- Blake likes this
Posted by Hamez
on 16 October 2012 - 12:12 PM
Posted by Hamez
on 24 September 2012 - 01:46 PM
Posted by Hamez
on 10 September 2012 - 02:59 PM
Thank you for completely disregarding what I had previously said. Allow me to repeat myself:i personally think the show IS for young girls and not intended for anyone else to watch but go ahead if you want to watch it. i just find it wierd. like if someone whached the bratz show and said it wasnt intended for young girls lol XD same thing
its awkward to watch it in general if your not in that demographics of "young girl" because its not intended and made for us to watch it.
i still and always will think ponies are stupid and girly
Recognize the difference between fact and opinion. It is opinion that you don't like the show, it is opinion that I like it. It is fact that it was designed for viewership of all ages and genders. Surely you don't think there would be some kind of rationale to 1,000,000+ men who watch this.1. There are no gender stereotypes involved in this show. There is absolutely nothing that appeals to only girls, other than your preconceived notion that ponies are for girls; which there are no longer. It's only in your mind...
2. The show was designed for viewership by adults. The creators wanted to include content that would satisfy the parents of children that would watch it with them and make it enjoyable to watch. And thus, the teenage and young adults caught on, seeing that it isn't bad.
Posted by Hamez
on 05 September 2012 - 02:51 PM
Posted by Hamez
on 26 August 2012 - 06:01 PM
Posted by Hamez
on 16 August 2012 - 06:53 PM
the entire racing genre would be sacrificed with the lack of analogue.
It is necessary for them to have triggers that detect pressure.
Posted by Hamez
on 02 August 2012 - 07:44 PM
Posted by Hamez
on 26 July 2012 - 06:23 PM
I'm an Australian but I'm following it anyway. What I don't understand is how Mitt Romney is getting so much support, you'd think most people would be scared of the idea of their country being led by a mormon president.
Posted by Hamez
on 25 July 2012 - 05:58 PM