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#308858 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 13 February 2015 - 12:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh, just thought of this.. i do have the 2nd post in the thread. If you want to PM me the code/info for anything else for the thread, i can input into my post.


you may get a fair amount of PM's with little/moderate edits

#308813 Nintendo books theater for E3 2015, 3 booths reserved

Posted by tboss on 12 February 2015 - 05:48 PM in General Gaming

At first i thought it was going to hint at Nintendo doing a normal conference instead of a direct this time around.  Appears to be a round table or smaller dev presentation atm.

#308810 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 12 February 2015 - 05:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

im reserving The first and second post next time, 


Got some added info on the character creation system, more info on the map, with plenty of pics, and some more info on NLA, pending translation. 

#308627 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by tboss on 10 February 2015 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I hope they're not spending too much on the budget for Devil's Third. Cos no-one's buying the damn thing.


Nobody's hyping it up ether. Still have no idea if its going to be good then.

#308553 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by tboss on 09 February 2015 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

why are so many people saying 6-8 x86 amd core. The only reason to even consider x86 is because its familiar, not because its good.  Its used now to make most pc's compatible with eachother, when your making something specialized, like a console, you can use a architecture much better suited for games. 


as for 6-8 core, This was, and still is, a terrible idea for consoles, which are meant to focus on 1 application, and a few OS background tasks. You are better off with 1 core thats as strong as 4 or even 3 of those cores. trying to get 1 application(game) to effectively use 6+ cores has proven itself a very error prone and unnecessary difficult process. I wouldn't be surprised if so many current gen games are so glitchy because devs tried to make use of the cores, combined with the already short deadlines. Most games now would not run off 1-2 of the amd cores they are using now.

#308317 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 06 February 2015 - 01:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Game looks tiny when you look at the 5 areas in this perspective.. hahaaha

This perspective makes me wonder if there is more areas, Without really knowing exactly how large the shown areas are, Many parts of the map look like things have been excluded to be revealed later, or when you play, such as in the lava section 


The large section in between the 2 major landmass's could just as easily be buffer zones to make them inaccessible by dolls until later points in the game.  

#308226 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 05 February 2015 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software



image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/xenobladex_150205_thumb.jpg



Maurice is a bureaucrat of the former United States Secretary of Defense, who then became the assistant to the President.



image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/xenobladex_1502058_thumb.jpg



Afterwards, he used his previous position as a way to appoint himself as the chief administrator commissioner of NLA (New Los Angeles) and is now the representative of mankind on the Planet Mira.

#308194 metroid prime trilogy wii u

Posted by tboss on 04 February 2015 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm currently playing it for the first time.  10$ was a steal.  I don't know if I will play all three of them but I at least needed to play the first.  So far I am impressed, very impressed.  The world design is fantastic and the sound is beautiful and additive, I am also impressed with the open endedness of the gameplay, and how having to read the notes makes it seem like you are truly alone and it feels like a true adventure instead of todays "Go here and do this then come back" approach to most games.  However one thing I am dissapointed with is the constant revival of enemies that take sometimes minutes to kill and yield no reward, it eventually becomes extraordinarily tedious.  But overall I love the game and am very happy Nintendo put it up for sale.  Lets hope they start releasing gamecube games soon!!


The other 2 are worth playing, the prime 1 and 2 are worth going for the 100% and hard mode. Also tedious fights shouldn't stay tedious for long.

#308193 Smash Bros. Wii U update unlocks 15 more stages for 8-player mode

Posted by tboss on 04 February 2015 - 05:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Also, did anyone notice more custom move drops? i've been getting alot more of those since the update, and alot less of the stat modifiers.

#308122 New Splatoon info- You WILL want to see this

Posted by tboss on 04 February 2015 - 10:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

don't see the point in no online communication, if someone is annoying, just mute them. 


also about the random matchmaking thing, i hope they have several modes but they are all 4v4, instead of say turf war only. It usually takes going overboard with gamemodes to have that problem, and even then only if you have a small playerbase, i doubt this games playerbase would be so small to only support 1-2 gamemodes.

