Member Since 26 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Dec 28 2013 02:25 AM
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If I buy a 24 hour pass for wii sports club can I use it offline.

Don't think so, as the pass is an ONLINE pass. Better off popping Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort and going into Wii Mode.
Dec 21 2013 06:33 AM -
The hub checks for internet and the games are disabled if you don't have a pass, I think that's all it checks.
Dec 21 2013 11:17 AM

The best thing about the wii u is when ygou play with friends!!! me and some mates were crying with laughter playing wii party u yesterday!!!! :)

Rebecca Black is back with a new song called saturday LMAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVCzdpagXOQ

wow she's ugly dumb and i can't swear enough about that mess of a song and person and attempted to leech off of her last "song" that was just a big joke on the internet:(
Dec 07 2013 02:26 PM -
Haters gonna hate. It's not bad (especially compared to a lot of crap music of today), and shes a pretty cool person. Plus Dave Days, jenxpenn, O2L.
Dec 07 2013 02:41 PM