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#170584 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by AndyG on 12 February 2013 - 02:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As the title suggests Alien Colonial Marines is getting some fairly terrible reviews.

Note that this is the PS3/360/PC version, the WiiU version won't come out to a little later which should hopefully fix up some of the issues.



#170587 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by AndyG on 12 February 2013 - 02:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah sorry bout that, i thought it was worth knowing since it is one of the big titles in the WiiU's upcoming library.

#211306 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by AndyG on 25 May 2013 - 10:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wonderful 101 definitely has a lot more character than knack does. Knack definitely looks better graphically but the margin isn't very big. The way these games play also has influenced the art style, since you don't really get up to close and personal into some of the models in wonderful 101 it would seem a waste to make it look extremely detailed, IMO i think it would look worse if they put to much detail in cause it would start to feel a little generic.

#191816 Why are people still ripping on the Wii U even after the X demo?

Posted by AndyG on 08 April 2013 - 07:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

The PS4 was always going to be more powerful than the WiiU, that was a given. But just because some of the games look like they can be handled by current gen consoles doesn't mean it is current gen, the X demo was an early build but there probably won't be much alteration in graphics when we see the full thing. How well the WiiU will be able to compete will be shown in time, but too many people have very little faith in the WiiU so lets hope they will be able to make it through.

#188422 Nintendo E3 2013 Lineup

Posted by AndyG on 30 March 2013 - 08:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Im pretty confident they will show off Wind Waker HD, it would be a bad move for nintendo if they didn't show off Bayonneta 2 even if it isn't the most exciting title thats on the way for WiiU.

#222554 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by AndyG on 16 June 2013 - 01:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

While i do agree that Nintendo could have added more RAM considering Ram is so cheap but im happy with what i have purchased. Graphics isn't the only thing that attracts developers, they need to consider it's profitability, the resources it will require and how easy the architecture will be to program with. PS3 for instance had quite a lot of power under it's hood for it's time but was overshadowed for quite a few years due to hard to develop for architecture and low user base. I honestly don't care if the graphics improve no further than what we have now, i would rather play a game that has unique and fun gameplay rather than a bland, generic shooter or simulation racer that prides itself on graphics but doesn't match up to gameplay.

#173874 Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs for Wii U

Posted by AndyG on 20 February 2013 - 10:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't see Ubisoft taking much advantage of the WiiU for this version of the game. I just hope it won't be a sloppy port with tacked on gamepad features and low frame rate as we have seen in some ports :(

#172181 Are things really this dire?

Posted by AndyG on 16 February 2013 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wii Sports definitely sold the Wii. The uniqueness of the controller and the potential of that game opened up new markets for video games.

Nintendo are really going to have a hard time of it from now on in. Mediocre hardware with no outstanding unique feature, poor operating system and no games that get people buzzing and to add to all that, so damn expensive!

A system for hardcore Nintendo fans only, which is not enough to keep them competitive.

Some would say to differ.

Yes the OS is infuriatingly slow, yes their has been a lack of titles. Remember though that it's only been 3 months since launch, you can't expect a console to not have it's flaws, sure the OS is a little unforgivable but it will get improved over time with updates, as did the PS3 & 360. Games will come in time, it's far too early to say the WiiU won't get enough support.

Also i found the price point just right, compared to last gen it's cheap as chips, sure the economy has been pretty bad but i feel that people are making a way to bigger issue about.

Just my opinion.

#214448 Why people say Wii U is "current gen", and why they're complete d...

Posted by AndyG on 01 June 2013 - 06:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

It will take some time for devs to fully optimise their games for the system. Just the other day i got AC3, like many have mentioned the frame rate does suffer a little which can take you out of the experience even know im not really getting much enjoyment from the series.

#187189 Battlefield 4 confirmed not coming to Wii U.

Posted by AndyG on 27 March 2013 - 11:32 PM in General Gaming

Man, the installer base isn't going to get bigger unless you release some god darn games :(

Oh well, maybe they will have a change in heart with the recent resign of their previous CUO


While it's not likely they will port it to WiiU, theres no reason to give up hope.

#194708 The Let's get Stupid edition 2nd annual Wii U Forum awards-Nominations!

Posted by AndyG on 14 April 2013 - 09:10 PM in The Café

Welp...im screwed.

#268142 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by AndyG on 23 January 2014 - 01:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Firing Iwata isn't the solution, what they really need to do is rethink their direction.

#227074 Lets buy Rareware

Posted by AndyG on 28 June 2013 - 03:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow lets shell millions from our own pockets so that we may finally have kinect sports 3 on the WiiU -_-

All the main talent from Rare has long gone, the IP's themselves are what we want and them in itself are worth millions, not to mention Microsoft is not going to let go so easily.

#192752 Game characters you have a crush on

Posted by AndyG on 10 April 2013 - 03:22 PM in General Gaming

Zelda from skyward sword, nuff said.

#190639 Hardcore multiplayer FPS needed

Posted by AndyG on 05 April 2013 - 08:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

12 year old children screaming into microphones is so core



Posted by AndyG on 02 October 2013 - 09:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's great to see Ubi going the extra mile to make the WiiU version run properly, however after finishing AC3 I just found it to be far too dull. It would have been better if they did this with the Watch_dogs port instead, i'm sure there are just as many keen WiiU owners looking forward to this game as there are Assassins Creed fans.

