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Old Leaf

Member Since 22 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2012 03:39 PM

#137320 Let's play Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed!

Posted by Old Leaf on 24 November 2012 - 06:49 AM

If you're looking for a good time, hit me up.

I mean in this game...not...I'M NOT A HOOKER OK?!

Anyway, let me know below or by PM...or just add me on Miiverse with the message "I come from thewiiu.com"

NNID: OldLeaf

#137095 Anybody here have Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Posted by Old Leaf on 23 November 2012 - 06:38 PM

That's because the matchmaking forum is brand new, it needs more people making matchmaking threads. You're new though so it's not like you knew. I wasn't aware this was released yet, I know it's out in Japan but that's it and I'm not sure if a lot of people here import.

Yeah, just out in Japan so far. I bought it in Japan, so I saved lots of money. Importing is unfortunately expensive.

[mod feel free to move this to matchmaking]

That came out?.... I find it ironic how the game is new leaf and your user name is old leaf...

Out in Japan so far.
And yeah, aren't I clever?

#136451 Hello. Just bought my Wii U

Posted by Old Leaf on 22 November 2012 - 04:33 PM

Hi! I'm equally new here, so maybe we could be friends? (I'm so desperate T.T)

Sure, I don't see why not. My NNID is OldLeaf

#136445 Hello. Just bought my Wii U

Posted by Old Leaf on 22 November 2012 - 04:21 PM

Hey there.

I just bought my Wii U basic set today, and so far only own one game, which is Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (which is a great game by the way...)

Happy to be here, and hope to see you all on my miiverse :P

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