So I wasn't anticipating this as a feature, but when I discovered what it added I thought it was pretty cool. Has anyone else observed how the Gamepad enhances the sounds and music of games? By having certain sound effects on the Pad or certain instruments in a song given to either the TV or the controller separately, it creates a listening experience that's almost like holding surround sound in your hands.
After perusing a bit, it seems opinions on the system are largely negative, so I thought I'd try something a little more positive - because I think this sound dynamic is awesome.
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 19 Nov 2012Offline Last Active Jan 03 2014 07:42 PM
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- Member Title Spiked Goomba
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday August 7, 1993
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Animal Crossing
Topics I've Started
Unexpected Awesome - Gamepad/TV Sound
19 November 2012 - 08:24 PM
YAAAAAAAHH (formerly Rei Yahya from 3DS Forums)
19 November 2012 - 07:08 PM
Gee whiz, my topic title is annoying. But I shall keep it.
Hey all! I'm Aarony. Some of you MIGHT remember me as Rei Yahya from the 3DS forums. I was around when that forum first started, and I COULD have joined this forum when it first started...and I seriously regret not doing that. But now that the Wii U is out and I'm super into it, and I need friends on there (ulterior motives ftw) so I finally joined. And I'm STOKED. It'll be swell to meet you all!
Hey all! I'm Aarony. Some of you MIGHT remember me as Rei Yahya from the 3DS forums. I was around when that forum first started, and I COULD have joined this forum when it first started...and I seriously regret not doing that. But now that the Wii U is out and I'm super into it, and I need friends on there (ulterior motives ftw) so I finally joined. And I'm STOKED. It'll be swell to meet you all!
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