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Member Since 09 Oct 2012
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#180875 Sony aims for 16 million PS4's this holiday season

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 09 March 2013 - 06:57 AM

Wow, if this is true,  which I'm almost sure it is not, than Sony is waaayyyyy more stupid than I thought they were...

#181200 Sony aims for 16 million PS4's this holiday season

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 10 March 2013 - 07:23 AM

Absolute rubbish. Comparing iPhone sales to that of a console make no sense what so ever. One is sold primarily on contract and the other isn't. Also if the number Routerbad quoted is true then the iPhone 5 has done a lot better them the Wii U has making your argument flawed anyway.

There is nothing stupid about them. Companies make sales projections all the time. Even Nintendo did for the Wii U and that doesn't seem like its going to come true.

are you serious??!? That most certainly does make them stupid, they are predicting that they are going to sell more PS4s in the first two months than PS3 did in 2 years. Also the economy right now is exponentially worse tha. It was during the PS3s launch. Plus this probably isn't true, but if it is they are truly blind to their market. I'd be surprised if PS4 sells more than 4 million in its launch period( through first Q 2014).

#181400 Sony aims for 16 million PS4's this holiday season

Posted by Fig on 10 March 2013 - 04:26 PM

Absolute rubbish. Comparing iPhone sales to that of a console make no sense what so ever. One is sold primarily on contract and the other isn't. Also if the number Routerbad quoted is true then the iPhone 5 has done a lot better them the Wii U has making your argument flawed anyway.

There is nothing stupid about them. Companies make sales projections all the time. Even Nintendo did for the Wii U and that doesn't seem like its going to come true.

Lol what do you think I'm trying to say? All I'm saying is that if mega popular, less expensive phones can't sell 16m in 3 months, there is no way a gaming console $350+ can. It's not that complicated dude.

#157988 nextbox goes big

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 09 January 2013 - 02:45 PM

This seems so.....useless....

#157979 nextbox goes big

Posted by Goom on 09 January 2013 - 02:04 PM

This will only work if you have your lights off.

#158018 Wii U Accessories @ CES 2013

Posted by SPG on 09 January 2013 - 04:34 PM

the controller looks ugly, and too much like the xbox

#158006 black ops - kill confirmed

Posted by jdub stl on 09 January 2013 - 03:54 PM

Yeah there are a bunch of game modes i like that nobody on the wii u play. Like the op said kill confirmed is awesome, ctf is good to rack up points also, s&d seems like nobody is ever playing

#157987 black ops - kill confirmed

Posted by RolledUp20s on 09 January 2013 - 02:42 PM

The online mode - kill confirmed - is awesome. More people need to play this and give team deathmatch a rest. Its basically the same but you collect dog tags for a kill..which can earn 150 a kill. Plus picking up loose dog tags etc for more. I'm racking up 2/4k a match. Its great for ranking up quick and just a really fun mode to play. ..why these modes get no attention I don't know.

#131168 Is my copy of Assassin's Creed 3 defective? (Picture included)

Posted by Dragon on 16 November 2012 - 10:55 PM

Data is stored on the outer ring base. I believe the only purpose for the inner ring is to allow it to cling onto a clip (and for your finger :P)


Now the REAL reason the inner ring exists is to keep gamers from being single for the rest of their lives. ;)

#119195 Black Friday and Gaming

Posted by jono on 19 October 2012 - 12:00 PM

It's always been a pleasant time, for me, happily rampaging through the aisles, trampling old grandmas and crazed mothers to get something I don't really need!

#119226 WII u chat feature rumor.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 19 October 2012 - 01:47 PM

This whole thing is a lie. Really, we don't even need to use the Gamepad to chat. Anyone remember how chatting on PS3 works? Whether it's a basic mic or Turtles, you plug it into the usb port on the PS3, and you can start talking, you don't have to plug into a head jack like the Xbox 360.

Same with Wii U, there are two USB ports in front of the Wii U console, so you can plug in the Turtle Beaches into the USB port and start talking. You don't have to use the Gamepad or Pro Controller. SEE PEOPLE.

But this is just my theory. Maybe before launch Ninty will include a head jack with Pro Controller so people will stop fussing. Or Ninty will go with Sonys idea which isn't a bad idea.

Nintendo web site specs - "Wii U can be connected to the Internet via a wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection. The console features four USB 2.0 connectors – two in the front and two in the rear – that support Wii LAN Adapters."

#119233 WII u chat feature rumor.

Posted by Robotic Sunshine Commander on 19 October 2012 - 02:43 PM

9 times lol.


This whole thing is a lie. Really, we don't even need to use the Gamepad to chat. Anyone remember how chatting on PS3 works? Whether it's a basic mic or Turtles, you plug it into the usb port on the PS3, and you can start talking, you don't have to plug into a head jack like the Xbox 360.

Same with Wii U, there are two USB ports in front of the Wii U console, so you can plug in the Turtle Beaches into the USB port and start talking. You don't have to use the Gamepad or Pro Controller. SEE PEOPLE.

But this is just my theory. Maybe before launch Ninty will include a head jack with Pro Controller so people will stop fussing. Or Ninty will go with Sonys idea which isn't a bad idea.

Nintendo web site specs - "Wii U can be connected to the Internet via a wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection. The console features four USB 2.0 connectors – two in the front and two in the rear – that support Wii LAN Adapters."

i completely agree . people are whining for no reason. lol tbh who the hell ends up using the cheap xbox mic you get anyway. and I'm pretty sure ps3 doesnt come with any mic anyway lol.

party chat isnt as good as people make it out to be, even though its a nice convenience. miiverse mkaes up for no party chat by a long shot, along with video chat and stuff which is revolutionary for a console. :)

even though the pro controller should have a mic port ( even though its a secondary controller) if u guys havent noticed already lol.

nintendo wouldnt make a cheap built in box mic just to put it there. they want gamers to have the best headsets, so they r letting third parties take control. good thing imo. besides the pro controller like i said.

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