About Me
Welcome to Wii Talk, U Listen! We are the one and only community podcast of the Wii U Forums!
Our lovable cast of personalities is composed of:
SolxBurst, our great host, introducing every cast member with either puns, or stereotypes. He loves Noonabites and Okami.
Noonabites, the lovely love of Sol, and Mig. She loves cats and is a cat. (Don't give her catnip, she goes crazy!)
Deadly Virus, our British correspondent, he lives in Buckingham palace, he loves tea, crumpets, and interrupting Noona.
Mignaga, the other (and lesser) husband of Noona. He likes the Walking Dead a little too much, and is "Final Fantasy XIII Buds" with Sol.
Tricky Kirito-Kun, the eldest of the group and our resident collector. You will often hear him speak of the "good old days", like the Civil War times.