Member Since 06 Mar 2013Offline Last Active Mar 16 2022 05:22 PM
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I still remember all those "yeah but once THIS game comes out the wii u will sell like crazy" posts. Whenever I reminisce about this place, that's what I remember most.

Keep trying to post in the late night stream of consciousness thread. Site won't let me. Who knows, maybe in a few weeks it will show multiple posts from me.
Mar 16 2022 05:21 PM -
doesn't seem like i can either. i just assume it's due to the age of everything
May 11 2022 04:41 PM

After accidentally losing a GC memory card with F Zero GX data on it, I finally got an action replay to unlock all the stuff again. I went to hell and back unlocking all but two things in that game, and I was NOT doing it again!

So I went to Best Buy and found a bunch of amiibo that I never see. Shulk (no, seriously), Marth, Greninja, Dark Pit. If you are looking for some amiibo, I'd recommend hitting up Best Buy today.

Was Shulk only gamestop exclusive for the initial run or something? There were 3 there.
Nov 27 2015 11:00 AM -

Data transfer commenced. Did some last few hunts on 3U last night with a friend to give 3U a farewell, but soon will begin the era of MH4U.

Gamestop email said 4U new 3ds shipped. Package tracker says it hasn't yet. Either way I'm hyped.

Not sure what to do right now. Need to finish Hyrule Warriors. Want to play smash. Need to spend more time on Code Name STEAM demo. Also want to keep playing 4U demo (finally got all weapon guides written). Too much to do.

I always feel like this with games and it keeps me from finishing anything!
Jan 31 2015 05:36 PM -

So apparently there is a limited quantity of mh4U new 3ds xl's available by going into a store to preorder. Just nabbed mine. Best of luck to you if you try to get it.

Might have to try two gamestops. First one I went to hadn't heard anything about it.
Jan 24 2015 09:00 AM

Solo gore in 6:41 and solo tetsu in 4:43 with Charge Blade. CB OP. Is the one in the demo just a lot stronger in the demo or something? I'd like to think they balanced the stats.

Bill Cipher
Based off what I can guess, the one in the demo is scaled on some power level, considering that when you normally fight a Great Jaggi, you'd have nowhere near the amount of Green that you do.
Jan 19 2015 06:25 PM -
I mean power relative to the other weapons in the demo, rather than the monsters. Either it's stronger than the other weapons, or I have already achieved CB zen. I have noticeably better times with the CB than other weapons.
Jan 19 2015 06:43 PM -
Yeah, 5-6 minutes seems to do it for me to. Charge blade wrecks crap man, Although, those armors appear to be WAYYYY OP judging by how they soak up damage like its nothing, so maybe the weapons are too
Jan 19 2015 06:57 PM

So, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but we may be getting an MH4U demo on the eshop in the future, and said demo will be absolutely awesome.

Deep breaths 3dude. We still don't have 100% official confirmation.
Jan 08 2015 07:57 PM -
Bill Cipher
That's right, I'm coming out: I'm a MonHun-Sexual. I get aroused by the concept of MonHun games and me playing them. :P
Jan 08 2015 08:44 PM -
You cant stop me now. Its too late. Ive already gone full Billy Idol. The latent power escaping through my nipples are blowing people off roof tops.
Jan 09 2015 08:31 AM