#308080 Zelda WiiU - thoughts?

Posted by tboss on 03 February 2015 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

We wont know until its in our hands, this is the way of Zelda.

#308032 metroid prime trilogy wii u

Posted by tboss on 02 February 2015 - 12:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I enjoyed the game more using motion controls, only other FPS control skeme i would take with it is keyboard mouse. 


as for actually how to use motion controls, they require more getting used too, fiddling with settings, as well as positioning than any other controller. It is usually a good idea to rest your arm/hand on something to add stability. have the settings on high for trilogy, and get used to it. It is a very good control scheme, with precision comparable to keyboard/mouse, and as 3dude said, very underutilized, thanks to the laser pointer only being on wii, with the PS3 replicate using true motion for its FPS's which is terrible to ir/laser pointer aiming in comparison. 


As for the games themselves, the biggest downgrade i saw was the lack of the original 3 games menu music. prime 1, 2, and 3 had great music, trilogy has one separate song, though good, doesn't hold up to the better tracks, and their is no option to use the menu music from prime 1/2/3.  Besides that the water fx, and gun effects are noticeable but the effects where in no way detrimental, so minor and best, and definitely a worthwhile trade for IR aiming and quicker doors. The only thing that really bothered me graphically was the lack of AA in prime 3, among that games other issues dropping it well below the other 2 games. 


Now that i think about it, i want to see a 3D metroid with a similar team to dark souls for map design. That game did better than most metroid games in metroidvainia map design, a overworld more similar to what we got there than say prime 3 or another linear game would help greatly.

#308014 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 02 February 2015 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im going to watch it, wont be able to understand the Japanese and hope for a translation later. I also don't care if i get spoiled on things in the game that much ether, monolith soft are the ones doing the direct, so we will probably get stuff from the first 1/5th of the game with hints of whats ahead. 


also looks like a missed a fight =/

#308010 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 02 February 2015 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Monolith soft is doing a japan direct like stream on the 6th, should be similar to the smash directs in that sense. Currently don't know if there will be a English version of the stream.


other stream links:

Europe: 2PM
North America (East): 8AM
North America (West) : 5AM
Japan: 10PM

#307899 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 30 January 2015 - 01:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Found a direct translation of the article, Most of it was mentioned in overviews but still has plenty of info most of the overviews skipped, such as life points.  The article setup is crude though, you have been warned.



#307838 Smash Bros. Wii U update unlocks 15 more stages for 8-player mode

Posted by tboss on 29 January 2015 - 10:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Now to see what balance changes were made if any. hopefully a diddy nerf, He was too easy to use compared to other top tier characters =/

#307775 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 28 January 2015 - 04:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nagi (Takayuki Sugou)[/size]
-Former Captain of the White Whale and current Military Chief in the Autonomous Government of New Los Angeles. [/size]

Guin (Yuichi Nakamura)[/size]
-Worked in the same division as Elma and Irina on Earth. Was their subordinate. [/size]

Player Avatars
-Many options for customization (sex, face type, skin colour, hair style, eyes, make-up, voice, etc).[/size]
-Preset designs done by Kunihiko Tanaka[/size]
-Some famous voices actors providing their voice as options for the avatar, will be announced on the Xenoblade homepage later.[/size]
Things i missed from the most recent update.  will probably get more on the new characters from the famitsu article tomorrow.  Also wonder who the voice actors are.

#307770 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 28 January 2015 - 03:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I see the 400 Meters typo from Raven on Neogaf is still in effect, Now I dont feel as silly about my own snafu.
All of them!!1 I want to do them ALL!!!!!
It appears the story progression is tied to the unions and the progress you make in them branches it out.
Seriously, this is 10000000X better than the same old thieves guild assassins guild, fighter guild mage guild junk.

And watch as every union fails its main goal because the player took to much time helping the other unions.

