Member Since 10 Jul 2012Offline Last Active Jan 05 2016 10:18 AM
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i havent been keeping up with splatoon, when u pick a weapon do u get to choose ur subweapons/special? or is it predetermined from ur main weapon.
May 11 2015 09:19 AM
I mean, there's like 3 main weapons and 8 sub weapons, I'd find it weird if it was predetermined, what would determin it?
May 11 2015 10:34 AM -
Well, they could do something along the lines of "Both teams start with the same loadout and must pick up other weapons placed on the map"
May 11 2015 02:03 PM
Finished Bayonetta 2, great game!! HIghly recommend to anyone who hasn't bought it yet.
Jan 10 2015 06:19 PM