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Bill Cipher

Member Since 22 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2016 07:47 PM

#302968 What Are Your Thoughts on Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric?

Posted by Bill Cipher on 14 November 2014 - 07:26 PM

I picked up the 3ds version, will give it a go and report back in a few days. Any talk of the handheld version has been overshadowed by the console one as you said. There is connectivity between both in the sense you can unlock some extra things but not sure if that is even going to add anything of great substance.

ProJared sums it up in his review pretty well



Watched it earlier today, his One Minute version made me laugh.

#302952 What Are Your Thoughts on Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric?

Posted by Bill Cipher on 14 November 2014 - 04:31 PM

In the sonic boom tv spot topic I mentioned how the game felt like and looked artistically like epic mickey. The pacing of the game is similar.

Perhaps the only highlights with sonic boom is the worm boss and final boss battles. Also running on water was fun but the speed parts felt a shallow

Only Epic Mickey actually was a GREAT game, devoid of most bugs. It knew what it wanted to be and was unique and managed to get Most of it's mechanics correct. The Sequel, on the other hand...


Sonic Boom looked to be a giant mess from the moment it was announced, seemingly having been designed to sell toys/a cartoon, both of which aren't moving/have been moved to the death slot for Cartoon's Ala YJ's fate.

#302901 Address about what happened

Posted by Bill Cipher on 14 November 2014 - 02:35 AM

TIME TO BRUTALLY DECONSTRUCT THE CRAP OUT OF THIS. My 100%, honest feedback on this, since you said you like honesty.



If Mourn isn't going to give you a warning, I will. Kids, stop saying I should be banned over stuff that is rather trivial. Waller, stop saying stuff that isn't rooted in logic and being like, "U need to listen to diss." Say something useful like Ryudo for a change and maybe I'll listen to you. Yes, because we, a bunch of people who have acted rationally for a LONG time, all just decided to go mad/insane together, just to screw with you. Logic is Logic, and Waller's been right in his trains of thought that the staff is not here to protect you and let you keep living in your bubble. The way some of us work is that if you have flaws in your plans/ideas/logic, you better be prepared to be seasoned and coated in butter, for we are going to GRILL you for this. Don't say crap you can't back up.

With that said, Mourn may or may not have told me I was acting pretty awful, and I agree with that. He may or may not liken me in his mind to members of old who are manipulative. And I agree with that. No real comment here.

I'm still pretty miffed about a certain moderator telling me he would talk to me on Facebook Monday and then not doing it. I'm over it now. Forgiven but not forgotten. Putting family you can talk to every day over an online friend, is not how I, for one, roll. Wow, so you're meaning to tell me that family is less important then friends? What if something had happened that was serious, like a car crash/Accident/Something? Would you REALLY expect him to drop trying to help those closest to him just to talk to you? That's petty that you're letting such a thing be an argument about it/reason to feel the way you do. If he had unadded you and blocked you, you might have a point, but no, he is not obligated to talk to you, just like the community isn't obligated to let you continually make threads that serve no real purpose(Ala this one) without us making comments.

The only apology you're going to get from me, is an apology to Jelloman for calling him unpleasantries. Maybe an apology to Fieryguns for being just a touch too harsh at times.Apologies are good

The truth is, I get my feelings hurt sometimes. Once you misuse me once, I will never be the same. After that I may like you, but I may be a little passive aggressive. This is part of the human nature, once we get hurt we take a while to heal. But saying you'll never be the same? Really? Bonds maybe be forged in Iron but they are tested in battle. If you can't forgive someone for something they've done to you and try to rebuild the friendship/relationship then it's obvious it was never going to work out in the first place. If forum drama like this is causing this, then I can't begin to imagine how much of a trainwreck someone ACTUALLY hurting you would cause.  Life's too long to spend pissed off/angry at others. We all make mistakes,they're what define us. To say that "once you misuse me once, I will never be the same" indicates to me that you aren't actually forgiving the people, you're claiming you do. There's a big difference.

