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bf3,cod and timesplitters 2!
#171908 The Harlem Shake
Posted by routerbad
on 15 February 2013 - 07:50 PM
#103385 Many Awesome New Wii U Accessories
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 30 August 2012 - 10:56 PM
To begin with, there's a red coloured button on the front that only exists on the Wii U console. (Sync button I believe). On the Wii, this is hidden behind the flap for the SD Card.
The second thing is the rounded edge on the Wii U where it makes contact with the charging dock. The Wii has a straight edge.
#133055 I can't be the only one -- download animation freeze
Posted by FSThree
on 18 November 2012 - 11:48 PM
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#119526 Gta V on wii U?
Posted by Crackkat
on 20 October 2012 - 08:22 AM
Yeah, you have a great point there because I'm always disrespecting others.
That was just in response to this part of your post:
The "especially on a Nintendo forum" part was more in relation to Nintendo fans generally being of a younger age than Sony fans for example.
not really. Sony fans are mostly young kids that just started gaming recently. nintendo's fans are the long time gamers who grew up with them and have been gaming for about 20 years
- scotty79 likes this
#120030 Is the Wii U Really a Graphical Jump Over the PS3 & 360?
Posted by dragomix
on 21 October 2012 - 01:53 PM
Absolute nonsense,if a game looks better on Xbox than ps3 its because it was developed on Xbox mainly and ported to PS.The same can be true the other way round.i think its close but just the ps 3.played over 200 hours of bfbc2 online accross ps and Xbox and could tell the differences if I could see smoke or water.Also you say halo 4 I would prefer examples actually released.GOW is good looking played all but imo not as nice as maybe metal gear or uncharted on ps.this is just my opinion though
Halo 4 leaked, you can find it on torrent sites. I have modified Xbox, and I have played the game. Im not the only one that is saying that Halo 4 is the best looking game on consoles. I sad it 100 times, I mainly play games on PC in full HD, all details High, DX11, and Halo 4 can beat most if not all of PC games in same resolution. Game is beter looking than Crysis! They did fantastic job!
Second, PS3 have weaker GPU than Xbox. To compensate that, programmers need to employ several SPEs. SPEs are not good at processing graphics, they are not efficient, so results are catastrophic. PS3 can't render textures in resolution that Xbox 360 can, lightning is not as good and so on. They did really fantastic job with physics by the way.
I have played RDR on both consoles, Xbox 360 version look better, it has more characters on screen, view distance is better. You can see this in the video below:
Why I was telling this, because horsepower means nothing if you don't balance your system. Wii U is weary balanced system!
P.S. I don't support piracy, I will buy Halo 4. On the other hand, I can do with hardware I bought whatever I want!
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#116766 Iwata ask about Hardware
Posted by 3Dude
on 11 October 2012 - 03:22 PM
The sad thing is your rant has no basis in reality and its clear IBM would not have apologised for the earlier statement unless they felt they had misled people. Adding the numerous developer reports of a weak wii u cpu adds a huge amount of weight to this.
The fact is Nintendo are fighting hard for the specification not to be released hence the legal handcuffs on developers but information continues to leak out about the weak cpu performance. I don't want the wii u cpu to be weak but that is what is reported. Your attitude is simply an attitude of denial. I made the point myself on this forum that power 7 is power architecture but thats not the point here.
It may be a few months away yet but the full wii u spec will be leaked and then you will come to realise how disconnected from reality you are. You just seem to be digging a huge hole for yourself.
The hilarious thing about this is I quoted the actual twitter feed,and provided a link to the whole ordeal, for everyone to see, how the entire event went down, and you have not provided diddly squat, except a bs pile of crap, that didnt even post the source to its information. Which I did by the way, I posted the twitter feed your article was talking about... And yet you say my argument has no basis in reality, mr cant post any evidence and constantly references 'leaks' with no source, and articles that were taken down because of misrepresentation. Right.
“We have a few Wii U devkits since quite some time. We even almost finished our first Wii U game. The kits exceeded our expectations in every way and we still learn how to get the best performance out of it. A good thing about Wii U is that it’s very easy to develop for. You don’t have so many limitations like on the other current gen platforms. For us the Wii U is the perfect platform with enough horsepower for many years to come. I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.â€
German dev team Shin en. Yeah, thats right, thats a name of something that exists!
Oh, you dont HAVE any names for your 'secret leaks about low power?'
Oh, its a shame eurogamer lied about all the favourite articles you like, and the people with actual NAMES they interviewed demanded they apologized for misinterpretation like the Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, who furiously called out gamespot and eurogamer over his twitter, and demanded they amend their articles and apologize, which they did, or the sonic racing team, who demanded the fake quote eurogamer used about wii u power be removed and eurogamer apologize (which they did). But that doesnt stop you does it? Dont let little things like that get in your way.
Like that even remotely has anything to do with p7 being the processor anyways. P7, like every other processor in the world, gets a certain amount of performance per watt. If you lower the power intake enough, even the 'mythical' p7 could be 'weaker' than the ps360 cpu's. Your idiotic arguments about percieved wii u power have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the wii u uses a power 7, the only reason I even bother with them is because they are complete crap, its like explaining that the sky is blue because its made of paint. Yeah the skys blue, but that doesnt matter the argument is wrong. I have NEVER said the wii u is super powerful because it uses a power 7, so quit trying to put words in my mouth, as you lack the finesse to properly perform such scams. So just stop.
There are only 2 chips in existance that ibm has that are made on a 45nm process. One is the successor of the chip used in the blue gene sequoia the worlds current fastest super computer, the ppc 476fp.... And the other is the one used in IBM's watson, the power 7 processor core.
THe 476fp core is 3.6 mm square. at Tricore, we are looking at about 11 mm square. Thats less than half the size of the cpu footprint shown in the picture, which you can easily compare to both the dimensions of the console handed out by Nintendo from the mother board shot, and the size of a human thumbnail from the up close shot. Either way you are looking at around 30mm square.
Its too big to be the only other chip ibm has in existance on a 45nm process thats not the p7 processor core. Either that or the wii u has like, an 8core ppc476 processor. I dont think thats very likely. It features, as stated in the interview, IBM's new high density edram technology, the only chip in existance that has this technology, is the p7 processor core.
Go on, look it up, ill wait. No really, actually research something for once, ill wait.
Good, youre done.
It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, and it quacks.
Heres an idea dude, I have put down tons of hard facts. And all youve done is stomped your feet and repeated no like a five your old, and tried to put fake arguments in my mouth that I have never, EVER actually uttered, in an extremely poor attempt to make it look like you have anything to stand on. How about you put together some logic, and post a reality based argument on why it CANT be power 7, in your eyes.
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