More distinct opportunity cost decisions in games would be nice.

Just to clarify, is the reason this system is better than the thieves/assassin's/fighter/mage guild because the actual story progression happens through them? Because honestly, I would prefer 1 "guild" that covers the events of the main story arc. I can't spend 300 hours on this game and all the different guilds.


also, while I have you here, thoughts on the "loosely connected online"?? I definitely don't want to feel aware of everyone else's presence all the time, but that also doesn't confirm or deny if I can co-op stuff with my friends.


3dude will probably go into more depth, But the system as it currently appears, does alot to differentiate itself. Yes the main story progression happens through them, but current claims suggest something more complex then that, The unions are directly interlinked and reliant on each-other, and not competing bodies, though competition may occur.  They are very unlikely to be sectioned off guilds in there own part of the world, and chances are they wont be trying to kill eachother.  


Worst case senairo for the story, is each union has their own independent story with little to no connection between the other unions. Next worst case is the unions are specializations that have minor effects on the main story. What I hope to see is for each group to be connected directly, and the success and failures of each effect the whole. Now that its confirmed that the unions make up atleast the beginning of the story, I hope to see it play out differently depending on what you do, with no true, or at minimum, no obvious all-win scenario.  See the story and game play out differently depending on your actions. Along with this, see things happen or issues caused because you chose to help union A over union B, but have a different set of problems occur because you helped union B over union A.  These elements added to the story helps turn the story into part of the gameplay, and adds more to the replay-ability besides being fun. Once this came out I already expect to do several playthroughs.


Right now i'm expecting something in between both scenarios.  Which would probably be similar to mass effect 2 told through action instead of decisions, and actual story events instead of characters. I also don't at this point, expect to see anything negative out of opportunity cost, so you could safely do everything in 1 play through, instead of make decisions on what to do. 


That said, even if we get worst case scenario for this, all it will do is stop a great game from being a amazing game.  Unless monolith soft manages to screw up alot more, which i doubt.


Soft online could be anything, my guess is something similar to Darksouls, Neo LA may do one of those miiverse hubs Splatoon is doing, we may see signs of what or which union players joined, or other ways for players to interact with each other. I do hope for a option for online parties, but preferably not with randoms most of the time.

#307763 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by tboss on 28 January 2015 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

UPDATE: 4/24/15
WARNING,  story information is now being released, beware of Spoilers. OP's wont contain game spoilers though posts in this forum might.

Thanks to Sorceror12 for loaning his post out.

A thread to host all new info on Xenoblade, especially with all the new info coming out. Now may be the time to spend a few months living under a rock to await a un-previewed or spoiled release.  May want to come out to find a western release date first.
Includes OP's and other information back to the last trailer.
OP will be updated whenever new info is released. 

Official websight: http://xenobladex.jp/
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/XenobladeJP


Reaching limits of quotes and images, so some information may be removed as we get more updates.

game cover:

Video of the treehouse direct. The video starts at the 33min mark.

Okay, now things are coming together.

file size looks to be 22.7 GB

Not 100% confirmed but people are saying in the eshop description it says 

The pre-load for the game which went live in Japan a short time ago confirms the following details:

- Single Player RPG
- 4 Players Online Quests
- 32 Players Indirect Online (For Information exchange and item trading)

#XenobladeX supports GamePad, #WiiU Pro Controller, USB keyboard. Miiverse support. Off-TV play. 720p. pic.twitter.com/doXkkkLoxj
This info of course has been translated... so I hope it is true.