Now the important thing is, I am working on myself. Warnings aren't there to tell people to stay the same. A ban may or may not be in my future. I'm going to listen to the community and Mourn's warnings as best I can, but will only do the parts I agree with. I choose to carve my own path, and I may or may not be banned because of it. Only the parts I agree with. So to use an analogy, you've been the Punisher, for lack of a better term. Upon being told you better stop your act, your going to only listen to what you want to hear and carve your own path. So instead of "Stop killing people" you hear "stop killing innocents". But in your mind, we're all guilty, aren't we? There is no innocents for you, so you'll keep disobeying the warnings/advice of others because you believe you know better unless said warnings fit in with what you want. Sounds like a fantastic plan, up until the point where you go past the point of no return and can't fix what you've broken.

I'm really not sure what else to say. Other than that I prefer honest people, like Ryudo. I'm sure if he was in the whole Facebook situation, he would come out and tell me, "I will talk to you on Monday, unless I'm busy with family. They come first and I will choose them over you." You prefer honest people, yet when people are honest with you you turn around and get all pissy at them, saying that they're not based in logic. Sounds like you LOVE honest people, doesn't it? Here's a fun fact: There is no one answer when dealing with honesty. What is honest for one man is something another wouldn't say because he has different life experiences. There is NO right honesty. Also funny how you throw Sorceror under the bus but you'd feel fine if Ryudo did what could very well be the same thing. Also funny is how you mention Ryudo, when earlier today you seemed quite angry at him.

Actually, I do owe some other people an apology. Including Mourn. But just give me some time. I'm fine with giving you time, but when you say "Give me time" and then proceed to do something that's counterproductive, it makes me at least wonder about if you really deserve the time you've been given to fix yourself.

Also if I do make a thread that's kind of worthless, could you guys be careful about making light of it? It turns mediocre threads, like my action figure one, into downright bad threads, and I usually get the blame for it. You want to make a good thread? Make one that encourages actual discussion, rather then these threads that serve no purpose. An Action Figures/Toys in general thread could have been FANTASTIC if done right, as it could try and spark discussion about those items. Instead, making a thread like yours just serves to show that if given the choice to produce something of quality that takes time to think out and plan or just rushing everything like you're the Zerg in StarCraft, you choose the later a majority of the time.

#302865 New Moderator

Posted by Bill Cipher on 13 November 2014 - 06:42 PM

So now that we've given our congrats, who's up for discussing a coup?

That's right, we're pulling a Coup. VITA LA REVOLUTION. 



The forum is now named PS Vita Forums, where we'll call Nintendo gamers children for they don't buy our superior system that has exactly 3 games of note releasing on it this year.



OT: I know I already said congrats, but I just wanted to say thanks to  Mourn for doing the responsible thing and actually GIVING other people power when your attention/life is getting hectic :COUGH NOT LIKE FELD0 COUGH:

#302811 Stop the spam, and I don't mean just the adverts.

Posted by Bill Cipher on 13 November 2014 - 04:13 PM

In this thread, we get to witness my favourite thing to watch: a person who has a point arguing with a moron so far up his butt that he's pulling every argument. Posts don't matter, Porhorse. By your metric, Pewdiepie is best Youtube gamer because he's got the most views, ignoring that HCbailly is far superior. To summarize,

"I'd rather die known as a genius to a few then a moron to the world"

#302327 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Bill Cipher on 08 November 2014 - 06:41 PM




#302136 I've been trolling...

Posted by Bill Cipher on 06 November 2014 - 05:14 PM

You know, there's a theory in Psychology that who you act to be/ who you hang out with affects your thinking. You act like you care about fitness and before you know it you love it. Fake it until you make it is what my Psych teacher called it. The and applies for acting like an idiot(IE trolling) do it long enough and you've now become in the eyes of everyone as an idiot. You might not claim to be one, but it doesn't matter to everyone else.

#302128 I've been trolling...

Posted by Bill Cipher on 06 November 2014 - 04:40 PM

If this thread was trolling, and you mconfess to it being a troll thread, are you trolling us by claiming it's a troll thread to prove you're an expert troll? Or are you trying to prove you're not a troll by admitting this was a troll thread about trolling?

See, this is why no one believes you.

#302111 I've been trolling...

Posted by Bill Cipher on 06 November 2014 - 01:33 PM

For someone who claims to be intelligent(IQ160), you'd think you'd have realized that this was a piss poor attempt at trolling that most weren't finding amusing, that maybe you should have something to show on a kick starter before making one, especially when it's coming from a guy who had to ask if his PC was a good build, that you sold off a console only to rebuy it less then a year later, etc. Doesn't exactly make you sound very intelligent, does it?

