiday season, Iwata reveals that Nintendo will rereveal the Wii U in it's final form and focus on it's new features and games at E3 2012. Many assumed Nintendo would be better prepared this year and have some actual gameplay trailers ready.

Two days before E3 2012 we learn of Miiverse, we see the new redesigned GamePad, the Wii U controller pro is revealed, and Iwata says the E3 presentation will be all about games.

Fast forward to E3 2012 (today) and we got a regurgitation of the Nintendo Direct info, some casual garbage, some features we already know about, and two first party games that we already knew about (Pikmin 3, which looks like an upscaled Wii game, and NSMBU). Nintendo shows no gameplay trailers for any first party games, or hell, even Wii U tablet usage footage of the Aliens game or Darksiders II. So after a year of preparation, no unintentional leaks, Nintendo in complete control, and Nintendo still has nothing to show for the Wii U that interests hardcore gamers (the audience they vowed to win back with the Wii U).

Microsoft and Sony handed E3 on a silver platter for Nintendo thinking that they can't compete with a next-gen console reveal, and Nintendo blew it! Now, next E3, we will have a struggling Wii U showing trailers of games with current gen graphics trying to out due the big releases of the current gen that are not making it to the Wii U such as GTA V, Last of Us, God of War, PS All-Stars, and Halo 4 AND the inevitable reveal of the Playstation 4 and Xbox 720 that will come with launch trailers, future game releases (even if they are far off), a huge graphical leap, better online, and maybe even a better implementation of touch screen controls (Sony will go with multitouch for sure) while offering blu-ray playback and more.

Nintendo has set itself up for failure and just lost all momentum and buzz for the Wii U. So how do you fix this? Well since no compelling games are coming out with the Wii U launch anyways, just delay it another year. Maybe a summer 2013 launch. It gives you an extra year to develop better games that take advantage of the power of the Wii U, it allows you to build a better network and OS, and components become even cheaper, meaning a more powerful Wii U that will compete with the 720/PS4. It is also possible that in order to avoid the negative press the Wii U received this year and for being delayed, a renaming would do the console good. Nintendo has the 3DS to keep it afloat right now, and every Wii sold is profitable and the casual games still sell. What's another year anyway?

If you're not gonna go big in 2012-Q2 2013 for the Wii U with killer exclusives to build up an audience and sales, then why bother selling the console at a loss and facing a Dreamcast/Saturn like scenario? Just delay the thing and do it right!

EDIT: I also forgot to add this paragraph. The same third parties that seemed so excited about the Wii U were a no show at E3 2012 (EA not announcing any of their sports titles or coming on stage?). Nothing from Capcom, Square Enix (Dragon Quest X footage at least?), THQ (Darksiders II), Aliens (Gearbox), all no shows and all have playable game footage to show for the Wii U right now. Further proving my point that Nintendo is not ready to release the Wii U, and it doesn;t have any games right now. It will end up like the Vita, launch with 2 or 3 killer games and then collect dust until new games are unveiled at the next E3. Those new games will fail miserably at retail because of the abandonment of third parties and the launches of the PS4 and 720.

Swear Filter

28 May 2012 - 02:37 PM

Is there a way we can enable swearing (or disable it)? I understand if people get easily offended and want to have it on, but reading fork and carp on the forums just seems so weird and doesn't convey the proper emotion. I'm ok with seeing ppl's swear words, so if there is an option to allow it, let me know please and thanks :)

Should Nintendo Go Back To Red Logo Branding?

28 May 2012 - 03:46 AM

Sony is blue now. Microsoft was always green. Nintendo was red for most generations except for the Wii and midway through the GameCube.

To me, going red is a combination of nostalgia of the old days (bringing back some gamers who ditched Nintendo for the PS1 or Xbox) and also looking more hardcore and intense instead of white game cases (PS3 being clear cases with black and Xbox being green looks much better than the generic white cases of the Wii)

So, should Nintendo start branding their stuff Red or stick with the blue and white?
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Red 3DS cases in Japan:Posted Image

Mock Wii U case with Red theme: Posted Image

Rank Your Favourite Consoles

20 May 2012 - 10:17 PM

Alright, I want to do this two ways. One way, is to list and rank your favourite Nintendo consoles in order, and then do a second list including all consoles you have owned to see where they stack up. Forget handhelds, since the only legit compeittion for the Gameboy was the Gamegear and the DS had the PSP and we both know who won those battles.

We can do it like how baseball awards players. Tally up first place points and second place points, etc.  to see the ultimate Nintendo console and ultimate console on these forums is (My guess is the GameCube).

5 points for a first place vote, 4 for second, 3 for third, 2 for fourth, 1 for fifth for the Nintendo Console List.

Favourite Nintendo Consoles in Order of Favourite to Least Favourite

1. GameCube
3. N64
4. Wii
5. NES

Favourite Consoles in Order of Favourite to Least Favourite of All Time

1. GameCube
3. PS1
4. N64
5. Wii
6. PS3
7. Xbox 360
8. PS2
9. NES

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