Famitsu has a major feature on Xenoblade Chronicles X in this week’s issue. In addition to a new preview, the magazine shared an interview with director Tetsuya Takahashi.
One of the things Famitsu brings up is how Takahashi called the original Xenoblade “an orthodox RPG”, even though the field was huge and there were a number of different challenges. Takahashi says in response that the story of the original Xenoblade Chronicles “was one big thread so I think it was a linear game.” But in Xenoblade Chronicles X, “the story progresses in various directions as you finish quests which you get from different places.”
Famitsu next brings up the topic of loading. Takahashi confirms that players will be able to cross the huge world from one end to another without having to load data… for the most part anyway.
He said:
Moving on the field is completely seamless. However, loading occurs in cases like event scenarios. I recommend playing the downloadable version so you don’t have to worry about loading from the disk. Of course, the disk version is also tuned as much as possible to reduce the loading time. We are consulting Nintendo as to whether or not the main data can be read from the console.
Another topic discussed in Famitsu’s interview is the size of the game’s party, which is four. Takahashi explains why this number was chosen:
Considering combinations of classes and builds, the party of four was well balanced. In battle, you control one character from those four and the other three are left for AI. Similar to the previous game, you can also select which character to control. In a pinch, AI characters also shout encouragements according to their personality. Voice actors were asked to record unreasonably many lines, so the battles turned out to be lively like in the previous game.
Something Xenoblade fans have been interested in is the prospect of online functionality. However, Takahashi is quick to point out that Xenoblade Chronicles X “isn’t an online game where you are firmly connected to other players.” Monolith Soft took the concept of a “loosely connected online game”. Takahashi says: “After all, the game brings out collectively without players noticing other people, so the playstyle of an online RPG wasn’t used as a base.”
Finally, let’s talk a bit about Xenoblade Chronicles X’s music. Famitsu points out that Hiroyuki Sawano hasn’t worked much on game music, to which Takahashi states:
That’s right. He has strong image from working on anime titles like Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Guilty Crown, and Attack on Titan, but for me he is a drama person. He is responsible for the music of Team Medical Dragon and such. I thought that drama-like music would surely shine in this game so I asked him as I had nothing to lose.
When Famitsu asks about how Sawano is flexible with his work, Takahashi replies:
Usually people who haven’t written game music react like “Why so many compositions for a game (RPG)?”, but Mr. Sawano was the opposite: “Understood. Please let me do them all.” (laughs) This time there are 90 compositions and I thought he could write only a part of them, so I’m really happy.
Xenoblade Chronicles X launches in Japan on April 29. The RPG is on track for later this year in North America and Europe.

More: Famitsu, interview, Tetsuya Takahashi, top, Xenoblade Chronicles X

So this isn't lost on the last page. This is why I hate lumped up topics.
some places are now taking pre-orders.

Monolith soft is doing a japan direct like stream on the 6th, should be similar to the smash directs in that sense. Currently don't know if there will be a English version of the stream.


other stream links:

Europe: 2PM
North America (East): 8AM
North America (West) : 5AM
Japan: 10PM

Nagi (Takayuki Sugou)[/size]
-Former Captain of the White Whale and current Military Chief in the Autonomous Government of New Los Angeles. [/size]

Guin (Yuichi Nakamura)[/size]
-Worked in the same division as Elma and Irina on Earth. Was their subordinate. [/size]

Player Avatars
-Many options for customization (sex, face type, skin colour, hair style, eyes, make-up, voice, etc).[/size]
-Preset designs done by Kunihiko Tanaka[/size]
-Some famous voices actors providing their voice as options for the avatar, will be announced on the Xenoblade homepage later.[/size]
Things i missed from the most recent update.  will probably get more on the new characters from the famitsu article tomorrow.  Also wonder who the voice actors are.
Here are some pics of Guin and Nagi, this was posted here at 1:40am on 1/29/2015, http://www.siliconer...-members-blade/
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xenobladex_1501293_r_thumb.jpg
A member of the private military organization, BLADE. Back on Earth, he worked as a subordinate of Elma and Irina as part of the government spec-ops vehicular instructor corps known as the Doll Squad.

He occasionally messes up here and there, but he’s an honest character who admires Irina and also has a bit of a crush on her.
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xenobladex_1501294_r_thumb.jpg
Nagi is the former captain of the White Whale, an interstellar immigrant ship. He currently serves as the military director of the autonomous government of NLA (New Los Angeles).

