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#294797 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by 3Dude on 02 August 2014 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Hardware


Thats up to you dude. Personally its a but gaudy for me.

#283905 Mario Kart 8 for Wii U lets players upload gameplay directly to YouTube,

Posted by 3Dude on 05 May 2014 - 09:49 AM in Wii U News

Yup. And nintendo gets every cent of every ad, that appears on any one of those any time anybody watches one.

#296295 Watchdogs to be last mature Ubi game for Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 19 August 2014 - 07:02 AM in Wii U News

lol. Mature.

#303476 Super Smash Bros reviews are in

Posted by 3Dude on 19 November 2014 - 05:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So now gamers are attacking reviews for not being positive enough? Jesus christ.

almost like theyve formed an entire hate movement around that concept something.

Metacritics not the only source of the problem, but its a huge part it, and it is the trigger for these unproportianately extreme responses. Its a cancer that has got to go.

I mean, its not like the guy even got anything hugely objectively wrong gameplay wise (looks at w101 reviews)

He was dissapointed with the lack of 'new', mainly reffering to not having a 'story' mode like sub space emmissary, something that i recall a great deal of people being upset about when it was announced, meaning this review would be a useful service to them.

It wasnt a great review, there several things he mentioned but never explained.He typoed online multiplayer instead of local.

But its not a great enough offense to warrant those responses. He really likes the adventure/sub space emmissary mode, it was removed, he dropped the score from 9 to 8. Its not like he raped a plush doll of Sonic the hedgehog or anything.

#311101 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 28 March 2015 - 01:46 PM in General Gaming

I assume he means texture resolution there. Isn't the 3DS screen res fairly similar to the wii?

No, he means screen resolution.

The wii is 480p, thats 400x800

The 3ds 240x800 in 3d, and 240x400 in 2d.

#311077 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 27 March 2015 - 11:28 PM in General Gaming


Holy crap those comments are moronic.

#291750 Twilight Princess... Maybe it's time.

Posted by 3Dude on 27 June 2014 - 04:54 PM in General Gaming

LinkKennedy, on 27 Jun 2014 - 6:11 PM, said:
It's probably the most mature 3D Zelda in terms of story/plot and easily a great game. After the 1st hour or so the game will become your typical Zelda adventure with dungeons and mini games and such. Overall I liked the levels and the look of the game is hit or miss, but for me it was a hit.


Its by far the least mature story/plot in zelda.

Windwaker and skyward sword blow tp out of the water in this regaurd, as does majoras mask, which has a similar visual tone.


Its one of my least favourite 3d zeldas. To the point I actually havent been able to complete a second playthrough despite starting several. The tedium just grinds the run to a halt.

The game has a large world, but it is completely empty and devoid of meaning, their are very few optional items, and to make up for it they made more heart peices to find, you now need 5 peices. All optional side quests are mind numbingly tedious, and revolve around trinket collectathons or throwing away rupees.

Controls are worthless waggle crap, with the exception of pointing controls and fishing. Combat Is not actual motion control like skyward sword.

Game has serious forced pacing issues. Not deal breakers first run, but extremely tiresome on replays as they can not be accelerated by skill or knowledge.

Very overworld/exploration weak zelda.

Game does have move skills to collect, which is nice.
Midna joins the thin ranks of enjoyable sidekicks next to king of red lions and ghost zelda.

Most dungeons are unnecessarilly long and tedious, and full of puzzles already done to death.

But donr think Im saying its garbage. Even if I personally think its a poor entry in the series, said series is still better than 90% of other games. Its worth owning and playing.

#292462 Twilight Princess... Maybe it's time.

Posted by 3Dude on 06 July 2014 - 04:17 PM in General Gaming

My thoughts after putting in about 19 hours...
So couldn't play it for a couple days, picked it up again and after getting used to the controls and getting deep into the game now I'm really liking it. I realized somewhere between throwing a Goron off the side of a mountain, walking up on a magnetized wall to solve a puzzle, wearing Zora scuba gear (it's like a freaking Frog Suit!) and having bombs that explode underwater this is a pretty great game even by Zelda standards.
Does it feel like it's missing a couple things? Maybe and sure the open world area does feel fairly flat but... meh.

Definately has a lot of cool moments. I remember my first playthrough being pretty enjoyable. Like I said, I didnt really find the problems i had with the game until i started a second playthrough. Thats not something everyone does, but its a big thing for me.

#298936 Horrible WiiU Bayonetta footage

Posted by 3Dude on 22 September 2014 - 02:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Agreed. One can also hit up the Japan Miiverse community for Bayonetta and seen some screens captured there. Even though it is compressed in Miiverse, it looks good cause it's a direct capture.