#178051 MH3 Not what I was expecting

Posted by AndyG on 01 March 2013 - 06:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The demo just basically throws you out in the blue with one type of weapon and no tutorial  if you have played a MH game before it shouldn't be too much trouble adapting. Monster hunter isn't a game you will learn completely overnight, it takes time and requires you to slow down a little before heading out on battles.


The full version will have you start off with one very basic (and weak) weapon, than you will have to fight smaller animals and gather other various materials to fashion them up into a bigger, stronger weapon. It may sound a little boring spending the first few hours collecting various items, but once you finally defeat a large monster you get such an immense feeling of satisfaction.


MH is not for everyone but is by no means a bad game, just get past that difficultly curb and you will have a great time.

#209294 EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, less powerful than 360. No money for 3rd part

Posted by AndyG on 21 May 2013 - 12:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

This is just terribly unprofessional, especially for someone of that rank within EA.

As someone said, Nintendo didn't purposely go up to IBM and ask for parts weaker than those of a 7 year old system.

It's too early to tell what the full potential of the WiiU is, but it's a fact that it out performs the PS3 and 360. And while i will say the specs so far for the PS4 may look impressing, Sony will have only dragged out the numbers you want to hear, it too will have it's performance issues of some kind.

I may not know the official specs but i can't tell you, whatever it is surely can compete.

#208238 EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, less powerful than 360. No money for 3rd part

Posted by AndyG on 17 May 2013 - 03:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

*To open this email please pay $2.55*


#191443 Wii U graphics question... will you be satisfied?

Posted by AndyG on 08 April 2013 - 03:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

Tech demos do tend do be better than most games we see in the end but theres no reason to give up hope, i will always buy Nintendo consoles for the amazing first party titles but i do hope they can receive a decent set of third party titles.


I just hope that developers won't leave Nintendo in the dark as the release of the PS4 and 720 draws near.

#191713 Wii U graphics question... will you be satisfied?

Posted by AndyG on 08 April 2013 - 03:03 PM in Wii U Hardware




A lot of wii u graphics will be cartoon graphics anyway which are less difficult to pull off because of repeated textures and not having to do realistic weather effects etc.


Zelda windwaker still looks amazing today. Even if the wii u only performs to the same level as 360 and PS3 that is still a huge, huge jump from wii performance which was basically little more than a gamecube going 50% faster. The gamecube gpu was 8 gflops, the wii 12 glfops and the expected performance of the wii u gpu is about 352gflops about a 50% increase over 360 and a better feature set too. The later gpu architecture also requires less cpu resources as well. In gpu terms that's 30x performance over the wii gpu in gflops. Where as the cpu is is a more modest 6-10x increase over wii. High speed video memory has gone up over 10x in capacity and memory available for games has gone up from 24meg to 1GB (40x). Wii u vs PS3/360 is difficult to judge as such different designs and they are superior to wii u in some areas but the jump wii to wii u is absolutely massive. There are brilliant times ahead with regard what Nintendo can achieve with wii u.


I'm personally disappointed that the wii u didn't clearly go ahead of ps3 and 360 in all areas though. I feel a better cpu even if it meant sacrificing wii compatibility would have been much better.

Well remember that all the third party titles were most likely ported from the 360/ps3 versions of the game not to mention that devs hadn't really got a proper handle on the new architecture.

#243204 Is now the right time to buy?

Posted by AndyG on 31 August 2013 - 03:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Anytime is as good as any to buy a WiiU, there are plenty of games to keep you occupied till the xmas season so you won't be lacking any games. Don't be discouraged by people telling you it is weak or just a bad console, it is an amazing console that is still got a lot of potential. Also lets not forget that the PS4, as amazing as it looks will have plenty of issues during launch, same goes for X1. You are better off waiting for at least 6 months, that way you can avoid any software bugs,server issues, console/game shortages...the works.


I do highly recommend getting that WindWaker bundle as we have been discussing, if you haven't already played it than this is now as good as any to play this masterpiece.

#224458 Xbox one will not require internet acces. and will alow used games.

Posted by AndyG on 20 June 2013 - 04:04 AM in General Gaming

Seems they changed so you can use it without internet acces, And use old games on it.



I didn't hear anything about backward capability, is this true?

Still they should have said this at E3, like most people i have already decided with my wallet.

#173296 The PlayStation 4 Thread

Posted by AndyG on 19 February 2013 - 09:44 PM in General Gaming

Hopefully they announce Patchers retirement, thats all i care about.

#188421 Sort Your carp crap Out, Nintendo

Posted by AndyG on 30 March 2013 - 08:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

See, lack of 3'rd party support can be justified on behalf of Nintendo. Same goes for 3'rd parties.

Somebody blames Nintendo, even more people blame 3'rd parties and publishers. I think the truth is, as usual. somewhere in between.

While i completely agree with you it's still too early to decided whether or not we ever will see a descent line third party titles make their way to the WiiU.


I do hope that Nintendo is saving something for E3 because the Nintendo Direct well is beginning to run dry.

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