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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
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#266228 When Do You Think Nintendo Will Announce Their Next Handheld Console?

Posted by Raiden on 12 January 2014 - 09:51 PM

As long as it's selling like it is  and has no signs of slowing down in 4-5 years from now. People say Tablets and Smartphones but seems by the way 3DS sells there is a genuine market for it and given sales Nintendo only one who can provide a very different experience. I don't have a smartphone and likely never will(can't afford the monthly and rarely use my tablet anyhow) I would never game on one of those as handhelds are dedicated and to me the experience can't be beat. Nintendo handhelds are thier own market. Not the same as phones because of what they offer. Unlike consoles visuals on a handheld matter much less. 90% of what's out there DS can run as it's mostly 2d games. Tablets for many is replace every 15 months like a phone. Suprisingly 3DS is outpacing DS. I'm sure it won't out sell it since at one point Wii outpaced PS2. Ended up 60mill short. Unlike tablets and phones every 3ds owner has it for games. Most talet and phone owners are not playing games and the ones that do are playing candy crush even if it can showcase soe impressive 3D engine...most don't care. It's not the PC or Console market where that matters much much much more.

#266096 Sony has sold through 4.2 million units of the PS4 as of December 28th.

Posted by Raiden on 11 January 2014 - 09:49 PM

Apple took it from Xerox and there was a huge lawsuit over it way back when Apple was still a up and coming company. See even as a baby Apple was learning it's first lawsuits :laugh: . MS stole it from Apple.  Now Nintendo even when given credit to innovation should not always be credited as the first. Like Apple Nintendo sometimes just popularizes it. Second Screen. Analog was created by Vectrex in 1982. Nintendo was the first with D pad and shoulder buttons. Oddly Nintendo was not the first with a remote like wireless controller. CDi was. I think for Nintendo is that even when they are not first which they often are and often not but what I think makes them different is that they do it well. I may not like apple but there are similarities and could be cousins in some ways.  I don't think they out right stole (no not even the 3DS suit of you read the whole story) but I know under Yamauchi had some shady things but think that was more about stubborn control.


Personally I am glad they think software first and hardware second. I think it makes a tighter more polished experience and you always feel that on a Nintendo system. Sony and MS when playing them I feel no difference other than UI and controller. SEGA and Nintendo gave thier consoles an identity of their own. Heck maybe just me but Sonic games seem to run better on Nintendo systems. Probably unrelated but hey feels great.

#266066 Sony has sold through 4.2 million units of the PS4 as of December 28th.

Posted by Raiden on 11 January 2014 - 06:05 PM

Nintendo has always been different and every since console the controller was set to innovate. Only one they didn't was the Gamecube controller because to them kidney beans is a set standard for 10 years lol. Second Screen of course started with Dreamcast then PSone then GCN and btw GCN they wanted motion controls and 3D. GCN like NES was originally not planned to have a successor but attachments to prolong it. Maybe why Wii was mostly a overclocked GCN. Wii original idea is the Wii U idea of not being tied to a TV (tho I remember some rumors about Shiggy and a projector or something) Wii U is announced and suddenly MS has Xbox glass and PSvita and PS4. Nintendo has to be the most copied company in gaming in both software and hardware. Even if the hardware is not selling amazing the fact other companies take the idea is innovation. History does not always reward the innovators but the ones who made the most noise. Steve Jobs is a prime example. Inventor of the computer mouse and I think the programming which OS is based on dies. No one noticed. Innovation isn't always sales. Like with Apple Sony has found a way to open up a GAP at a nudist colony. They do not innovate they copy(not saying this as an insult to Sony) MS buys like they did with the company Vcam(think was the name) that had a Kinect like Camera at CES 2008.



Personal standpoint I like the second screen. Not tied to a TV is really nice. Wii U eliminated (maybe was dead already) that sub market nyko had with those LCD screens for consoles. I like that I can play while watching because I always been one to do that.

#265933 Teaser footage from a third party Wii U eXclusive

Posted by Raiden on 10 January 2014 - 10:42 PM


#265912 Sony has sold through 4.2 million units of the PS4 as of December 28th.

Posted by Raiden on 10 January 2014 - 07:58 PM

Man you're so edgy. 


That's more accurate

#265872 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Raiden on 10 January 2014 - 02:45 PM


#265735 Nintendo fires a deathblow to Patent trolls

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 04:59 PM

That's is a good thing. It happens all the time tho 

A lot of small places say that they did this first or it's there basic tech and try to sue for it.


Hell apple planted pinch to zoom and have sue a lot of people for it.

Apple sued Samsung for curves. No better and bigger patent troll than Apple.

#265715 Nintendo fires a deathblow to Patent trolls

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 01:34 PM




Nintendo has obtained the entire patent portfolio of exergaming company InterAction Laboratories (a.k.a. IA Labs) following an unsuccessful 2010 lawsuit alleging that Nintendo's Wii and its peripherals infringed on IA's patents.

A trial court ruled in favor of Nintendo in 2012, ordering IA Labs to pay Nintendo's legal defense fees as a result. IA Labs lost a subsequent appeal last year, leading to a sheriff's sale of its assets when the company was unable to reimburse Nintendo's court costs. Nintendo then purchased IA Labs' remaining assets and patent portfolio during the sale, closing off the potential for further claims and lawsuits.

