Member Since 14 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Nov 04 2013 11:32 AM
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I really hope I don't need to replace all of my Wiimotes with Wiimote Pluses...

Caius Casshern Sins
Only some games will require that, like Nintendoland only the Zelda and metroid games require that. But you.can just buy the Wii motion plus add on and hook it up to your current Wii remotest.
Nov 16 2012 06:18 AM -

Is it just me, or during the time they were showing off the Wii U menu did one of the Miis say something about 5 players playing a game at once?

That paperclip would kick butt. I would get an XBox 360 solely to play as a paperclip.
Apr 05 2012 06:08 PM -