In order to protect the livelihood of those living on Planet Mira, he works himself to death on a daily basis with government affairs.
Read more at http://www.siliconer...ycCFuMPffJAP.99[/size]

image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/xenobladex_150205_thumb.jpg
Maurice is a bureaucrat of the former United States Secretary of Defense, who then became the assistant to the President.
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/xenobladex_1502058_thumb.jpg

Afterwards, he used his previous position as a way to appoint himself as the chief administrator commissioner of NLA (New Los Angeles) and is now the representative of mankind on the Planet Mira.

image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fxUw656_thumb.jpg

Monolith Soft recently introduced an interesting mix of Xenoblade Chronicles X characters with a 13-year-old engineering prodigy, and a strange little creature named Tatsu. Today, the official website introduced two more characters: Van Damme and Irina.
Van Damme:
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xenobladex_chara_1501220_thumb.jpg

Van Damme is the commander of the private military organization, BLADE. He was previously the chief engineer of an interstellar immigrant ship known as the “Moby Dick”.
He’s a little ill-mannered, and occasionally says rude things to whomever. His sharp tongue is considered his one flaw.
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xenobladex_chara_150122_thumb.jpg
Irina is a member of the private military organization, BLADE. Back on Earth, Irina was a member of the government spec-ops vehicular instructor corps, the Doll Squad, and was a senior officer working under Elma at the time. Even now , she still idolizes and respects Elma the way she used to back in the Doll Squad.
She’s a bit of a tomboy, and has a strong sense of duty to protect those living on the planet Mira.


An inventor and native of the planet Mira.
He makes his living by selling his inventions to Nopon and other native species.
With a very curious personality, he feels very close to the newly arrived humans and is, for some reason, very familiar with idioms.



(Voice: Keiji Fujihara)
One of B.L.A.D.E.'s team leaders.
His fighting strength and intuition is admired even by Elma.
He is unexpectedly sensitive and passionate to his core.
He is buddy of Douglas from their days in the US military.


(Voice: Rikiya Koyama)
A member of B.L.A.D.E. He is proficient at all military skills, but especially adept at piloting Dolls.
Despite his stern-looking exterior, he is easy to make fun of; Lyn will often poke fun at his mistakes during Doll test flights.
On Earth, he served under Elma as part of the Unified Government's Vehicle Special Ops Force (also known as the Doll Team).
He is buddy of Lao from their days in the US military.


You can read out earlier report for some details on Xenoblade Chronicles X’s other key characters in Elma, Lynlee, and Tatsu.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is slated for release in Japan on April 29, 2015 for Wii U. It’ll release sometime this year in North America and Europe.

Read more stories about Wii U & Xenoblade Chronicles X on Siliconera.

