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#315658 MiiVerse Design Revamp Coming Summer

Posted by NintendoReport on 01 July 2015 - 04:48 AM

From https://miiverse.nin...gn_announcement



A New Look for Communities


In the main community for each game, posts will be categorized to make browsing them easier and more fun.

icon-diary.pngPlay Journal Entries

Here you'll find everyone's Play Journal entries for the game. Try to find people who are at the same part of the game as you are or who are playing the game in interesting ways!


In this section, you'll be able to see all the artwork other users have created about the game, in order of popularity. This should make it even easier to find great artists to follow.

◆ You won't be able to post handwritten posts to the Play Journal Entries or Discussions sections.


If you want to ask questions or start conversations about the game, this'll be the perfect place for you to be. Remember, tags on posts make it easy to find other people who want to talk about the same stuff you do.







icon-newalbum.pngYour Screenshot Album

Saving your screenshots in this album will be so easy, you'll build up a collection of memories from the games you love in no time!

◆ You can save up to 100 screenshots in this album. 
◆ This album is your own private space. It won't be visible to other users.

icon-newdiary.pngYour Play Journal

Keep a record of your own unique gaming experiences by writing journal entries about games as you play them! Creating a Play Journal entry will be as simple as opening Miiverse during gameplay.

◆ Each Play Journal entry will include a screenshot that shows what was happening in the game when it was written. Only software titles that don't support the taking of screenshots will be exempt from this rule.


#315663 MiiVerse Design Revamp Coming Summer

Posted by Big Boss on 01 July 2015 - 07:33 AM

They'll also limit comments to 30 a day, which should hopefully discourage kids from using the feature for other reasons than how it was intended

#314919 Looks like fans weren't the only ones angry at the Digital Event

Posted by NintendoReport on 18 June 2015 - 09:03 AM

Serves them right.  no passion for games anymore.
Long live Sony!

Be careful which end you talk out of. There are a lot of "games" that are flowing with passion you just choose to dismiss them

#312973 Splatoon Global Testfire

Posted by NintendoReport on 13 May 2015 - 07:18 AM

Another decent commercial, more kid focused this time


#312410 Splatoon will get DLC

Posted by Raiden on 26 April 2015 - 12:37 PM

Just add Ink Boy/girl to Mario kart give them a special kart and leaves trails of paint behind it.

#312397 *Stands up and applauds*

Posted by grahamf on 26 April 2015 - 05:54 AM

I'm not reading all of that; but to me DLC is a means for a company to add content (and get paid for the work) that they were not originally able to add or even thought of before the game ships, NOT something the company deliberately removed or locked away specifically so they could charge for it later. If it's already on the disk but locked away until purchased, is it really "downloadable" content?

#311739 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by NintendoReport on 10 April 2015 - 10:18 AM



#311751 Amiibos

Posted by NintendoReport on 09 April 2015 - 07:54 AM

Is Nintendo using amiibos the right way in their games?
Amiibos for Mario kart 8 are right and wrong. The racing suits for some amiibos is good but for others they should give players item at the start of the race. (Rosalina amiibo should give the player a star instead of a suit)

Items would be unfair for those that are not using an amiibo or don't have one (multiplayer speaking of course) and the game is haphazard enough not to need it. Racing suits don't change the mechanics of the game, it's just a visual unlocked item for asthetics.

The real problem with amiibo is many people cannot purchase the ones they want, let alone be able to use them.

MK8 wasn't built for amiibo, it was more of an afterthought. Adding racing suits is a cool little bonus for owning an amiibo, but it's main use is in SMASH. 

#306422 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 04 January 2015 - 08:36 PM

Got a case for my Amiibo

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg

#306051 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 27 December 2014 - 01:03 AM

Got these today

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg

#305956 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by NintendoReport on 24 December 2014 - 09:54 AM



Started getting some dupes to keep in boxes. Imported a PIT from Nippon Yasan for a great price and quick ship. Mac, Pit and Falcon are hard to find. Target is getting only 4 Falcons at a time if that, Gamestop is getting Pit around the same number or less. I have a Falcon coming from ebay store of Toys R Us, Walmart and Gamestop... so I will end up with 3 lol. 



#305651 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 19 December 2014 - 09:41 AM

My last two amiibo (for now...) came :D



#305564 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by NintendoReport on 18 December 2014 - 06:14 AM

Even got a lens finger. Man, classy choice right there!

Picked up Kirby Triple, 3DS game.


That is a great game. All around great game.


Finally got Luigi.



#305550 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 17 December 2014 - 04:20 PM

Woop woop



#282548 Hey guys! NSFW!

Posted by Big Boss on 24 April 2014 - 05:26 PM

Are we allowed to post adult links here?


Anti-Spam Bots!