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Monster Hunter, Zelda, Fire Emblem
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#317411 Fast Racing Neo December 10th $14.99 Wii U eShop
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 02 December 2015 - 04:16 PM
#314868 Nintendo Treehouse @ E3 2015 - FAST Racing Neo
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 17 June 2015 - 05:33 PM
This really should have been in the direct. It looks like it will the void left in me by F-ZERO. Kind of hoping you can pull the camera back a bit more. Feels a little too close to the car and ground for my tastes. Otherwise, I like what I saw.
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#314731 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 16 June 2015 - 03:49 PM
Yeah, glad I didn't watch it live. Cliff's notes version seemed boring, and it didn't seemed like they announced much. Turns out they didn't. General thoughts (in no particular order):
STar Fox 0 - Seeing Star Fox was nice. I'm a little more sold on the game mechanics now. While it looked fun, it didn't look great visually. Plenty of other games on wii u put it to shame in the graphics department. Why no online multiplayer?
Xenoblade X - I'm at the point where Trailers mean nothing to me on this game. I'll buy it day one, a trailer doesn't hype me.
SMTxFE. Would it have killed them to put some dang subtitles in there? I can't understand moonspeak.
FE Fates. Trailer looked good. Nice to get a final name. Need more info on pricing and packaging. Only other question I have is, "will you actually kill the named people from the other kingdom as part of the game, or will they just end up joining you anyway?"
Zelda triforce heroes - Now I liked four swords more than most people, so as far as I'm concerned, this falls in the "pleasant surprise" category. Now amazing, but fine by me. Actually has online multiplayer, which is saying something.
Metroid Prime: Fed Force - Similar to four swords, I enjoyed Hunters more than most people apparently. As far the game play is concerned, this also falls in "pleasant surprise". However, my god those graphics seemed terrible. Really hope they work on that. I don't always harp on graphics, but even I did a double take and wondered if it was actually a 3ds game. Just seemed really poor. The main kick in the gut for this was that it seemed to take the place of a major new metroid such as for wii u.
Yarn yoshi/skylanders/animal crossing/everything else - dont care. These are not big reveals worth taking up e3 time.
Pacing wasn't great. Too much talking by devs that should have been saved for treehouse. Earthbound beginnings and the smash direct should have been lumped in here. There were no bombs dropped, and Zelda U wasn't present. This would be okay for any other direct, but for an E3 direct, it ultimately flopped. At least the other people's E3 shows could get their fans hyped.
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#313914 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 03 July 2015 - 08:20 AM
Apparently G rank Gold rathian is in episode quest 5, so next month we are at least getting Star Knight set and access to g rank gold ian. Hoping they give silver los next month too. So many fire weapons languishing in my box.
Dare I ask what some of you people's hour counts are? I'm over 500 at HR375. So much more stuff I want to make.
G rank Gold Rathian hunting season is now open! Silver Los as well. On July 17th, we get access to the USJ collab gear, including the amazing Star Kight Set. Dem Skills: http://kiranico.com/...,2944,2945,2946
Spent the last 3 weeks playing smash, so I kinda forgot about the monthly MH DLC. Goal for the day: G Rank Gold Ian armor. Huzzah!
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#313577 Monster Hunter Cross Reveal Trailer - 3DS - Nintendo Direct JP
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 31 May 2015 - 10:01 AM
More in depth analysis from GH:
It does seem like that is the four styles per weapons. Can be interesting.
I'd also like to point out that we are getting a large monster that's a mammoth. Series has needed it like how it previously needed a proper snake and spider monster.
What flash?
From about 0:40 to 1:35 in the trailer, there was a light of extra light effects going on beyond what was needed, or is normal for MH. It just seemed unnecessarily flashy at times, particularly with the bowgun at around 1:21. Practically a flash bomb effect before a gigantic explosion. The only previous moves that had anywhere this level of effects were the SA's Element Discharge and the CB's Amped Disharge.
I have to wonder how well this game will run on a normal 3ds with four hunters using all these flashy moves in an area with two large monsters and multiple small monsters. 4U can drop the frame-rate heavily at times between AI and effects while online on an old 3ds. Add in these new shenanigans, and I would worry. Fortunately for me, I have a MH4U new 3ds.
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#313574 Monster Hunter Cross Reveal Trailer - 3DS - Nintendo Direct JP
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 31 May 2015 - 09:26 AM
Somewhat of an explanation of what was happening by gaijin hunter (since it's all in japanese):
Seems to be a culmination of the entire series (including some of the flashy and style elements of the Frontier sub series). Saw plenty of returning zones and monsters. I'm glad to see agnaktor back.