Read more at http://www.siliconer...IL1TEch7qpg8.99


Another article with more about xenoblade, and more apparently coming tomorrow. Talks about Unions the player can join, a more free-form story, and over 300 hours of game play. Wonder if the 300 hours includes replays for different story lines. This game is very ambitious, and one of the few who could potentially live up to said ambitions.
Article: http://gematsu.com/2...map-size-unions
Start of the Game
At the beginning of the story, the goal is to survive the uncivilized planet of Mira. After meeting up with private military organization Blade, you’ll choose from one of eight affiliated unions, each with their own overarching objective to fill, and embark on quests. It’s possible to join a different union later. Unlike the linear progression of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, the successor’s story will unfold in various directions.
The eight unions are:
  • Pathfinder - In charge of data probe installation.
  • Interceptor - In charge of exterminating protists.
  • Avalanche - In charge of hunting down dangerous life forms.
  • Testament - In charge of the search and recovery of debris scattered by the ship, as well as the recovery of items lost on the battlefield.
  • Corepedian - In charge of visiting areas and investigation/collecting materials.
  • Land Bank - In charge of securing resources and collecting minerals.
  • Arms - Assists the Arms Company in charge of the development of Dolls and their inner weaponry.
  • Companion - A Jack of all trades, from the mediation of petty fights to the search of stray cats.
Other Tidbits
  • The concept of the game’s online mode is to be “‘loosely connected’ with other players”—to have a sense of solidarity without feeling constantly aware of other players’ presence.
  • The size of the field is five times the previous game (400 square kilometers) and fully seamless. However, there is loading during event scenes.
  • The map is visible on the Wii U GamePad. Each area is indicated by a hex. Touching them can perform things such as quick travel or check events.
  • The sense of speed from the previous game’s battles has been elevated, and players can attack freely while switching between short and long ranges.
  • No character explicitly serves as a healer, meaning it’s important to gauge one’s capabilities relative to those of an enemy before picking fights.
  • “Soul Voice” is a system that can be triggered in reaction to party members that are able to string their attacks well. With well-timed button presses, HP can be healed, making it possible to continuously heal while attacking.
  • Parties consist of four people: the player character and three AI companions.
  • Dolls are exceptionally powerful, but in exchange for that, their movement can’t be finely controlled, meaning they can’t take out enemy body parts. Being able to do so is important, as it can weaken them and yield items, among other things. As a result, players will have to disembark at times and fight enemies themselves.
  • A number of new “Unique Monsters” have been added compared to the previous game, some powerful enough to cross swords with the Doll robots.
  • Playtime in the game has been recorded to exceed 300 hours while doing final checks, with some elements potentially continuing endlessly.
  • There are over 90 songs featured in the game, all of which were worked on by Hiroyuki Sawano.

Apparently, within this 10 page interview, somebody translated something that caught their eye, that Xenoblade chronicles X was about 5 times the size of Xenoblade... Just kidding that was already known. What we got on top of that this time was a number!
Xenoblade chronicles X map is 400 square kilometers!!! Convert that from SQUARE kilometers to SQUARE miles, and you get 154.44 square miles!!!
Had the wrong selection selected, thanks to Soxviper!!!
Perspective time!

Red dead redemption was 12 square miles
Skyrim was 16 square miles
GTA 5 was 49 square miles

An interesting side note, divided by 5, we get 49.7 square miles for Xonoblade! Finally confirming my measurements of Xenoblade being around 50 square miles to be surprisingly accurate! Hooray!

#307742 Amiibo - Around 5.7 million sold worldwide since November

Posted by tboss on 28 January 2015 - 10:10 AM in General Gaming

how much is that compared to how many copies of smash were sold? 

#307649 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by tboss on 27 January 2015 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

how accurate is a meter in that game to real life? Many games tend to approximate and end up with a distance that varies from .3-2.0x the actual distance.

#307572 Van Damme kicks in Xenoblade Chronicles X!

Posted by tboss on 25 January 2015 - 11:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

... is Van Damme wearing crouch armor?  His design looks great until you notice that, though it shouldn't be surprising compared to some of the armor in the last game.


Other then that, design looks good for him Irina.


Also don't get 3dude's derp face problem. Lyn's make's since considering her in game age. Elma looks like spray-can tans and bleach blond got stereotyped as american, which contrasts greatly from the limited back story we heard so far =/. Id can see it if we see it on alot more characters and the game tries to tell us they are 20+.

#307232 Nintendo Surprise Game Announcement at APEX? RUMOR

Posted by tboss on 19 January 2015 - 06:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

im just going to wait and see

#307156 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by tboss on 18 January 2015 - 07:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

voted Xenoblade. Have more faith in that game being something i end up liking. Think zelda will be good but i wouldn't be surprised if their is something in there to bring it down =/. then would splatoon and racing neo.

#307041 Over 2.5 million amiibo sold in NA

Posted by tboss on 15 January 2015 - 09:51 PM in General Gaming

says this is Nintendo's best year in sales yet. that should place them close to 10mil if they arnt over that already.

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