Ya beat my edit!

#298934 Horrible WiiU Bayonetta footage

Posted by 3Dude on 22 September 2014 - 01:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Tv? You think they captured this from the tv? I thought a capturecard was used. Don't know if you can adjust rgb settings on those though. Yet, the same editor knew how to capture bayonetta2 footage since that looks great. Strange case.

Doesnt matter what they used, Trying to display rgbl on a device set to rgbf will do this every single time, the values arent lining up, so get a white washed out image.

We have dozens of hours of live played bayo1 footage from treehouses etc showing off bayo 1 with the correct display settings, and looks nothing like the goof up shown here.

You can go into the japanese miiverse right now and look at the screen grabs that prove it.

#298917 Horrible WiiU Bayonetta footage

Posted by 3Dude on 21 September 2014 - 03:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

lol, tv is set for full rgb, wii u is sending out limited rgb, tv cant read the values correctly. They need to switch the tv settings to the proper mode.





Oh, and the video compression is horrid.

#286226 First Watch Dogs review- 7.2/10

Posted by 3Dude on 23 May 2014 - 08:09 AM in General Gaming

If it was a beta I hope that quoted part isn't true for the full release. I occasionally lose my internet connection while playing games. It would really suck to have to restart because of that.

Yeah, im not ever going to even think about getting this game... But Im still keeping an eye out to see when/if this gets fixed/patched.

#309773 What Color is the Dress?

Posted by 3Dude on 27 February 2015 - 10:13 AM in The Café

It's supposed to be a picture. The whole thing is that the exposure is screwing with what color people see the dress.

I just felt like seeing what people saw it as, considering it exploded all over the internet in a few hours.

Its not screwing with what color people see the dress as, the over exposure changed the color of the dress from the real life blue and black, to white and gold for the image, the same as using a paint tool in a photo editing program would, or switching to image negative colors would change the colors used.

The dress is black and blue, but the colors in the image are white and gold. The difference in which one people decide to use is as simple as this:


#285477 First Watch Dogs review- 7.2/10

Posted by 3Dude on 17 May 2014 - 05:21 PM in General Gaming

'One huge caveat/punishment Ubisoft implemented is when you do turn off the Online Option, all your skills accumulated are reset to zero. You read that right. They all get reset to zero. All the online-specific skills reset to zero as punishment for not wanting to play online, something which is entirely disappointing. Either you keep getting invaded, or you get punished for wanting to play sometimes and not other times with the online mode.'


#285490 First Watch Dogs review- 7.2/10

Posted by 3Dude on 17 May 2014 - 07:28 PM in General Gaming

So... Ubisoft hired Don Mattrick to oversee Watch Dogs? Lol

Game is losing potential customers every day.

Wel, they lost their lead technical developer right before crunch time....

Hes working with vd dev now.

#298367 **WARNING SPOILERS!** Someone is Steaming Smash 3DS!

Posted by 3Dude on 11 September 2014 - 09:18 AM in General Gaming

Im all kinds of steaming for smash.

#286231 First Watch Dogs review- 7.2/10

Posted by 3Dude on 23 May 2014 - 08:41 AM in General Gaming


"That's pretty common tho. Many publishers pay them for ads or give strong wording. Some ven send instruction manuals how to review it. It's why Pro website reviews are often full of BS giving so many hyped broken pieces of trash massive scores."

That's a pretty naive and unfounded statement.

WOW that is some world class irony. Paid for/pr 'reviews' is a massive contemporary epidemic...

Its not even something exclusive to videogames.


Very, very, clearly, the naive one is you.

#291158 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 07:05 PM in The Café

Miss Understanding, on 21 Jun 2014 - 9:11 PM, said:
The teardrop tattoo symbolizes prison rape more than anything else, actually. The tattoo is usually forced on the victim.

The whole murder thing came from people having to explain the tattoo to their relatives.

Yeah, Maybe in recent years. Not in the 90's.

Though with that kids face and puny build, I bet he was real popular.

#291539 Xenoblade Chronicles X Fan-Made Wii U cover and TV Spot

Posted by 3Dude on 25 June 2014 - 12:30 PM in The Museum

I was bored, so I tried to perfect the boxart. Also, I didn't put the Nintendo Network logo since boxarts that need ratings don't usually have the Nintendo Network logo. I just wish there was a higher res version of the image.

Hmm.... Doesnt really work as well from this zoomed out.

