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Member Since 15 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2015 05:29 AM

Topics I've Started

Real Life pikmin

07 February 2015 - 09:08 PM



Idk what made me think of these but i remember seeing them when i was a little kid.


There called velvet ants. I saw a picture of one today and them remind me of pikmin


pic pulled from google.










Well i think there cool.

Kinda scary since i got attack by fire ants when i was a little kid.

Media streaming

29 November 2014 - 06:20 PM

So i dont know where else to post this so here it goes.


I am looking into getting some kinda of media streamer.

I have a ton of dvds that i would like to convert to digital. I normally rip the dvds and put them on my phone or ipad for watching later.

But now i am looking to get something that would stream it to the tv.

That way i can have all my movies on one drive and just easily be able to find them.


I would just get one of the android media tv box from ebay and and external hard drive




i also want to be able to view these movies on my phone or pc.


Does anyone have a setup like this?????? I heard about a personal my cloud but alot of people say its slow and the gui is bad.

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