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Member Since 01 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Apr 18 2013 04:52 PM
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- Birthday August 7
In the galaxy I am forced to share with you.
Games, Music, Piano, Japanese, Interesting people...
Chrono Trigger, SMT, DKC, and alot more.
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#109024 Did anyone preorder the Wii U? Are you guys on the Hype train?
Posted by dkrumble725
on 17 September 2012 - 09:33 AM
#100446 Rembering the Wii Zapper.
Posted by dkrumble725
on 18 August 2012 - 10:36 AM
- Soul likes this
#94771 Grand Theft Auto Petition
Posted by dkrumble725
on 21 July 2012 - 12:06 PM
i totally understand what you're saying, but this petition is not trying to convince them by itself, its trying to A) show that there is a market for their style of games on nintendo systems and B ) at least bring the thought into their minds. sure they will wait for sales whether this petition succeeds or not, but if this petition succeeds, they will remember us when they see the good sales
I'm glad that the person to address my post did so in an honorable fashion. I also understand what you are saying, but they will see there is a market for their games when it actually happens. Let them see the release titles and decide from there.
- Crackkat likes this
#87821 What Movie adaptations of a games do you tolerate or even like?
Posted by dkrumble725
on 15 June 2012 - 07:13 AM
It's always better if you haven't played the game, but then it might just seem strange.
- Hamez likes this
#87758 Dead Space 3
Posted by dkrumble725
on 14 June 2012 - 06:41 PM
- King Graham likes this
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