While Nintendo won this particular patent battle, a federal judge recently ruled in favor of Tomita Technologies International in a lawsuit over Nintendo's patent-infringing use of its glasses-free 3D technology. Nintendo was ordered to pay a percentage of revenue earned from 3DS hardware sales to Tomita as a result of the suit.





#265710 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 12:51 PM


MvuWxMg.jpg :laugh:

#265708 Intelligent Systems gets new building for Fire Emblem Success

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 12:49 PM

Man Nintendo is cranking out a lot of new buildings while Sony is selling them.

#265665 Just a random thought thread

Posted by Raiden on 09 January 2014 - 05:17 PM

Can a mod change it to "thread" please perty please with Mario's entrails in Luigi's fridge.

Woman was asked on Jeopardy to name a Character that runs fast is blue and collects rings.


This was her answer.


#265581 Nintendo is worth more than sony

Posted by Raiden on 08 January 2014 - 08:17 PM



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wario5.jpgWhat does Nintendo do with all its money?

Wii U sales might still be a disaster but the opening of the Chinese market has boosted Nintendo’s market value back ahead of Sony.

According to the business markets Nintendo now has a market value higher than all of Sony combined, as Nintendo’s stock has more than doubled over the last few months.

The situation seems bizarre given how poorly the Wii U continues to do but a disappointing earnings report from Sony in November has seen its market capitalisation (the total value of all its shares) fall to $17.7 billion.

Nintendo on the other hand has been surprisingly popular with investors over the last few months, with stock prices on the rise and a market capitalisation that now stands at $18.4 billion.

That doesn’t necessary mean Nintendo has more money than Sony (although they are a notorious hoarder) but it is proof that the wider business world does not see things in the same way as most gamers.

The reasons for Sony’s fall and Nintendo’s rise are typical opaque, but most recently the under-performance of several Sony movies (including Will Smith’s After Earth) and problems at the company’s music and laptop divisions have been the main problem.

Sony’s PlayStation business has been doing extremely well, but it’s offset by the company’s other struggling businesses.

The reasons Nintendo is back in favour is partially due to the relative success of the 3DS but also investor rumours that the company will shortly announce significant changes to its business model. Many investors are convinced Nintendo will begin to support smart devices, despite Nintendo repeatedly telling them that they would never dream of it.

That means Nintendo’s stock could be in trouble at its next earnings report, especially as the Wii U is expected to have under-performed yet again. However, the company’s share price has also had a recent boost from the announcement that China will lift its ban on home consoles.

Nintendo has been trying to make inroads into the Chinese market for years and its share price rose by 11 per cent as soon as the lifting of the ban was announced.

All of this is still a long way from the peak of the Wii’s popularity though, when in 2007 Nintendo was valued as the third biggest company in Japan. A fact that it singularly failed to make the most of, given its current state.

For comparisons sake though Activision Blizzard remains the biggest third party publish with a value of $12.7 billion, with EA second on $7.1 billion. Which really does make you wonder why it’s EA treating Nintendo like dirt and not the other way around.

Leagues ahead of everyone though is Microsoft, with a market value of $304.0 billion, although as with Sony that includes all of their businesses and not just their games division.

In fact persistent rumours suggest that Microsoft is considering spinning off or even selling its Xbox business, although again that seems to be more investor wishful-thinking than a result of anything Microsoft has ever said


Yes Nintendo is doomed since 1983.

#265578 Microsoft is a "total mess" and no one wants to be new CEO

Posted by Raiden on 08 January 2014 - 08:01 PM

Sonic is the first Video Game Character to have a Macy's day parade balloon. At one point Sonics popularity rivaled Mario's as they were more well known by kids than Mickey Mouse. My mom hates gaming and at 73 still knows who Mario and Sonic are. Ask her to name a 3rd and she would come up blank.


Sonic is still hugely popular just not as big. Random time. Anyone know his name before it was Sonic and his first game appearance?

Hint it was not Sonic and something to do with rear view mirrors.


Give up?



If you got it right click here



You got it right because you have massive video game noggin


#265528 Sony has sold through 4.2 million units of the PS4 as of December 28th.

Posted by Raiden on 08 January 2014 - 02:21 PM

Well the Last of Us is more compelling than any game that Nintendo has put out with the Wii U. You sound pretty salty man. 

LOL! TLOU was not that great by any means. Just another game going for gritty realism taking away from gameplay trying to be more like a film with a  very unlikeable character and more Ellen Page. A better game at being cinimatic with gameplay is Asura's Wrath. Was basically Uncharted with mushroom men and only 4 enemy types. The game was pretty meh. Naughty Dog is so overrated it's not even funny. uncharted 1-2 a fun decent romp. Uncharted 3 is pretty bad. Crash on PS1 sucked. Jak & Daxter is a loose game. Jak II was just ok.


They get way too much credit. I'd take Wonderful 101 over anything they make. I always buy all the systems and never stick to one camp. Just Naughty Dog is more trend than anything and make Games of the Week.

#265404 Men Who Dress Up as Rubber Dolls

Posted by Raiden on 08 January 2014 - 12:35 AM


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