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- → Viewing Profile: Posts: MrIceCreamCow
Member Since 09 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Dec 13 2012 08:24 PM
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- Active Posts 5
- Profile Views 5,364
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 18, 1994
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Wake Forest, NC, USA
sports, marching band, music, video games.
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Your favorite video game character?
09 December 2012 - 07:38 PM
Midna and Fi. I love the gothic Zelda sidekicks.
In Topic: Genesis VS. Snes!
09 December 2012 - 07:31 PM
They are both nostalgic, and I had my favorite memories from the snes, but I introduced my little cousins to gaming with the Genesis. I'll go with Genesis.
In Topic: Origin of your username
09 December 2012 - 07:06 PM
Mr-I'm a dude XD
IceCream-I was eating ice cream when I used it originally
Cow-My favorite animal :3
Mr-I'm a dude XD
IceCream-I was eating ice cream when I used it originally
Cow-My favorite animal :3
In Topic: What is your favorite gaming system?
09 December 2012 - 07:02 PM
I still have my Atari and SNES... I think Nintendo's best consoles, and my favorites, are N64 and Gamecube, although my all-time favorite console is the pc.
In Topic: Hello! New here.
09 December 2012 - 06:53 PM
Thank you both

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