Ok, so I live in NZ and I want to get a premium Wii U, but I've heard you'll only be able to get it if you preorder it or from GameStop and stuff, but we don't have GameStop and I'm not allowed to preorder one, I can only get one in stores on Dec 16th.
So, will I still be able to get one even in store?
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 03 Jan 2012Offline Last Active Sep 17 2013 04:12 PM
About Me
Ola, Random guy who collects Gaming/Walking Dead Merch and plays way to many Video Games .-.
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- Member Title Bob-omb
- Age 26 years old
- Birthday December 13, 1998
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Veilstone, Sinnoh
Nintendo, Minecraft, Computer, Electronics and games!
Link, Pokemon, Nintendo, Minecraft
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Topics I've Started
Will I still be able to get a premium?
15 September 2012 - 09:22 PM
Wii U games you'd like to see, but will never happen?
23 August 2012 - 07:51 PM
What are some games you would LOVE to see on the Wii U, but you don't think that they'll ever come.
Me: Minecraft, Love that game sooooo much
(I had a good look around for a thread like this, if i missed it, please delete this one )
Me: Minecraft, Love that game sooooo much
(I had a good look around for a thread like this, if i missed it, please delete this one )
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