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Member Since 01 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2013 04:52 PM

Topics I've Started

To all the Wii U / Nintendo apologists....

10 February 2013 - 08:53 AM

Give it a break!

Just read through a number of posts - some with real concern over the investment that people have made by buying a Wii U - and all that follws are a raft of negative comments and attacks to demean the poster - you all need to wake up!

So far, the Wii U is a massive dissapointment. ZombiU - great game but limited longevity due to lack of online (no, leader board comparison is not online play - that's right! spit the dummy/pacifier out, lash out, you know you can't resist! - lol). SMBU - Great.. HD 2d mario, no really,..... great....

NintendoLand - not bad as a party game to play with kids - as an innovative title to 'show' what the Wii U can do? It sucks balls, Big Ones!

3rd party titles - c'mon! Played and dusted way before on other platforms.

Nintendo's 1st party support? Absolutely atrocious! Iwata nodding like a bobble head does not substitute for a TOTAL failure in support the Wii U - It's sheer arrogance and a abuse of Nintendo fans and early adopters.

Yes, great, 1st party titles are coming. hmmm, going by Nintendo's release 'streak' we'll be playing those in 2015, great.

Wind Waker si coming! I'm so excited. Yeah right. This is why Nintendo remain arrogant. It's great to be nostalgic, but to release old games in new fangled.... '!!!! HD !!!!!' and for this to be lapped up is why the Wii U will possible follow the Cube - great titles, rubbish 3rd party support.

Iwata cares about the shareholders - as he should do. Care for gamers and the need or want to enjoy Nintendo products? No way.

This post isn't to provoke a response - it's the truth. It's the current sorry state of affairs that the Wii U is facing. Plenty of members of this forum are thinking the same way, but they may not want to voice their opinions - me ha! I paid my money and so far, I was most definitely robbed.

Ok, apologists, attack and rant away...

Just sold my Wii U!

05 December 2012 - 08:53 PM

It just dawned on me - the Wii U is going to go through the same cycle of a dearth of AAA games like the 3DS did and what the Vita is going through now.

I bought my Wii U to play 1st party AAA titles their are none. Nintendo are happy for no 1st party titles until April here in the UK. So I just sank £400+ to wait 5 months for a game that was a launch title and that has been delayed not for improvements but simply to fill out spaces because the Wii U has enough 3rd party support at launch. When I read this account I just knew that I'm going to go through the same drawn out wait - not doing it.

it is a damn shame. I've rally bought into the hardware - I'm not even talking about the gamepad but the chip architecture. I don't buy the whole lower than current gen waffle - Nintendo know how to make triple A's and the Wii /u will be great canvas - but sadly that's not immediate target which is to hype up the abilities and expect to ride the vapours. We all know that they'll follow through with the IP's we love, but this will be as retaliatory for competitors, if they gave a crap I wouldn't have been spoon fed the idea of mini games - some that I would even pay 50p for, somehow vindicating the money I invested.

It's going to a great system, with brilliant games, just a shame they won't be here for another 2 years.

Sonic Racing - why the high scores?

03 December 2012 - 04:52 PM

I just can't see why this is so highly rated. Visually this is rough - the most 'low res' looking game on the Wii U so far and with a crappy frame rate on some courses. Am I missing something? How are you finding it?

ZombiU - Great job in capturing London!

03 December 2012 - 04:37 PM

Well, I use Shadwell Station quite a lot - and I've got to say they have really captured it and the the Brick Lane part brilliantly.
Can't wait to see the rest. Next time I'm out there at night I'll definitely be seeing flashes of ZombieU for sure. I think any Londoner playing this game will be appreciating the time taken by the devs in the finer details of the setting.

Wii U won't switch off?

01 December 2012 - 07:42 PM

Hmmmm, thought it was a soft press to reset and hold to turn off like Wii - but either way the standby light comes on for half a second and then it just restarts - am I doing something wrong? The only way to turn it off is o take out the power cable - that can't be good.

Oh great - now I can't connect online after the update. It updated fully but now won't see ANY wifi connections at all - keeps coming up with error 103-4199. Possible lemon here.

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