Hope they really pay attention to balancing the different styles and special moves. The big moves should leave you vulnerable, and the small ones shouldn't allow insta dodging all the time, or it will become like a lot of action games (and the tonfas from frontier) and just be mash buttons til monster looks at you then dodge through everything. Also hoping you don't have to grind for the different styles and such like you do in frontier. I don't want to grind to a high HR just to get an opportunity to grind out the other moves. Just like the weapons themselves, I like MH because all your attacks and combos are there from the get go. Armor skills may augment those attacks slightly, but the general mechanics never change.
The game is called something of a spinoff/sub series (wording is unclear apparently). Not really sure what they are qualifying it as, but they made it clear that it is not MH5. SO is this just a way to test out some new mechanics they might implement in MH5, or is this actually going to be a sub series like frontier? If a true sub series, will any of these mechanics bleed over to the main? So long as I don't have to grind out the weapon styles, I'm all for them.
Also hoping they tone down the flash. If not here, then for MH5. It's really unnecessary.
For the most part, I'm hyped.
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#310406 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 12 March 2015 - 02:52 PM
#310106 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 05 March 2015 - 03:48 PM
I return from the depths for a moment.
Current status
Hours - 112:55
Main armor sets - Regios S (Blade) Tetsu S (gunner)
Favorite Weapons - Akantor CB and Brachy Bow
HR - 61 (Ukanlos urgent is up)
Caravan Status - Up through 10 star with 90% completed. Fought Caravan Crimson Fatalis
Plans - Reach G rank and have one full g rank armor set by the end of the weekend. Hoping to make tigerstripe Zam CB for that Para/KO combo. Will become new favorite weapon.
That's where I'm at.
Edit: Forgot important info.
Final two localization blogs:
Also, the event quests won't be released on a weekly trickle. They will be given out in large monthly chunks, starting tomorrow. At least one of the quests tomorrow will give the materials necessary to make the Zelda gear. Kind of important.
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#309349 MH4U Quicklist
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 20 February 2015 - 04:52 PM
Alright, I give up. What does the last column mean? I can't think of anything that would make sense given what monsters you have it next to.
Do you have a guide on how to get the super kinsect? c:
A man by the name of gaijinhunter does:
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#308634 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 10 February 2015 - 04:35 PM
Another Localization blog up. My hype is reaching critical mass.
Who wants to guess how many hours I've put in the demo? A hint: I've put more hours into it than many people put in most games.
Prepare yourselves!
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#308233 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 05 February 2015 - 02:36 PM
Demo is now on the eshop for everyone and the miiverse community is up. Getting hyped.
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#308090 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 03 February 2015 - 04:28 PM
Anyone know what the frame rate is?
Based on what I've seen and read, on a regular 3ds, it can range anywhere from 25-60. Depends on how much is going on in the current area. Cutscenes seem to stay locked at 60, since the game is just running through pre-set animations. It's certainly never unplayable, if its like the demo.
On a new 3ds, it tends to stay locked around 60, occasionally dipping a little if things get really hectic.
Thanks for all of your hard work. Really helps!
I do what I do.
On to other things:
Another blog from the localization Director: http://www.capcom-un...he-jaws-of-life
A user on the Capcom Unity forums made a handy guide for those of us transferring to a new 3ds. Good stuff to know: http://www.capcom-un...ed-to-know?pg=1
Not SUPER relevant I guess, but I finished writing a little thing about the comparisons constantly made between MH and Dark Souls. Keep seeing people compare and contrast them, and just couldn't stop thinking about it: http://www.ign.com/b...ls-discrepancy/
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#307585 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 25 January 2015 - 06:44 PM
OK, the weapon guides are all updated.
Except I haven't written the insect glaive section yet cause I have to write it from scratch.
Dang it, maybe tomorrow. Just not enough time in the day.
Edit: All guides are updated and IG section added. Can't wait for the game now.
Also added a section linking to the blogs from the localization director about how the English names were decided. Good stuff.
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#307524 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 24 January 2015 - 08:54 AM
So apparently there is a limited quantity of mh4U new 3ds xl's available by going into a store to preorder. Just nabbed mine. Best of luck to you if you try to get it.
I've pinned this thread for now as many here are stoked about getting the next Monster Hunter!
Cool, thanks.
Will be updating the rest of my weapon guides hopefully this weekend. Already know what to write, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
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#307080 Over 2.5 million amiibo sold in NA
Posted by Lightning_Ninja
on 17 January 2015 - 08:49 AM
I like how the url for this thread removes the decimal point, making it 25 million. While the thread loaded I read the url, and had to do a double take.
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