Member Since 06 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Feb 07 2014 08:25 AM
About Me
My name is routerbad, I'm 28 years old, a former U.S. Marine, and a Systems Engineer. I currently work mainly with storage, disaster recovery, and virtualization technologies. I've been a gamer since I was little, and I've owned pretty much every Nintendo home console (no GCN) and mobile console.
I got a Wii U shortly after launch and joined these forums. I also got a 3DS XL last September.
My name is routerbad, I'm 28 years old, a former U.S. Marine, and a Systems Engineer. I currently work mainly with storage, disaster recovery, and virtualization technologies. I've been a gamer since I was little, and I've owned pretty much every Nintendo home console (no GCN) and mobile console.
I got a Wii U shortly after launch and joined these forums. I also got a 3DS XL last September.
Community Stats
- Group Section Mods
- Active Posts 2,013
- Profile Views 25,539
- Member Title Lakitu
- Age 40 years old
- Birthday December 4, 1984
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Oceanside, CA
IT, Cyber Security, Working on my car, motorcycling, gaming, building PC's
Zelda, Mario, Halo, Star Trek