But hey, that's none of my business.

#301211 Marvel Announces Full Line Up until 2019

Posted by Bill Cipher on 28 October 2014 - 11:01 AM

So, today Marvel Studios announced all of their phase 3 plans:


Ant-Man - July 17 2015
Captain America: Civil War - May 6 2016
Doctor Strange - November 4 2016
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - May 5 2017
Thor: Ragnarok - July 28 2017
Black Panther - November 3 2017
Avengers: Infinity War: Part I - May 4 2018
Captain Marvel - July 6 2018
Inhumans - November 2 2018
Avengers: Infinity War: Part II - May 3 2019



I have only one to say about all of this:



#300838 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Bill Cipher on 22 October 2014 - 12:44 PM

It's funny how every time someone disagrees with they way you present your arguments, they're automatically supporters of GamerGate. I don't know anything about GamerGate, and, really, if I had to side with anyone in this thread, I'd side with the anti-GamerGate side. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna accept your deplorable disregard for the rules of the website.


1.- Aha, but in fact you have directly insulted and called people stupid. Just because they're accompanied by a real argument it doesn't mean they're not there. Or do you want me to quote the many, many times you've called Wydra a "brainwashed tool" and "ignorant prick"?


Also, how you seem think that having an argument that doesn't devolve into spiels made entirely from inflammatory language is treating it with kid gloves, is beyond me.


2.- Warning or no warning, censored or not censored, you're still posting a link that deals with and links to fetishistic content, a link you DIDN'T need to post because you're not going to find anyone contesting the legitimacy of a relatively easy to find meme. Look at the rule. It very clearly says "No posting" not "No posting without a warning" or "No posting unless you're 3Dude". Hold yourself accountable, will you?


3.- I'm not here to add anything to the ongoing debate, that's why I didn't address anything brought up. I'm not trying to discredit your argument, as you seem to think, I'm here to point out a big issue with the moderation of this website, that, sadly, is present in full force within this thread.


I'm not sure if that's addressed towards me, but just in case, I wasn't aware that GamerGate's mascot (didn't even know they had a logo or that Vivian James was their mascot previous to reading this terrible thread) was a rape meme. I was deeply disappointed when I read of it here, since I actually liked the concept of Vivian James and what TFYC's were doing with her. It's really too bad it ended up being typical 4chan crap.


I'm with everyone else on the sentiment that this thread should be locked.


I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.


Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 


On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

#300623 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Bill Cipher on 18 October 2014 - 05:17 PM

I looked at the twitter links and Saw about 25% of the posts for GG having insults, with 20ish% being StopGamerGate


Not going to bother to quote your post, but it does bring up a valid point.


By claiming that 


The people you're throwing your hat in with are SJWs, and SJWs are verified scum. And on this side they're not a fringe group, they are the driving force.



Is a complete and utter lie. Now, I'm not GOING to say that SJWs aren't morons at moments. Trust me, I read TumblrInAction. The ideas that WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND AUTOMATICALLY DESERVE TO DIE AND THEN EVERYTHING WOULD BE FIXED, as well as the ideas that Mental Disabilities are something to be flaunted around like a sticker are so stupid I'd be tempted to think that these people would support an alien race coming down, destroying all the countries with white people in them, and then setting up a new regime BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL.As a Cis guy, I KNOW We've done some straight up NASTY crap throughout history, but the past is the past. We can't Fix it by killing the opressors, we have to work to make a system where there ARE no oppressors.


However, to lump SJWs as the driving force behind the Anti-GamerGate movement is stupid.  I'm an EQUALIST. I believe in Social Justice(And equality, in case my thing wasn't clear). You're right, that a large part of GamerGate WANTS active change and isn't part of the harassment. But let me tell you a story:


Germany, following the end of WW1, was under heavy heavy losses. They, despite NOT being the instigator, had been fined with the entire guilt of the war and the costs with it. This wasn't fair, and many people underneath the Weimar Republic began to try and fix the problems. One of these groups was the Nazis. Now, in NO WAY am I comparing GamerGate to Nazis, but this analogy works for this story.