All the positive space on the bottom just makes the image really bottom heavy, and the logo up top just doesnt really balance it out.

The positive space right angle of the other box just makes a much stronger scene composition, which is nicely balanced by the negative space on the right. It really is a very strong and stable scene composition.

#291197 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:38 AM in The Café

Incase your not joking by saying it could only mean that
It could mean many things the most common for people around my area is one of their family/or gang members was murdered

Thats an outline. The tear gets filled in when they get revenge on the murderer.

#290966 YouTube Is About To Delete Independent Artists From Its Site

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 06:48 PM in The Café

Miss Understanding, on 19 Jun 2014 - 9:17 PM, said:
To this day I've never understood "x is better" when it comes to promoting music. Don't you people notice that the best promotional strategy would be to use all of the services available? You don't have to limit yourself to a single one.

Thats pretty astute.

#292680 Hyrule Warriors- Fi will be playable, Girahim and Imprisoned will be enemies

Posted by 3Dude on 09 July 2014 - 08:34 AM in Wii U News

Will she stop attacking every five minutes to tell you your batteries are getting low?

#288210 Triforce tattoo I'm getting.

Posted by 3Dude on 04 June 2014 - 10:00 PM in General Gaming

Fix the bird legs.

#292684 Hyrule Warriors- Fi will be playable, Girahim and Imprisoned will be enemies

Posted by 3Dude on 09 July 2014 - 09:48 AM in Wii U News

Cool, now can we have anything other than Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword in this? 95% of everything in this game is a love letter to those games. Let's see some Majora's Mask characters or some love to some of the handheld games, or have your freaking ninja character be playable!

Well, we probably have at least 20 more characters to go through.

Im not expecting them to short out on majoras mask, or other titles.


I know these arent playable characters, but if we are getting weirdo stuff like agitha, you can be garunteed we are going to see characters like skull kid with majoras mask and majora.

And impa at first glance may have a more skyward sword face design/hair, she is very clearly not the impa from skyward sword. Its actually a very pronounced difference.


Skyward sword impa has very, very pronounced facial features, including a large forehead, an almost Gerudo like nose, and is incredibly tall, (about 2-3 feet taller than hyrule warriors impa), has a very long neck, looks like it was designed after the neck lengthening women who use weighted neck hoops like she wears, although not as extreme, with only 3 hoops making for the incredibly long neck, and is incredibly gaunt, despite wearing very loose clothing. ANd of course their are the tattoo differences. Skyward sword impa has the sheika symbol on her forehead and a tear drop tattoo on her left eye, and blue lips. Hyrule warriors impa has a fang like tattoo, and then eyelash tattoos on the left eye, reminexcent of the eyelash tattoos on oot impa, except red and only on the left eye. Hyrule warriors impa face is much shorter and more round than skyward sword impa's face. They do have similar hair, though ss impa is blonde, and hyrule warriors impa is platinum haired.

The uniform is also far more reminescent of a take on OOt impa's armor. Impa looks like shes taken from OOT, instead of skyward sword, just with a veryblessed amaziballs redesign instead of a direct take on oot Impa's hideous god awful design with the clown lips.

You can also be garaunteed shadow link, which would be a Zelda II plug.

#291195 Xenoblade Chronicles X Fan-Made Wii U cover and TV Spot

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:33 AM in The Museum

Sorry mate, but Im inclined to agree with the above.

Nobody wants to see cutscenes of X, for a TV spot. They want to see what THEY can do in the game.

With games like Xenoblade, and Blade X, the most important part of the game, is the world you explore. Thats precisely when Xenoblade became a must have hit.

When Nintendo released the world exploration trailers:

Everyone and their grandmother can effortlessly crap out cutscenes now. But to make actual WORLDS worht exploring, instead of being funneled through a tube to the next cutscene?

Xenoblade showed us acting of our own free will. Anywhere we could see was practically something we could use our skills, wit, and ingenuity to get to.

Compared to other games, and their restrictions upon restrictions upon restrictions. Look, but dont go there. No you cant actually do that. No, thats just for display, no theres an invisible wall. No. NO. No. No. No. No.

Compared to that, we were as Gods.

Thats why so many people were pissed about the X story/cutscene trailer at e3.... But then were bubbering with pure joy at the treehouse videos.

Thats what people want to see from a Xenoblade commercial. Same with the box art, should be about the world, which is the main star of the game.

Not saying its not cool looking... Just that again, everybody and their grandma can crap out heavilly marketed an focus tested 'cool' today. Practically NOBODY, can do the things X is doing outside of cutscenes.

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