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Member Since 02 Feb 2013
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#154914 None of you are tougher than I am.

Posted by Zinix on 01 January 2013 - 02:43 PM

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#154901 None of you are tougher than I am.

Posted by Zinix on 01 January 2013 - 02:07 PM

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#154880 None of you are tougher than I am.

Posted by Zinix on 01 January 2013 - 01:37 PM

I'm a cat, married to Mig and a wolf and I'm unafraid of water. Come at me brah

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#154873 None of you are tougher than I am.

Posted by Zinix on 01 January 2013 - 01:24 PM

I'll have you know I read every post in this pointless thread. That proves how tough I am.

cept mine

#154844 None of you are tougher than I am.

Posted by Zinix on 01 January 2013 - 12:45 PM


#170033 Are things really this dire?

Posted by Zinix on 10 February 2013 - 07:51 PM

The 3DS launch was like this as well, no games for months, dismal sales, and slow OS. It's like this with every new system regardless of him big the brand name is. People should realize by now that you're aren't going to get five or ten quality games at launch from Nintendo, sorry that's not just happening. The Wii U will pick up momentum once E3 comes around, expect to see games from Nintendo and third party developers. It's like Lain said, sites like Kotaku, Eurogamer, IGN write doom articles because they want to make a profit. They'll be doing the same thing for the 720 and PS4 when there's no games for months.

#169807 Are things really this dire?

Posted by BlueBlur on 10 February 2013 - 11:55 AM

Every since the official Wii U launch sales were released, Nintendo haters rejoiced and whenever you google Wii U or Nintendo you'll always get a doom and gloom article such as "Nintendo is becoming irrelevant" "720 to benefit from Wii U's disappointments" or "Wii U sales struggling due to PS4/720 hype" so i wonder, is Nintendo really in as serious trouble as people make them to be?

#170417 Custom profile titles?

Posted by Chaos on 11 February 2013 - 05:01 PM

You just gotta ask a Mod or an Admin. I don't know if writers have that power. This being said, I'd love it if my Title was changed to Zombie... >.> Please? Anyone? I bet Auzzie knows how to change it. I'll ask him...

#170380 Custom profile titles?

Posted by YoshiGamer9 on 11 February 2013 - 04:25 PM

You need to be-friend a mod.

Well...  I have changed 3 member titles since becoming a mod.  I have no idea the opinions of the other mods or admins, but...
I changed Ness' to Charles Barkley because he kept asking for it to be president...

I really don't care if members have custom titles or not, but only the mods and admins have permission to change them from the default.  I suppose you can say I am "in favor" of it, but I actually don't know feldo or AMAC's feelings towards them.

I remember when there were more site writers and they could change their own member titles.

Oh hello Mounblade! Been a while since we talked, eh buddy? So I was just wondering...

#170388 Custom profile titles?

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 11 February 2013 - 04:31 PM

I would love a custom title that says, "Pikachu Trainer"

#170315 Whats your opinion on game manuals and cases?

Posted by Scumbag on 11 February 2013 - 02:41 PM

I remember the old days of Mortal Kombat 2 and SF2 on Mega Drive. The manuals were a constant source of info for inputting special moves etc so I think they are very useful.

I just bought Oblivion with the official strategy guide for 360 and I am using the manual a lot more to understand everything lol It helps when they are in colour too. I hate those cheap black and white manuals that EA churn out, urgh.

One thing I love about Nintendo is they have always provided excellent manuals in full colour and great artwork, the best manuals? Probably. I also have some PS3 games that have full artwork inside the box which is very nice.

#170285 Whats your opinion on game manuals and cases?

Posted by Alex Wolfers on 11 February 2013 - 02:02 PM

I did a little Youtube rant on this topic. Tell me what you think of crappy instruction booklets and cases. I am including my video but be aware this video contains some adult language but nothing real vulgar. Do you think manuals and cases are important do do you care less? I wanna know.

Im a little AlphaOmegaSin aint I XD?

#168072 Ouya following the Apple model of a new redesign every year

Posted by Zinix on 07 February 2013 - 05:19 AM


Still the interested.

#170128 Iwata cries at investor meeting

Posted by Zinix on 11 February 2013 - 05:16 AM

This is a fake news site, you guys are so gullible.

#170649 New Batman Arkham game planned for 2013

Posted by Zinix on 12 February 2013 - 07:56 AM

The full transcript of the investor call can be found via Yahoo! Finance.

During the call, Time Warner’s CFO and chief administrative officer John K. Martin stated, “And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise. So all in all, we expect Warners to post another very strong year in 2013. And with a little luck, the year should be as good or maybe even a little bit better than 2012.”

VG247 own sources confirm that Rocksteady Studios is not developing this particular game. This could nod to the rumoured ‘Silver Age’ Batman prequel that was touted last year.

This could mean a new game in the ‘Batman: Arkham’ franchise is due before the end of the year, or as part of the next financial year. We’ve contacted Warner Bros. to confirm.


No Rocksteady= no buy.

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