Part of the reasons why the Nazi Party was ABLE to be successful was not racism, or prejudice, or those various negative factors. Those were important, but the NUMBER one reason IMO that they were successful is that they gave the Geman people an IDEA to strive towards. Instead of pitying itself and being inefficent, like the Weimar Republic had been, Nazi Germany was able to bounce back from being in the worst place it had been to being one of the most powerful countries in the world over the span of 15 Years IIRC.


This sense of community is what I see in GamerGate. They came together with a common goal: To try and FIX the corruption in the Gaming Industry much like the Nazi's rose into power by trying to fix the issues with Germany and the Weimar Republic. However, this is the main reason why I chose to use this example: The good turned into crap QUICKLY due to there being some underlying factors in the entirity of the foundation.


In the Nazi's case, this was the racism they had. The head of the Weimar Republic CHOSE to form a joint union with Hitler because IIRC Hitler was able to be controlled. Hitler, being HITLER, then pulled off a bunch of stuff to corrupt the system. Once again, this isn't a perfect analogy as the Nazi Party had a LOT more crap going on at the start, but I'm still using it. GamerGate, which like the Nazi's gathered a substantial following, had crap beginning to leak through it. 


The point of this very long winded thing(which I'm trying to shorten now) is that what starts off as a noble idea can become corrupted VERY, VERY quickly. I do not doubt that a portion of GG believes they are doing the right thing, just like a portion of Nazi Supporters believed that actions taken would be the right thing for Germany. ONCE AGAIN, not comparing GG to Nazi Germany. The idea of Communism, for instance, is one that ultimately sounds ideal(At least to me): Everyone is Equal economically and socially. However, this idea got interpretted by the USSR and various other communists to become "Everyone is the SAME." There's a story about Telephone in here somewhere, but I've got no time for that.


In Summation, GamerGate is a noble idea in theory: Weed out the corruption in the gaming industry. However, just like any good idea, this idea can become co-opted and used for less then savoury means. It doesn't MATTER if there's still a group of people who believe in it's core ideas, the entire subject itself is a rotten apple. As I said, I'm an equalist, and since most people inquire what I mean, I have to explain it. By saying I'm a socialist economically, you WOULD not believe the crap I get. I've chosen to move on from it and have begun to use the term Equalist. GamerGate, I think, would do well to do the same. Burn the ship, start over, and create a new movement based around this. Focus on the corruption between the various promotions and companies, focus upon the idea that reviews are supposed to be SUBJECTIVE(you can't write an objective review if it's art. That's not how it works.), or the very ideas that PR Managers tend to be taken from Journalism sites. This is WHAT the DoritosGate Thread on GAF was for, but it got hijacked by the GGers.

#300016 Comics Thread: Ultimate Detective Guardians of the Multiversity, Now with ACTION

Posted by Bill Cipher on 08 October 2014 - 07:15 PM

;_; I'm broke

On the other hand just read the newest installment of Ultimate Comics Spiderman, and I can definitely say it's my favourite comics right now. My only two complaints is that issues are too short and it takes too long between each one :P

That's one of the big issues with Bendis being Marvel's Golden boy. He's too busy to the stuff he EXCEls at and he's given roles he DOESN'T excel at(GotG and if things happen, probably Inhumans/Doc Strange)


Also, Stealth Edit: WHY WYDRA. WHY YOU NO LIKE FF. Have you not read the Hickman run? Soooo good :P

#298714 Comics Thread: Ultimate Detective Guardians of the Multiversity, Now with ACTION

Posted by Bill Cipher on 17 September 2014 - 06:37 PM

1. ;_; So jealous...

2. What do you think of Ultimate Spidey?

I'm enjoying it. Personally Bendis' Best Work he's done with Marvel(Hasn't read Powers)

#297981 Comics Thread: Ultimate Detective Guardians of the Multiversity, Now with ACTION

Posted by Bill Cipher on 04 September 2014 - 09:05 PM

I also mostly get my comics from the library, so it can be difficult to follow stories.


I recently jumped into Fables. I haven't played The Wolf Among Us, but I think I should soon.


I've really been wanting to read the end of Superior Spider-Man and the new Amazing Spider-Man.


Right now I'm reading Kingdom Come, enjoying it so far. I really like Alex Ross' art, I also loved his work on Marvels with Kurt Busiek.


KingdomCome is Absolutely Fantastic in my mind. Perhaps one of my favourite Self Contained DC stories.(Others are probably Batman: the Killing Joke and Superman: Red Son)

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