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Member Since 06 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2014 08:25 AM

#164893 Considering the Wii U need some help

Posted by routerbad on 30 January 2013 - 01:48 PM

Personally I think its a mistake selling the PS3 and Xbox 360 as this is going to be one of the best years they are going to have in terms of top class quality games a lot of which won't be released on the Wii U. You don't need to be a hardcore fan of exclusives and the PC can't make up for all the games that won't be released for it. As for the best console launch line up in recent memory hardly. The Wii U launch line up was poor with most of the quality games being ports of games that came out several months and in one case over a year before on other consoles. The PS Vita had a far better launch line up then the Wii U.

The multiplats coming for PS3 and 360, at least the good ones, will be on PC as well.  I played the recently released exclusives before selling them and the ones coming out I have zero interest in.  Honestly it depends on what types of games someone is interested in and what they want to invest their time in.  Between SWTOR and all of the Zelda titles I'm catching up on I'm good for now.  I don't play FPS games on consoles so what I'm looking for are RPGs and platformers.

As far as the Wii U launch lineup I was satisfied with it, and was referring to consoles in any case.  Vita never appealed to me, I got a 3DS XL instead, so honestly I don't know what games are available for it or what it launched with.  Even the laziest ports on the Wii U are good games, and even gimped I enjoyed Madden, mostly for the playcalling.  The sheer number of available games available across nearly every genre is what makes it one of the best launches IMO.  They really did try to appeal to everyone, not the lowest common denominator.

I totally appreciate your opinion!  I just didn't get any use out of either of the other systems at the time, and none of the upcoming games appeal to me, personally, so it was a win win for me, declutter the media closet and get a new system with some promising upcoming and available games.

#161946 23.1.2013 Nintendo Direct about new WiiU games

Posted by routerbad on 22 January 2013 - 03:53 PM

I hope Nintendo announces a game staring Waluigi!


Staring Waluigi?

#145046 Nintendo Land Reviews

Posted by routerbad on 07 December 2012 - 11:35 AM

Have any of you played DK's Crash Course yet?  I find it one of the most challenging minigames available.  I would rate it 9/10 for singleplayer.

The overworld is interesting, but so far I haven't unlocked much so I'm not sure how much there is to actually do here, and the TV headed stick figure that explains things gets quite annoying to start with, and can't be skipped.

#145036 Madden 13 Reviews

Posted by routerbad on 07 December 2012 - 11:25 AM

I agree with your review, thank you very much, it was actually influential in my decision to get this.

My take,

I've played this on 360 as well, and the absence of the infinity engine isn't particularly noticable.  The animations are varied enough to create the level of immersion expected with a Madden title.  The game plays fast and hard on the Wii U and the graphics are exactly the same, though there are times that the lack of experience the devlopers had with this new platform becomes apparent with regard to resource optimization.

Where this title is completely set apart is the GamePad.  This is the way you want to play Madden, period.  Considering what EA was able to do with a shortened dev cycle on an infant platform with a completely novel control scheme is nothing short of impressive.  It will be interesting to see what they are able to do with the system when they actually have time to work with the system and optimize the graphics and physics engines to make use of the Wii U's hardware advantages.

I would give it 8/10 with the only drawbacks being slight framerate lag at times, and the removal of the infinity engine.

#144554 Hello All

Posted by routerbad on 06 December 2012 - 10:32 AM

Hi everyone.  After getting my 3DS XL (an early christmas gift from my wife) I started looking at the Wii U and decided that I would get rid of systems and games that I don't use and put it toward a Wii U.  I had a PS3 and a 360, both of which were collecting dust much of the time, other than Halo.  I do the vast majority of my gaming on PC, because I have more control over the experience and I have more invested in Steam, UPlay, and Origin than any console games.

I traded in my PS3 and 360 and the only 5 games I still owned and put them toward the Wii U Deluxe.  I also bought NSMBU and will probably be getting either Madden, FIFA, or something similar from the launch titles (I have ACIII, NBA2K13, CoDBOII on PC).

I'm enjoying miiverse when playing NintyLand and NSMBU (posting my frustrations and my elation when I finally achieve something) and seeing some of the interesting artwork in miiverse is great.

I will probably pick up Twilight Princess and Skyword sword for Wii (also currently replaying OoT and Links Awakening on 3DS) and look forward to 2013.  I will still get the NextBox when it releases (maybe next year) but for the moment I love the Wii U and my 3DS.

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